
Actually, they've done some pretty good engineering, including things like one-way valves and such, to avoid any possibility of injury... Will probably try one myself... Effective range is WAY more than Supper-Soaker (like 30-40 feet)...Probably gonna try an build one myself (just for giggles) when I have time.
If you don't want to trash the O-rings so fast use something like rubbing alcohol or high proof windshield washer fluid as a fuel.
dfaugh: if you do build on post some pics, would be interested to see what a 35ft flame looks like!!:D On the same topic, there is a company called Atlas Ammo that sells all kinds of specialty shotgun ammo (nails, doorbusters, screemers, rubber, bolos) and yes fire balls, I have not tried them yet but plan to pick some up at the gun show at the end of the month
Hydrogen works great too. In my chemistry class we filled balloons with hydrogen and the teacher (knowing I love that sort of stuff) let me set them off. YOu get about a 4 foot in diameter fire ball that lasts for less than 1/2 a second.

Looks cool though!

Whoa, then for real shock and awe, get ahold of some of those big weather balloons that Edmund Scientific may still sell, and fill that with hydrogen. Can you say Hindenburg? :p Maybe get a super soaker full of gas, and set it off from 30 feet away! You could charge admission to see that at night!
Do any armed forces in the world still use them? I thought they were banned for warfare, but I am not sure.

On the domestic front it might be difficult for the BATF to figure out how to outlaw them since there are various devices that are used in furnaces and even automobiles that inject and light fuel.

Once someone told me a story about someone putting a spark plug into an exhuast syytem of a car some years ago and getting a flame to shoot out the muffler when he floored it. Don't know if it was true.
Copyright by James O. Bardwell, 1994 - 2001."
In the same PDF file in the preface is written: "Nothing written here should be taken as legal advice. If you have a specific legal problem, you should talk to a lawyer."

I would go the the BATF directly to check legality rather than someone else that wrote something with a copyright date of 1994 - 2001.
Barnetmill - that's just a standard disclaimer; James Bardwell is a well known lawyer in NFA circles and used to write the legal column in SAR & MGN. He knows the law well and although the piece is dated, its still correct. Flamethrowers are not regulated under federal law as firearms.
Once someone told me a story about someone putting a spark plug into an exhuast syytem of a car some years ago and getting a flame to shoot out the muffler when he floored it. Don't know if it was true.

It's true. Was popular to do back in the good old days. Dunno if it would work on a modern emmision car.
There are plenty of people who do it today. They just use extra-injector/sparkplug combos. :D

EDIT: And modified rotary engines do it just because. :D :D
Alot of the flamethrower setups used in cars have a relay joining the ignition for 2 plugs, one of each bank to 2 plugs, one in each exhaust pipe. You have to rev the engine up then hit a button cutting out the ignition to the plugs in the block thus creating raw/unburnt fuel to run into the exhaust then the spark that was taken from the block is routed to the plugs in the exhaust igniting the raw fuel and shooting flames out the pipes. I really want to set it up on my car, it does not (unfortunatly) have anything to do with firearms.
About the balloon filled with hydrogen: A balloon filled with only hydrogen will have a flame that must go out in search of oxygen to burn. It still makes quite an impressive fire ball, but if you want a HUGE explosion, fill the balloon with both hydrogen and oxygen. I think twice as much hydrogen as oxygen, but I don't quite remember the ratio.

This way, the oxygen source is located within the balloon, and believe me, you'll be able to hear the difference. It's a boom that will leave your ears ringing and set off some car alarms. It's not as big of a fire ball, because the hydrogen does not need to search for oxygen, but it's a much louder boom that puts out quite a shockwave. :D
You guys have fun. I must admit that a got most of this stuff out of my system when I was in my early teens. I lost a few eyebrows in the process.
Flamethrowers ?

Well, for the really big concussion, just get a six-foot piece of 8" pipe, and get out your trusty ol' oxy-acetylene torch, some newspaper and some masking tape.

Tape a cou[le layers of newspaper over each end, and punch a pencil-hole in one of the paper caps.

Light your torch, adjust for a complete combustion flame (neither oxidizing nor carburizing) and then wipe the flame out from off the end of the torch with a gloved hand.

Then, while the perfect combustion mixture is still flowing, insert the torch tip into the hole in the paper and let the gas flow for around 30-40 seconds.

Ignition of the charge is accomplished with some sort of glowing object pressed into the paper. A cigarette taped to a yard-stick works well , but be sure you stand to the side of the pipe, not in front of it.

Of course, the above is actually theoretical, Understand.

Me? Why I have never even seen it done, I've only heard the big kids talking about it.

I doubt that it would be well received in populated areas.

molotov cocktail

what about filling a glass bottle up with gasoline mixing in some laundry/dishwashing soap (to thiken it and make it stick) then puting the cap on then either
1.tie a rag around the neck douse it in lighter fluid light and throw
2.of tie magnisium matches around the bottle (not the neck) light and use the neck of the bottle to throw even farther
I'll have to dig it out, but I have a letter from the BATFE stating that flamethrowing devices (commonly called "flamethrowers") are perfectly legal to own/build/sell/etc.