Florida vacation carry choice


New member
It looks like I will finally get to use my Florida CCL in Florida when I travel there to visit my daughter. My dilemma is which gun to bring. Available choices are Kimber Solo, Taurus 85CH, or LCP. I plan to spend a fair amount of time on the beach or fishing from the piers. Cargo shorts (to show off my blindingly white tourist legs) and untucked polo shirts will be the preferred attire. Usual carry is IWB or cargo pocket. The Taurus is stainless, an advantage around the sweat and salt water, but at 21 oz., it's by far the heaviest and really sags in the cargo pocket. The Kimber is my EDC at home most of the time. The LCP, of course, goes anywhere, but it's only a .380. So what do the locals carry?
George Zimmerman carried a KelTec PF9. I will be making the same decision as you in the near future as my wife wants to see Key West.
Last time I was in FL I went with a pocket 9mm. I wore either jeans or khaki shorts. No problems at the beach. Just clean the sand out of your gear after the trip. I didn't go swimming but you know that sand it gets EVERYWHERE.

To me your choices are about equivalent except:

The kimber is expensive, hate to have it bumped/nicked in travel as I can be clumsy at times.
You don't necessarily need stainless for a short trip so you don't need the weight of the revolver unless that's the gun you shoot best with. My non-stainless pocket knife, flashlight clip, and iphone didn't rust a couple weeks ago ( 1 week trip) I also don't sweat much and it wasn't very hot in Florida yet.

I would probably do pocket carry LCP in a holster with good +p carry ammo but you will have to make your own choice. Many would say if you shoot well with the kimber, price makes no difference
what to carry

IMHO. I do not and will never trust semi's period. I always carry either a 2" or 4" 357 . They always go bang and you can use inexpensive 38 P+'s. I am in Fl 8-9 times/yr. Your choice, but if my life is on the line, well you can take it from there.
Before moving to MS last year, I spent the last 28 or so years in FL. My normal carry gun was a Polish P-64 in the pocket. Sometimes, a S&W 642 (also in the pocket).

During warm weather, shorts and light shirts are the norm. I always tried to make sure my shorts were the kind with nice large pockets. If you will be there in the heat of the summer, you must also remember that you'll sweat - A LOT. Make sure your method of carry accounts for huge amounts of perspiration.

For pocket carry, I always used a Desantis Nemesis pocket holster. That seems to keep moisture pretty well away from the gun if you leave it out and open while you are sleeping it airs out and dries pretty easily.
Just got back from FL yesterday and my two carry guns for warm weather are either a Glock26 IWB or preferably the lc in the front pocket.
but it's only a .380

If its ONLY a 380 Then why do you have it . Sounds like you have no faith in it . I carry a 380 every where As primary or 2nd if I going 1911 or 44 spl.

I have ask many times on the net. To show me a real case. Where 2 rounds to CHEST of BG and he was still able to serious hurt or kill . The 380 shooter.

People for over 100 yrs have carried 25,32, and 380 for self defense. Majority of time sight of gun sends BG running. Look for video of old man in Fl attacking couple BG trying to rob place. Internet cafe . They fell over each other trying to get out door. He hit both robbers. They were arrested at hospital Was a KT380 as I remember.
Here it is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyhy2aiyZzk

I use Corbon DPX in all my 380's my KelTec eats them like candy with out a problem and has since DPX came out.

Last time a was in FL spent a week. Went down east coast and up west . Ket Tec in pocket entire time.
The last time i went, two summers ago. I pocket carried my bg380 in a desantis nemesis holster for the entire 9 days. No issues at all. Cleaned and oiled it when i got back home, no rust or corrosion anywhere. Cargo shorts, tshirts and flip flops.
The weather is already getting hot down here. I've been in shorts/t-shirt for the past two weeks. IMO, I suggest bringing your LCP, extra mag, and self defense ammo. Hope you enjoy your vacation and a great visit with your daughter.
Living here in the beautiful state mentioned... When not on duty I carry either my Glock 26 or Sig p238 as my primary EDC's all depending on how I've dressed for the day. FrogWipes are wonderful to have on hand at the end of a day if you've sweated a lot. They are, IMO, the gun's version of Anti Monkey Butt Safari Towels :D
I've been in Florida since January. I have been wearing Cargo Shorts and T-Shirts 99% of the time. I carry a LCR357 AIWB and a S&W442 in my Left Front Pocket. Two Speed Loaders are in my Right Front Pocket. My Back Pockets get Mony Clip and change on one side and Wallet type pouch in the other. The Cargo Pockets get extra junk. On my Belt is Phone, Flashlight, Multi-Tool, Pepper Spray, and a Pedometer. Everything hides fine under the untucked T-Shirt and carries fine eaven on my daily Five Mile Walks. Not a problem dressing around what you carry.
The Elsie Pea is MADE for warm weather carry.
But as per bold font, red, all caps in the owner's manual it is NOT made for any of the falsely labeled, over pressure, supposed +P ammo.(there is no such thing. Only advertising hype, or rounds that exceed standard pressure)
Fill it with Speer Gold Dots, and carry it very well concealed every where with confidence that it will do the job it was intended for if needed.
I carry a LCR357 AIWB and a S&W442 in my Left Front Pocket. Two Speed Loaders are in my Right Front Pocket. My Back Pockets get Mony Clip and change on one side and Wallet type pouch in the other. The Cargo Pockets get extra junk. On my Belt is Phone, Flashlight, Multi-Tool, Pepper Spray, and a Pedometer.
That's quite a rig Dave! You must need some pretty stout suspenders! :D
I live in south Florida and I don't like to wear big bulky shirts. I'm often wearing light t-shirts with jeans or shorts. The best rig for me is either my 442 or XDM 9 in a remora holster or smart carry holster. I always carry AIWB now as that seems the best method for me to avoid printing when wearing light, hot weather clothes.

By the way, unless you are dining at a beach-side establishment, wearing shorts is a direct give-away that your are a tourist. Us locals always wear slacks, jeans, long pants when we go out, even if it's 95 degrees [emoji6]. Enjoy your visit!
Sharks aren't much impressed by little bullets. :)

But seriously (:eek:), does it really matter which gun is carried?
Any of them will do nicely if the one carrying knows their stuff.
Small arms are called that for a reason.
Just remember that Florida is death on open carry, including inadvertent display. Pick your pistol accordingly. My choice is a P238 in a Sneaky Pete.
including inadvertent display

Not true. The law SPECIFICALLY exempts unintentional display from prosecution.

Section 1. Subsection (1) of section 790.053, Florida Statuetes, is amended to read:
790.053 Open carrying of weapons.— (1) Except as otherwise provided by law and in subsection (2), it is unlawful for any person to openly carry on or about his or her person any firearm or electric weapon or device. It is not a violation of this section for a person licensed to carry a concealed firearm as provided in s. 790.06(1), and who is lawfully carrying a firearm in a concealed manner, to briefly and openly display the firearm to the ordinary sight of another person, unless the firearm is intentionally displayed in an angry or threatening manner, not in necessary self-defense.
I'm going there this Friday. Although I'm going to Universal studios with kids and gonna spent most of the time in the parks , where I can't even have pocket knife.
I'm mainly concern about drive down and back. Besides actuall parks , I'm sure I can carry to restaurats ...
Question is , bring my PPQ in Iwb or go pocket carry LC9 ?