Food Shortage?


The price of a bag has nearly doubled in recent months. In February the cost was $9. Now it's up to $16. Industry analysts say the shortage can be attributed to a change in Chinese trade policy. The Chinese were once a main exporter of rice, but they stopped exporting when the American dollar got too weak for them to make a profit.

"This is a significant problem, not just here but especially in parts of the world where people are living on less than a dollar a day," said Scott Faber of the Grocery Manufacturer's Association.

And skyrocketing production costs aren't limited to rice growers these days. Since last year, flour has gone up 13 percent, milk 10 percent and eggs a staggering 30 percent.

Perceived shortage or not, if you want to buy staples at the store, it will cost you more.
Since last year, flour has gone up 13 percent, milk 10 percent and eggs a staggering 30 percent.

Cool. Eggs are now about .35 cents higher. Eat less of them. Better for you.

We are a food wasting lazy ass society. Drive and eat less and quit whining (not directed to anyone in particular). Keep in mind that as you sit down to a hearty breafast of bacon and eggs that now cost you a buck more, some poor schnook that by accident of birth wasn't born here is pooping in a hole, wiping his butt with leaves and figuring out how to feed his family of 19 on a serving of rice a day.

Maybe I'm cynical but I remember my gram harping on me to eat everyhting on my plate, children are starving in Africa...

WildfeelingreenAlaska TM
I got my own food. I just need more ammo so that if the sh** hits the fan the city idiots don't get ideas about it being their's for the taking.

With that said if this year is not better the the last the sh** will hit the fan. In some ways it already has. At the packing plant trucks on average are having to wait in line for 3 hours to drop off slaughter cows. A year ago you couldn't touch good cows for under $1,500/head. Now there going for $450/head. Hay is having to be trucked in from as far away is Eastern Montana, (400 miles) Hay that last spring sold for $50/ ton is now easily selling for upwards of $250/ton. Corn is at $5.00/Bu. I'm telling ya boys something is going to give and when it does all hell is going to break loose.

BTW Wild Alaska I feel your pain.

The row crop farmers around here were just about done with spring planting. Itr is now buried under 12 inches of snow. And the weathermen keep predicting a cold and wet year which means corn production will drop and raise prices even more.
Another issue which I didn't see mentioned is the conversion of crops to ethanol and biodiesel.Corn heavy states like Iowa have a lot of land now being used directly for fuel rather than food causing shortages and higher prices accordingly.

Corn and soy beans seem to be the major players, the ironic part of it is that there is science out there suggesting that the conversion of these crops to fuel is causing more greenhouse gases than just burning petroleum in the first place.
Anytime I see a rise in food prices I tend to think fuel first and overall supply second. Probably both.
The really sad part of this is the amount of subsidy allready going to farmers and ranchers. Perhaps the higher prices on some things may get them off of the dole if any of the money makes it to them.
The row crop farmers around here were just about done with spring planting. Itr is now buried under 12 inches of snow. And the weathermen keep predicting a cold and wet year which means corn production will drop and raise prices even more.

Sure could use some global warming...rice loves that hot steamy weather :)

I am convinced that most of the media is made up of low grade morons...O, I'm sorry is that not PC?

Too bad :)

WildthankgodforfootballAlaska TM
Me and my Dad talked about this last June traveling up north..... Whats really sad is that we have called almost every single bad thing that has happened and never did anything to make money on it..... Heck we talked about how we were up for another big terrorist attack at work for the better part of a week in August 2001. And I'm still owed money for calling the end of the housing boom (Note never make bets where if your right they won't have the money to pay you back).

Oh yeah meats are going to go down in price for a while as many farmers kill off their herds to save money on feed but by summers end we will be paying well over double what we are right now.

Thats the current guess talking at lunch time.

EDIT: I see someone already brought this up in this topic.
At the packing plant trucks on average are having to wait in line for 3 hours to drop off slaughter cows. A year ago you couldn't touch good cows for under $1,500/head. Now there going for $450/head. Hay is having to be trucked in from as far away is Eastern Montana, (400 miles) Hay that last spring sold for $50/ ton is now easily selling for upwards of $250/ton. Corn is at $5.00/Bu. I'm telling ya boys something is going to give and when it does all hell is going to break loose.
Speaking in Kansas City, Mo., yesterday, the federal agriculture secretary, Edward Schafer, blamed emotion for the spurt of rice buying at warehouse stores. “We don’t see any evidence of the lack of availability of rice. There are no supply issues,” he told reporters, according to Reuters.

I got a different perspective on the story...

...from a friend we had dinner with last night. The false food shortage story came up as we were all eating our 320z pork chops. :D

He is an engineer with a large alternative fuel research group. He used to work for the oil industry in Ohio.

He claims the false food crisis is simply being created to drive up the cost of materials used in a lot of alternative fuel technologies. The fuel industry is feeling very threatened by alternative fuels right now and since they simply can't buy out and close the industry like they could in the 70's and 80's because of closer public scrutiny thanks to the internet. So they use there control of the media to create a false crisis.

The worst part is the fact that cattle ranchers and other innocent person's lives are being impacted.
Another significant part of the problem is the fact that the government is subsidizing corn farmers to grow corn for Ethanol. In a newspaper article from lastnight, it stated that 1/3 of wheat farmers have converted their crops to corn, they want their government checks, can you blame them? This means that wheat production is taking a hit = higher prices, its gone up 22% so far. WE ARE PUTTING FOOD INTO OUR GAS TANKS, WHAT THE HELL KIND OF IDIOTIC POLICY IS THIS?:barf: Our government is brilliant, just brilliant.:rolleyes:

The problem is, the environmentalist's won't let us build any new refineries, they won't let us build any new nuclear power plants, a zero emmission energy source, and they won't let us drill for oil off the coast of Florida or California, where we know there is oil. They are even preventing new coal mines from opening up, we have enough coal to supply our power plants for 100 years, but they don't want us doing that either. So instead of drilling for new oil supplies, which we know exist, we are putting food into our fuel tanks, just brilliant.:rolleyes::barf:

One other point, with Ethanol, you're vehicle gets 30% less gas mileage, so even if its $1.00 cheaper per gallon, your only breaking even. Ultra low sulphur diesel fuel, cost's more than gas to refine and truckers are reporting a fuel mileage drop from 7 mpg to 5 mpg, cost is now over $4/gallon in most areas. GREAT JOB ENVIRONMENTALIST'S, BRILLIANT POLICY.:mad:

I work retail too and I think I have overheard some of the claims people getting all pissed about this "God*mm government BS." (Our head claims lady is AWESOME. :cool: )

Not to mention that the truck loading skills of the drunk monkeys at the warehouse have gone down considerably over the last year or so IIRC. (I took a case of paint to the face a few months ago.:mad: Who stacks a 30+ pound box of paint on top of toilet paper? ) The unloaders complain to management and management complains to home office, but to no avail.

/Start my new non-retail job on the 28th. :)
CrossHairs it sounds as though you work for Wally World

A few factors on food shortage.

When The NRA and these other conservation organizations (DU comes to mind) and the like pushed through laws some years ago. Under such laws the govt. pays farmer not to farm. through CRP and the like acres and acres of farm land are taken out of production. Yet another reason the NRA is a thorn in my side. Say what you want about protecting gun rights, but it's kind of hard to buy them when the NRA detroys my livelyhood. Even if they are legal.

Second, When these people come up from the cities and buy "hunting land" then put it in the above programs it take even more farm land out of production.
The problem is, the environmentalist's won't let us build any new refineries

I see this mentioned frequently, but don't really understand how more refineries would reduce crude oil's cost, and increase its supply. Most of the increase we have seen in gasoline prices comes from an increase in the price of the raw material, oil, and not from lack of refining capacity, doesn't it?
I see this mentioned frequently, but don't really understand how more refineries would reduce crude oil's cost, and increase its supply. Most of the increase we have seen in gasoline prices comes from an increase in the price of the raw material, oil, and not from lack of refining capacity, doesn't it?
Someone has been listening to Rush, not you but the person you are responding to here.

You are right, and most refineries are not operating at full capacity as it is. In fact a lot of them have had to be scaled down do to poor/non-existant maintenance, even though the tax payers have been paying for the maintenance all along.
Our refining capacity is maxxed out, has been for awhile. If a refinery goes down now, for maintenance, or whatever, we will be paying well over $5/gallon real quick. Its a ticking timebomb that no one wants to adress. More refineries = more capacity. We are currently bringing enough oil in to meet our demands, but our refining capacity is lagging.

By the way, I do listen to Rush, and Hannity, Mike Church, Bill Bennet, and Cam Edwards, NRA news, sirius radio, its an awesome program. They are all pretty good in my book.
Wild Alaska....are you telling me 50 pounds of rice is 42$ in Alaska!?! I just got a couple 50 pound bags for 16.99$ each here in WA (wife is Korean so I don't know if she considers it hoarding). Did you maybe switch the first two numbers or are you buying 50 pounds of sweet rice specially imported from the Emporer's own rice patty???

Wild Alaska....are you telling me 50 pounds of rice is 42$ in Alaska!? I just got a couple 50 pound bags for 16.99$ each here in WA (wife is Korean so I don't know if she considers it hoarding). Did you maybe switch the first two numbers or are you buying 50 pounds of sweet rice specially imported from the Emporer's own rice patty???

I don't know anyhting about it, SWMBO picks it out as the Asian foods place and I pay...she refuses to eat Cosco Rice "disgusting...not fresh"....I tried to feed her Minute Rice one time.."why you try keel me?"...

I don't know why she cares about "fresh" rice ("Must be fresh Jaa-panese rice too") when she just puts fermented squid guts on it:eek:

WildimjustastupidwhiteguywhobuttershisriceAlaska TM
In the past few years we have had three refineries toast that I know of. We are buying product not just oil.

I predict $7.00 a gal before the mess is over. Get over it and get ready!

Food prices are up because of the added Minimum wages, Gas and Demand.

Gas is up because we buy product not just oil, and the sissies will not let us use our own oil.

China , India and a few other countries are coming on line and need gas.

Two years ago I could buy 7 ears of good sweet corn for a dollar. Now it cost 2 for a dollar 1/2 the size and they have worms in it!

Most Americans under the age of 40 don't know what a real orange is like.

I've tasted, ate and enjoyed some that was a large as grape fruit!

All you see is dried out crap that is left over after the exports.

We have food! Lot's of it! It is sold to the people that have more money then we do!
We won't have food shortages in the US until we get price controls. Then, domestic availability will get sporadic. The same is true of gasoline. As long as the price system operates, there'll be plenty of food. Now, some people may have a harder time buying it, but my first advice would be to stop spending 10X the price at MacDonald's et al and to start buying your food at a grocery store. How much do you pay some guy to make you a sandwich at Subway? You can make your own sandwich, Jerrod.
Our refining capacity is maxxed out, has been for awhile. If a refinery goes down now, for maintenance, or whatever, we will be paying well over $5/gallon real quick. Its a ticking timebomb that no one wants to adress.
That is just not true. The refineries in Kenova have been operating at diminished capacity for years. My great uncle retired from there in the early 90's and they would routinely shut down major portions of all of the plants because they did not want to produce too much. Then they started having issues with the machinery breaking down from lack of maintenance.