Food Shortage?

There's no food shortage. Media hype. But just in case the 6.5 billion people on the planet are taxing it's capacity, I like my soylent green medallion style, rare with an au poivre sauce, creamed spinach, garlic mashed potatoes and a salad of baby greens drizzled with balsamic vinaigrette. '95 Margaux Margaux would pair well with the darker soylents.
Most Americans under the age of 40 don't know what a real orange is like.

I've tasted, ate and enjoyed some that was a large as grape fruit!

Well, I'm 43 and will agree with your first statement. My wife didn't know she liked orange juice until she met me. But I live on an orange grove which my family has owned since the early 1970's and I've never seen an orange much bigger than a softball, which is the average size of a grapefruit.

Avocados are another story. Even here in Florida, all I can get at the store are those little purple things from California. They taste like Crisco grease, and I grow avocados with seeds bigger than those things they're calling avocados.

WildimpressionsAlaska, more quotes from the SWMBO, please! ROTFLMAO!
Ethanol is bad for boats in a variety of ways. In boats with fiberglass fuel tanks, it can eat the tanks and feed the byproducts to fuel filters and engines. That can cost way more to fix than the boat is worth.

Even in boats with metal or plastic tanks, it causes problems because boats tend to sit for a while waiting for owners to have the opportunity to use them. Because boat fuel tanks are vented, the ethanol will absorb moisture from the air. Not a problem if it's just a little, but if it sits a while and keeps absorbing water, the water can "suck" the ethanol out of the fuel and you wind up with some watery mess which corrodes metal fuel tanks, clogs filters and engines, and you also wind up with gasoline in the tank which is not high enough octane to run the engine. Possibly hundreds of gallons of such gasoline.

Ethanol can also eat fuel lines, fuel pump gaskets, fuel line primer bulbs, and other parts. Some of these problems affect cars as well.

Additionally, ethanol mixed gas can have a shelf life of as little as 60 to 90 days from the time it is mixed. People up north store their boats longer than that, and many of those people have boats down here as well. The snowbird boats get stored about 6 months on average down here, and it happens when the humidity is highest.

Keep ethanol away from your boats.
I just heard that they are predicting diesel fuel to go down to $2.25 this time next summer. It wouldn't suprise me at all. By that time we will have a new President and everyone will be relieved for a few years. Its always funny to me how the "gloom and doom" people come out of the woodwork when its time to re-elect a new President. I laugh at the so called "recession". I live in a city of only 70,000 people and in the last 24 months we have built over 23 new eating places, that dont include the eating places already here. Also none of the already existing places to eat have shut down. If we were in a recession why would all of these places be building? I'm a structural steel draftsman who is self employed. By the end of January this year I already had a backlog of work until October of this year. In my 20 years of doing this that is unheard of. It will all calm down after the election, just don't let the "gloom and doom" monsters scare us into rushing out and creating a nationwide panic. I also have a FFL and hope the Democrates don't win the Presidency. Do I fear they will take my guns? No. They will reinstate the assault weapons ban and I believe they will put higher taxes on firearms and especially ammunition. fear that
Rice Rationing Spreads as Far as Israel

Staff Reporter of the Sun
April 28, 2008

PALO ALTO, Calif. — Rationing of rice by retail stores has spread as far as Israel since The New York Sun reported on the phenomenon in Northern California last week.

The Blue Square and Supersol supermarket chains have begun limiting purchases of rice, Israeli newspapers said yesterday. Supersol is restricting each customer to "three bags per type of grain product," the Jerusalem Post reported.

Oy vey!
Good time to be buying in the market. Energy stocks and energy related stocks (shipping, servicing, etc.)

Oil will hit $250 a barrel eventually, before it drops back down.
The stockmarket itself is getting jacked up here. Too many people are playing it like a slot machine, the stocks are not a true reflection of the real world conditions of the companies. Too many of these fluctuations are coming from people reacting to newspeople talking about the stockmarket, when the newscasters themselves know nothing about the financial markets. Instead of viewing the stockmarket as obligated shareholders who have a need to wisely invest their money in companies who are worthy of thier trust, people are viewing it as a big casino that can reap them untold fortunes.

Get rich quick! Invest now! What is this? The Lottery?
Get rich quick! Invest now! What is this? The Lottery?

What's that remind you of? Ever hear the story of Joe Kennedy taking his money out of the stock market in the '20's after a hearing shoeshine boys discussing stock tips? Happy days are here again, eh?
For what it's worth, I found this info recently.... if preparation is your thing... you may find this info helpful in making your decision.

The current food survival scenario goes something like this:

* Only one in a hundred Americans grow the food that the other 99 eat.
* Most Americans haven’t a clue about where their food comes from and what it takes for the food they require for their very survival to get from farm to the supermarket.
* Much of our food comes from grain or grain fed livestock and is grown in the Midwest.
* Grain is moved from America’s grain belt to the coasts on only 2 vulnerable railroads.
* We consume what we produce each year, with almost nothing stored in case of future shortage.
* Should drought or other disaster occur, food stocks will be quickly consumed with little backup possible.
* If people in Los Angeles were willing to burn down their own neighborhoods due to a court case, imagine what people will do when there is little to eat and small prospect of having enough for some time to come.
* Of course people in rural areas have a greater chance of finding or growing enough food to feed themselves and survive, but in urban areas this is virtually impossible.
* When food shortages occur, there is likely to be a great outpouring of urbanites into rural areas, creating havoc with their survival efforts. It will be difficult to grow crops or raise cattle with so many transient people attempting to survive on what little food and resources they can scrounge.

You can prepare by storing plenty of survival food in the form of rice, beans, honey, wheat, and garden seeds. I agree, these cheap survival foods can form the basis of your survival cache as they are easy to acquire and store. I would also add a couple gallons of olive oil to the list of survival foods for your cache.

As for the topic of survival, I have found this site to be as good as any...
jb books
Good time to be buying in the market.

So you say. I have heard others say that the people who are still in the stock market are suckers. Only time will tell. Either could be true.
6 of one, half dozen of the other - is it a manufactured crisis, or is it real? I have no idea, but what I do know is the corner gas station is charging $3.35 a gallon, $3.98 a gallon for deisel, the price of perishable food stocks, such as eggs and milk have doubled or higher in the last few months, and I am payin it, because starving sucks. My wages have not increased - decreased, actually, due to the housing market bubble bursting, and projected tax revenuse down across the board a possible $1.9 billion next year. So everything is more expensive, and I have less to buy it with. I am still doing what I can to buy a few extra cans of stuff every time I go to the store.
Oh, to the person who stated the poorest are the fattest, that's true because the cheapest foods are the fattening ones. Top Ramen noodles -6 in a package for $1 at Safeway, but loaded with carbs and fats. Same with Spagehtti Os, and Mini Raviolis, and other inexpensive pasta based foods. Cheap, and very fattening. T'ain't just Micky D's dollar menu.
Instead of viewing the stockmarket as obligated shareholders who have a need to wisely invest their money in companies who are worthy of thier trust, people are viewing it as a big casino that can reap them untold fortunes.

I agree with you there Curtis. The current stock market situation reminds me exactly like a casino.... where people throw money into it on the slim chance that they might strike it rich.... all reason put aside.