First Frightening Experience

In my town there is a alley that runs between a pizza place and a movie theater... As a teen in the late 70's I would always cut through the alley when going over to the movie theater. One night as I walked about 15 feet into the alley, i stopped. Something didnt feel right and it wasnt anything that I could put my finger on. Purhaps it was an absense of something, absense of sound maybe. It seemed oddly quiet but I wasnt sure it was even that at all, just a feeling. I had a am/fm radio to my head and couldnt really hear anyway but I stood there a few seconds more then turned and walked the long way aound. Later that night ( in the alley) a guy was robbed of his wallet and jacket by a unknown male that was never found. A rather dim light that was normally on all night- above the rear door of the pizza place was broken and thats where the robbery occured. I think the added darkenss was what I picked up on but it didnt really register due to it being such a subtle difference. I could have just shrugged my shoulders and walked down the alley but I didnt. I followed my gut instinct about the situation and didnt try to convince myself otherwise.

This is scary. Thanks for sharin. I feel like perception may not always involve sight and hearing..
Yes, but what about situations out side of the home? Vehicle, place employment, ect? If I was carrying that day the pistol would be in my waste band instead of locked in my gun cabinet.

Perhaps, but you were unarmed at HOME because you chose for it to be that way. Can't blame it on the law. More important that you learned something from your mistakes, such as the fact that he could possibly have been inside your home before you unlocked your gun. They don't always ring the doorbell first.

Where's the gun cabinet? In the living room where he'd have been breaking into it?:cool:
I cant belive the fear I see here, someone knocks on the door and panic ensues?

Perhaps you can enlighten us with the proceedure you'd follow when YOUR visitor keeps his face hidden while ringing the doorbell and refuses to respond (except for ringing the doorbell more vigorously) when you ask him what he needs.
Perhaps you can enlighten us with the proceedure you'd follow when YOUR visitor keeps his face hidden while ringing the doorbell and refuses to respond (except for ringing the doorbell more vigorously) when you ask him what he needs.

Well now I am glad you asked. Last time 2 guys were in my driveway in a truck had a freezer in the back. Them boys was selling meat, beef, now I live on a feed lot, many steers on the place. I tell em I dont buy my beef, I raise it, them boys started walking towards me, I stood up (was sitting in a chair on the deck) told em to leave now before I come down. They left fast, I am as big as a steer, can pick them boys up at the same time toss em way over there.

Another time two gals was in the drive, had skirts up to here and push up stuff on tried to ask me if I knew Jesus. Told them the was they was dressed they better get to know him better :) they left.

Had a guys dog in the barn after my cat, shooed dog off, dog turned and was gonna go after me, pulled my .45, guy owned the dog was gonna come up and whup me if I shot the dog. He moved to somewhere else afterwe had a talk next day and he was sobered up.

Sorry guys, I just dont get all feered up, been a bouncer, got shot, got stabbed, been there and done that. Was raised up in a fighting family, my brother and I was the entertainment, we boxed till first blood almost every night. Had many other guys come over and give it a try. :) still box and still work out, fear nobody. Just a farm boy living life and enjoying the country life.

Where I work now, thats another matter. No guns allowed and shootings happen daily around here.

You can never tell about a person till you interact with them in some way, I took it as the guy was maybe broke down, needed a hand, was watching the car or whatever. Will never know.....

I took some great body guard classes in the early 80s, marine uncles and one BIL was SS here for old bush. I got some training some folks dont get.

Sorry you all dont agree with me. My family lives in fla dont seem worried...
+1 with Mark. Not saying I've been there to that extent. But I know you have from previous discussions with you.

Changes how you see things. Way different from someone who hasn't and only has what they think they'd do in mind.

Always an easy scenario in the mind story. Lol

Hope you're well Mark.

SIG 1911 XO / SA 1911 custom / Colt Gold Cup / Colt 70 Series / SIG P226 e2 / Browning High-power / Walther PPQ / G34 / G19 / G21 / G22 / S&W M-19 / Hk USP 40 / Rem 870 / Rock R. AR-15

sent from my Samsung Galaxy SII
Please tell me that you saw him with his back to the door from someplace other than that door, window, side door etc.....................

Never go directly to the door. LOOK FIRST.

And you did good by not answering. Nothing says you have to open the door when someone knocks.

Here's a drill for ya:
Turn your phone over so you can't see who is calling next time it rings. When it stops ringing check to see if you are still alive. Same concept applies to someone knocking on the door.

If someone chooses to enter when you did not answer the door then they have taken things to whole nother level. That's what the Glock is for.
I'm not seeing how "skeering off' guys in push-up bras selling meat out of truck relates to the OP scenario, but if that counts in your book as fearless go for it.

JThompson you are OK. Did mostly good, learn from it and by the time you are fifty yrs old you can be chasing would-be party girls down the street with nary a shaky knee, too!
kill while committing a felony, life sentence=possible

and if he was a felon, he was committing a felony to have the gun. Hope he got off light, but hey, that's the sort of laws we have today.
I'm not seeing how "skeering off' guys in push-up bras selling meat out of truck relates to the OP scenario

Years ago, I was a bouncer in a rough bar. I was in the apt upstairs and heard some glass breaking. I go down to look see a guy attempting to get into the bar. He was cut up a bit, told me his buddy was gonna get me from behind. Both went to jail, I had no gun on me.

Another incident at the bar: 2 guys trying to sell some drugs, I walk em both out th efront door, one turns and empties his .25 at me, all missed tho. Both were arrested.

Another time I was escorting a gent out, his brother stabbed me in my neck. Right over my spine, missed the important stuff by a very small margin.

Another time I was out back of the bar breaking up a fight, some dude shot me in my left shoulder, still got pieces in me.

Soooo, what you done?

Constantine, I am doing well these days other than th ehigh cost of feed for me cows :) and cant get em in to butcher till janurary :(
Years ago, I was a bouncer in a rough bar.

Still does not relate to the OP. Maybe you want to brag on how tough you are, but the situation the OP described warranted caution. Ridiculing a 17 yr old for being cautious is uncalled for. Being tough does not mean you should be careless. And being cautious does not mean you are weak. The OP did the right thing not to open the door.

Please try to stay on topic of the OP and not prattle on about your bouncer days. The OP was not at a bar and being paid to handle troublemakers..