
gunslinger555 said:
what about filling a glass bottle up with gasoline mixing in some laundry/dishwashing soap (to thiken it and make it stick) then puting the cap on then either
1.tie a rag around the neck douse it in lighter fluid light and throw
2.of tie magnisium matches around the bottle (not the neck) light and use the neck of the bottle to throw even farther

Molotovs count as DD's. Even says in that link.
pffft. Actual flamethrowers are way cooler than molotovs. :rolleyes:

:D :D :D

The fact that flamethrowers are legal and molotovs aren't multiplies that coolness by infinty. Automatic win for the Big Zippo. :D

EDIT: just to be entirely correct, molotovs aren't illegal as long as you get your tax stamps, but who the hell wants to do that?
My best friend has an M2 unit (just like the "flamethrower for sale" link). He demo's it out here in AZ. Very complete unit. I don't know how Charlie Hobson get's all his going, I am under the impression the parts are rare.

It's a very impressive thing to see. I normally stand behind him in nomex with a fire extinguisher, for the slim that something bad might happen and I'll be able to stop it in time (as opposed to both of us getting incinerated). We do a hydro test every time its used though. Its been pretty safe.
neighbor's tool

A neighbor of mine has a "weed burner" which is hose w/nozzle that connects to a standard propane tank. Does not have a built in igniter. Does not have a frame for the tank (tank sits on the ground). AFAIK perfectly legal (on burn days:D ) Wound this be considered a flame thrower? It works like one!
Sort of. Most flamethrowers have both fuel and oxidizer on board. Weed burners use ambient oxygen. Now if you used propane and oxygen both from tanks in compressed form i think that would quailify but likely as a large torch more than anyhting else.
