Firing two handguns at once...

I've always had the thought that there might be some value in having a mouse gun for my weak hand & a larger caliber for my right hand. In a riot situation, aiming with the larger caliber & spraying & praying with the mouse gun should deter a small group. In a situation involving 2 or more attackers, the mouse gun could keep anyone going for my main gun off balance.

Academic as my CCW only allows me to carry one gun.:(
It is logical to draw both guns, shoot the one in the strong hand till it is empty, then do some type of border shift (but no gun flipping), swapping guns, then keep firing with the strong hand. That or alternating fire from each gun.

But simultaneously firing them? Very difficult. The real world ain't Equaliberum.

The first time that I took my .327 Federal GP-100 out, my brother brought along his SP-101.

I got the bright idea that dual-wielding would be a good idea, and tried to shoot them both at the same time.

It would seem that I held them too close together (though it felt reasonable and natural at the time). On one hand, I had a blood blister. On the other, I ended up loosing part of a fingernail.

Apparently, revolver smacking revolver, with fingers in between, is a bad thing.


I had done it with .22s, .380s, and 9mms in the past. But the revolvers didn't work out, and I haven't tried it again since.
I did twice with revolvers, single action cocked. .460 S&W Magnum in my left hand and .500 S&W Magnum in my right. EXTREMELY fun, but I was quite cognizant of the possibility of smacking these two expensive revolvers together, so I had them spaced out quite a bit.

Sold off the .500, so I suppose I can't do that fun anymore but I absolutely recommend that you do if you get a chance.
I have done it out in the country a few times. I had my arms out straight and alternated shots, giving myself just enough time to look down the sights when I switched. It was fun.
There was a youtube of a Russian steel shooter point shooting with two guns. Both fast and accurate. Then he probably shot more this year than I will life total. Practice is needed.
I've done it with 45acp (a 1911 and a Sig) at one target. I was hopeless at two targets. I figured the double energy would be good for stopping someone. It was fun, but not practical.
Got to be real careful with where your muzzle is pointed in the gun you are not firing.

I tried alternating once with 2 pistols, found the muzzle of 1 gun pointing straight at my hand holding the other gun.

That could've ended really bad...
When you do it, you have to be saying: "You'll never take me alive, copper..."
Wrong the line is "I have two guns, one for each of you"

I have no problem staying on a silhouette at 7-10 yards firing alternately with most anything, simos with autos or DA revolvers is pretty easy too. Never tried simos with a SAA just wouldn't seam right lol
Not sure why if not for show. A two-handed grip is more accurate at a 10 yd. target. With two firearms in two hands, it's more like point and shoot with lead flying all around the bull's eye. A single action requires to re cock the hammer each time.
I did it once. Used my Springer R.O. and a buddy's Kimber, both in .45. When I stopped shooting I asked my buddy "What happened to all my ammo?"

It was A LOT of fun, but 100 rds. went pretty quick.:rolleyes:
I have never had any luck firing two guns at once, but I have done OK aiming and firing alternatively with a gun in each hand (as Tallball says), which is not really the same thing.

I once watched a professional shooter who literally fired two guns at once. He had two candles, one to each side, about 10 feet away. He aimed one gun, then held it steady while he aimed the other at its candle. He fired the two shots simultaneously, and blew our both candles. It sounds easy, but I could never hold the first gun steady enough while aiming the second.

More years ago than I care to remember I tried two SBH at the same time, not full house loads but a mild 205 gr cast bullet we cast but weak hand gun way to much to handle. Was fun though,
I did twice with revolvers, single action cocked. .460 S&W Magnum in my left hand and .500 S&W Magnum in my right. EXTREMELY fun, but I was quite cognizant of the possibility of smacking these two expensive revolvers together, so I had them spaced out quite a bit.

<raises beer>