Florida vacation carry choice

including inadvertent display
Not true. The law SPECIFICALLY exempts unintentional display from prosecution.

Section 1. Subsection (1) of section 790.053, Florida Statuetes, is amended to read:
790.053 Open carrying of weapons.— (1) Except as otherwise provided by law and in subsection (2), it is unlawful for any person to openly carry on or about his or her person any firearm or electric weapon or device. It is not a violation of this section for a person licensed to carry a concealed firearm as provided in s. 790.06(1), and who is lawfully carrying a firearm in a concealed manner, to briefly and openly display the firearm to the ordinary sight of another person, unless the firearm is intentionally displayed in an angry or threatening manner, not in necessary self-defense.
I used to carry frequently in FL--as I remember there were in fact areas that had laws that required conceals to be exactly that--concealed in a way such that they did not print. I called and verified the local laws and was told in fact that was the case (I can't remember which areas to be precise, I travel to shows all over FL). It might have been an issue of state resident vs out of state resident, can't remember for sure. Either way, I'd check with authorities in the areas you intend on carrying in, FL LE doesn't mess around.
There is no state resident vs non-resident difference. As to checking the "areas" you'll be carrying in", state law preempts local changes to weapons laws. In fact, local officials can now be personally held liable if they try and enact local firearms laws that are different than state law.

Also, there is no such thing as "printing" in fl. It is not in any statute. See the above quoted recent change to the statute to address "brief" exposure.
Personally I would have a very large pet alligator, handy in an emergency and would not attract undue interest....also disposal of the aggressor can be taken into consideration.
Concealed from ordinary sight does not necessarily mean the same thing "anything but completely uncovered weapon"

For example--if you take that 1911 and somehow slip it into your front jean pocket (or anywhere else) where it clearly "prints" so that I or most anyone else can clearly see with ordinary eyesight that you have a weapon--it's a bit ambiguous as to whether or not that's really concealed. Legally speaking, probably; reliably keep you out of trouble--you're taking your chances IMO.
Of the guns you mentioned, I'd choose the LCP. It's fairly cheap, reliable, not going to rust easily, light and easy to carry.

The Taurus will rust. I wouldn't carry the Sig anywhere near salt water.
I've lived in FL practically my entire adult life. My EDC is a Kimber SS Pro Carry. However, there are those days when I am on the beach or on the ocean and I leave the Kimber at home. I put a Glock 36 in a belly bag and I know its not going to rust and if it gets sand in it, it will just spit it out. The trick to being in hot weather and high humidity is to make sure the gun is cleaned every 4 or 5 days and give it a light coat of oil on the metal parts. If you carry and sweat, wipe it down at the end of the day and make sure you let its holster dry on the night table sans gun. Whatever gun you choose, make it a plastic gun. Less susceptible to rust, salt air, etc. I am in shorts and a t-shirt during the hotter months and a belly bag is what allows me to carry a power packing gun. I get no comfort from a .380 in the pocket so you have to do what you are comfortable with.

And please everyone, lets not start a P'ing contest on why I don't like .380's for defense.
I have lived in Florida my whole life. I found the glock 27 to work in boardshorts and has been my edc for a few years now I used to carry a s&wesson airweight 38sp+p untill the barrel was corroded. And I use to have a full size 1911 in my motorcycle jacket. And sometimes took the lcp. But the glock 27 works great in every environment have been in. Out of your available choices I would go with the lcp. The way bullets are made today a 380 is plenty of punch and is reliable.
Of the guns you mentioned, I'd choose the LCP. It's fairly cheap, reliable, not going to rust easily, light and easy to carry.

The Taurus will rust. I wouldn't carry the Sig anywhere near salt water.

Agreed. Assuming you are proficient with it, I'd go with the LCP.
Another vote for the LCP.

I live in the Bryan, College Station, Texas area and it's quite humid in the summer months, and I always carry my LCP in my hip pocket, even when I carry a snub 38, or 1911 on my belt. Never had a problem with rust on the LCP.

I carry it in a Galco leather pocket holster.
But as per bold font, red, all caps in the owner's manual it is NOT made for any of the falsely labeled, over pressure, supposed +P ammo.(there is no such thing. Only advertising hype, or rounds that exceed standard pressure).

Just wanted to ask for clarification for those that may know: there is no standardized limit + p per given caliber? I had previously believed that +p+ was the undefined designation and +p did have limits.

Apologies: apparently Ruger manual advises against +p. I will rephrase: if performance is a concern look for premium stouter factory defense loads within standard pressure ranges that are not labelled +p. There, I feel a lawyer's smile shining upon me and a fairy got its wings.
Just remember that Florida is death on open carry, including inadvertent display. Pick your pistol accordingly. My choice is a P238 in a Sneaky Pete.

I used to carry frequently in FL--as I remember there were in fact areas that had laws that required conceals to be exactly that--concealed in a way such that they did not print. I called and verified the local laws and was told in fact that was the case (I can't remember which areas to be precise, I travel to shows all over FL). It might have been an issue of state resident vs out of state resident, can't remember for sure. Either way, I'd check with authorities in the areas you intend on carrying in, FL LE doesn't mess around

Got to love all the advice coming from folks who do not live in FLA.
Both statements above are pure poppy-cock and totally untrue.
Depending on the beach area, carrying a gun is a non-issue and not really necessary. In cargo shorts, I can carry a G26 or Kahr without issue
Just make sure your state has reciprocation laws with your home state. You can carry in your auto in full sight as an extension of your home.
Of the guns you mentioned, I'd choose the LCP. It's fairly cheap, reliable, not going to rust easily, light and easy to carry.

Good choice but it does rust easily as the slide and barrel are blued. A light coat of wax or B.L.O. on the exterior metal will take care of that though.;)
Just remember that Florida is death on open carry, including inadvertent display. Pick your pistol accordingly. My choice is a P238 in a Sneaky Pete.
I used to carry frequently in FL--as I remember there were in fact areas that had laws that required conceals to be exactly that--concealed in a way such that they did not print. I called and verified the local laws and was told in fact that was the case (I can't remember which areas to be precise, I travel to shows all over FL). It might have been an issue of state resident vs out of state resident, can't remember for sure. Either way, I'd check with authorities in the areas you intend on carrying in, FL LE doesn't mess around
Got to love all the advice coming from folks who do not live in FLA.
Both statements above are pure poppy-cock and totally untrue.
NRA Life Member, NRA Range Safety Officer, IDPA Safety Officer, USPSA NROI Range Officer
As you are, I once was, As I am, You will be.
Maybe--but I just checked with TN--another southern state I frequently visit--and they say that while they have reciprocal agreement with ME--the laws pertaining to the ME carry must be abided to even while in TN. I always check before I go out of state.

Just to follow up, I brought both the Taurus and the LCP on the trip. The Taurus was mostly relegated to car duty, but the LCP went almost everywhere, either IWB or in the cargo pocket.

+1 on the reminder to review the laws for each state you are visiting. FL allows carry in establishments that serve alcohol, but not in the bar area. Obviously you cannot be intoxicated. TN does not allow you to consume any alcohol while carrying, not even a single beer with your barbecue.
Just remember that Florida is death on open carry, including inadvertent display. Pick your pistol accordingly. My choice is a P238 in a Sneaky Pete.

TOTAL BS concerning "inadvertent open display"

Please stop spreading untruths
FL allows carry in establishments that serve alcohol, but not in the bar area.

Not exactly. It doesn't allow carry in places that derrive more than 50% of their income from the sales of alcohol. It doesn't distinguish between different areas of the same establishment. For example, if you have a "family restaurant" like Applebys or Chilies that has both table seating and bar seating, you are just fine carrying in the bar seating area. However,if you were to step into the strip club next door you wouldn't be allowed to carry.
It doesn't allow carry in places that derrive more than 50% of their income from the sales of alcohol. It doesn't distinguish between different areas of the same establishment. For example, if you have a "family restaurant" like Applebys or Chilies that has both table seating and bar seating, you are just fine carrying in the bar seating area. However,if you were to step into the strip club next door you wouldn't be allowed to carry.

It is the same here in Missouri, yet being inadvertently found out is not considered an actual crime per say, but can win you a citation which carries a fine IF you refuse to leave when asked. Have that happen multiple times in a given time period and the fine increases and gets your CCW permit suspended.