Florida attempts to pass open carry.........

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Les Maynard

New member
House Bill 517, introduced by state Representative Chris Dorworth (R) was heard today in the House Judiciary Committee today and PASSED by a 14 to 4 vote.

HB 517 would make much needed changes to the Florida "Right-to-Carry" law -- also known as the Concealed Weapons Licensing law and it would also conform Florida’s firearms purchase law with federal law. http://www.floridatoday.com/article/...t|Local News
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if you look at the proposal it's not all that great.
You need a CCW to open carry????
Need a retention holster???

It's more like a law that covers a CCW holder is the gun is exposed when there's a wardrobe malfunction.

Being passed by the committee does not mean the bill passed the legislature. It only means it is referred out of committee for a vote before the full legislature.

It's a good sign, but don't put the cart before the horse.
Clicked on the link and nothing came up. I guess I will do the research to read up on this.

I believe that if one has the desire to open carry, he should indeed have a CCW permit, especially in Florida where there are too many cowboys in the city. I have lived in Florida for nearly 50 years so I speak from experience.

I am not a fan of open carry and would not do so even if approved by law. I believe it is not to one's tactical advantage...just my opinion, but this topic has been discussed many times in previous postings so I will stop right here.
Unless the bill has been revised since I saw the language, it has a "poison pill" provision in it. To open carry, not only must you carry in a Level 2 retention holster AND display your license in a transparent holder on your belt, you must also have passed a firearms training class that includes training in firearms retention.

No current FL license holder has had such training, and the training types specifically mentioned in the law do not include it -- so how can this provision be enforced? Is Florida going to start issuing two types of concealed carry permits, one for concealed concealed (would that be a concealed[squared] permit?) carry, and another for concealed open (or would that be openly concealed) carry?
No. It hasn't "passed" yet. It must continue through a series of committees, first and then be subjected to a floor vote. It has passed Criminal Justice and now, the Judiciary. It must now go to the Rules Committee and then, the Floor. If it garners a majority vote, throughout, it must then be submitted to the Governor to be signed. Then, and only then, will it become law.

And the stipulations, regarding training and retention holsters and badges needing to be displayed, was crushed and removed back in the Criminal Justice Committee.

Now, the new Bill on a Mag Capacity Ban, in Florida, has me a bit upset.


And related poll...

I really wouldn't mind the magazine cap. That being said, I know I will probably get my head bit off for saying that.

Even though I will probably not open carry, I like the idea that if my gun becomes visible, I cannot be arrested for brandishing.

I do not like the fact that Jim Coates said that he would make every man with a gun call a level one priority and that the person with the gun would be drawn down on.
FL gun laws, NRA actions, Marion Hammer, FL Sheriffs Assoc...

To my limited understanding, the NRA action groups & Marion Hammer(love her! :) ) are working to revise or change a few of the new bill's regulations.
The FL Sheriff's Assoc pushed to have license holders get weapon retention skill training, badges or IDs next to the holstered firearm(???) and level II & up security holsters.
I'm wondering if the local PD or elected sheriff in each Florida county will pony up the $$$ for security holsters or provide the "weapon retention" classes.
As I posted on another firearms/2A forum, the working cops & supervisors of the Sunshine state need to track down illegal aliens, drug gangs & terrorists FIRST, then worry about armed, licensed citizens with NO criminal backgrounds carrying open top holsters or ID cards.

Jim COATS is the sheriff of Pinellas County, Fl.

Pinellas county is the "home" of St. Petersburg, aka "Wrinkletown," "Pruneburg" "Shrivel City," etc.
I ran a quick search and determined who he is but the question was:

Wait...who is this Coates guy and what exactly did he say?

I sifted through several pages and couldn't find any of his quotes regarding OC. And the link in the OP is not valid any longer...
I really don't believe that a lot of people will be carrying openly. That being said, I do like the fact that we would have a choice. I mean, carrying a weapon is a constitutional right, so I don't see why we need permission from the government to carry in the first place. However, I suppose that is an argument for another thread.
And the stipulations, regarding training and retention holsters and badges needing to be displayed, was crushed and removed back in the Criminal Justice Committee.

Great. So the thrust of this thread criticizing the restrictions is misplaced, no?
Sounds like a move in the right direction.
Well, HB 517, has cruised through all three committees, in the house and is ready to go to the floor.

Bt, SB 234, the companion bill, is tied up on the Senate side and both need to pass for this to become law.

The Senator who brought the bill has repeatedly asked for it to be scheduled but is currently getting the run-around. He said, she said, crap.

We members of FloridaCarry.org have been on an email crusade, which has had success in the past. We hope to trump that, this time.

If you are a concerned Floridian or FL CWP holder, please write to those that have the ability to push this forward. Don't let one (1) committee chairperson kill this entire effort. Go to http://www.open-carry.org/ for more information and a list of people to write to.
Goofy Foot, thank you for the link to that site. I went there, read the petition, and signed it. I appreciate that there are actually people who will stand up for their rights.
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