Firearms Owners Unification Project (WAS USA TODAY)

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Art brings up an interesting point. It is OKAY to have a different name or a company name on the check, or to write one check for several people. The important part is that the check is accompanied by a SEPERATE Supporter Form for each person who wants their name in the ad. Note that the form has a spot for the "check name" and the "check #".

If someone wants to send a business check for $1000 and 20 completed and signed forms for individuals which referrence that check #.... that's just fine.

Be advised, for more support. Post a request on discussion board under general discussions topic.

I think you will get a lot of support of us black rifle owners.

<Not able to send money but willing to recruit support for this initiative>
By the way, for those wondering why a Dutchman is taking such interest in this topic.

If would like to quote the domino theory.

"If we dont stop it here we will be fighting it in our hometowns."
I've been lurking around this board alot recently, and I must say that I am impressed. Let me know when you need my share to place the ad in the USA Today and it's there!
Perhaps HOLLAND TODAY next year, Kuiper. (Dutch people are form Holland, right? :o)

Thank you all for your continued support. The website has had over 200 visits (not counting mine for checking/updating) in the last 36 hours and I've only emailed about 12 poeple references to it. Also, I am still asking that no one here refer anyone to it.. obviously, interest is brewing.

I was at a local NWTF banquet tonight and I couldn't help talking about the project. I had 4 people wanting to give me checks, one for four people (him, his wife and two kids). Several other people took the TFL website Address or my fax number and are apparently going to come looking for more info in a week or so.

If I told you how much money has been pledged already, you wouldn't believe me. My deepest concern is that we use up our momentum before we are really ready.. so try to control your enthusiasm... I am having a hard time myself!


[This message has been edited by Rob (edited March 06, 1999).]
Rangemaster where I shoot will no doubt let me leave a stack of forms to hand out. He's very much on our side. As soon as you say the word, I'll copy a bunch for him.
Also have contacts in several local gun shops and I'll do the same there.
Just say go and I'm outta here with them.
Okay, I've read the entire original thread and followed the link at the beginning of this one. Then I read this entire thread. I had several problems with the original draft, but fortunately, I waited until I finished reading to post anything, Fortunately because you have dealt with every problem I have except one.

What about the thousands of anti-gunowner laws already on the books? Are we willing to lend our tacit acceptance to them by failing to mention them?

I think this is an important project and it is evolving into something really impressive. I want to be a part of it.
Please help me address this one concern and my next post will be to crow about how proud I am to give my name/money/time/effort to this project.

Your mind is your primary weapon.
I considered that issue while working on the re-write. While I understand your statement of "tacit Acceptance"... consider this:

What message are we sending right now?

What are we giving tacit approval to by not saying anything?

What new energy can we find or new message can we send by continuing to work in small groups on small projects and only talking big amongst ourselves in gunshops, industry meetings and on the internet?

This is not meant to be the perfect and complete of statement of every gunowner to "The Anti's".

This is a statement that will be made to everyone, in front of the whole word, about a paradigm shift in the "gun culture".. from a "don't take MY guns" attitude that has lead to many splintered groups to a "don't take our guns" attitude that will hopefully encourage more cooperation in the fight against the anti-gun agenda and cause at least a little demoralization to the other side.

A small part of my brain thinks that maybe a few of those close to the fence anti-gunners may see what they are really helping to bring about.. they'll stop buying this "assault weapon," Saturday Night Special," "Cop killer Bullet" Crap and come to the realization that maybe the anihilation of the 2nd Amendment ain't the best thing in the world.

Note also that the first sentance in the last paragraph is not only directed at the Anti-gunnners. It is also directed to any Pro-gun person and/or gun owner whose name is not going to be underneath. The time for Division has ended... everyone keeps saying it.. now we are going to say it in front of the whole planet.. just in case some people still don't believe it.

To my mind, this will be as much a wake-up call to US as it will be the THEM.

Re-hashing old arguments and re-stating the Second Amendment is not what this is about..

I whole heartedly agree that maintaining the status-quo is not good enough, but we must stop the runaway train of legislation and litigation that is coming at us. Once unified and motivated, there is nothing that the gunowners of America cannot accomplish.


[This message has been edited by Rob (edited March 07, 1999).]

Yes us Dutchman are from Holland indeed. Luckily for us, we are not plagued by crime bills and pre or postban items(weapons or magazines etc etc)

Last count there where 50,000 firearm(s) owners in the Netherlands. On a population of 15 million we are a small group.

As some of you may or may not know, Europe has always been the birthplace of guncontrol. This has a historical background in where the monarchies have always been fearfull for a armed population with revolutions in mind. 200 years along the line, these marks still show.

Just remember the birth of the USA, the british were eager to disarm the founding fathers back then. This is history repeating itself.

Those not willing to learn from history, are bound to repeat it

Be well, fight the good fight.


[This message has been edited by Kuiper (edited March 07, 1999).]
We have a tide to stop before we can consider turning the tide. One thing at a time. It's time to consider ways to unite and arouse our strength.
Okay, that answers my question. I'm in.
I get chills when I read the ad text. It's powerful. That's why I'm not too concerned with offering additions/revisions.

Your mind is your primary weapon.
Let us know when we can start disseminating requests for support: e-mail, at gun shops, firing range, etc.

Follow up action will be dictated by several factors, the first of which is the success of the project in gaining 1200+ supporters quickly.

Additionally, it will be important to react to the media's coverage and the response inside and outside of the shooting community.

To set any plans in stone now would be foolish.

I can assure you that this is not being seen as a one shot deal and follow up from the top will be at least as strong as support from the grass roots level.


Concerning the posting of the site or spreading the word about this initiative, would you tell us what we are waiting for?



"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
We are waiting for two things:

1. To have written approval of the statement and ad concept from USA Today.

2. To have a clearly defined pathway and acounting system for the Supporter Forms and Checks.

The latter is mostly taken care of, but we don't physically have an Account set up yet, nor am I 100% sure that "Firearms Owners Unification Project" will be who the checks need to be made out to.

In the past, I have seen what happens to projects which build momentum before they can handle it. It would be ironicly tragic If I recieved 1000 supporter forms and checks with no real place to put them and then USA Today says "no" to the ad.... Or... if 1000 people started Emailing and Faxing their interest and I had to tell all of them we were not yet ready.. then when we were, they had become skeptical after the initial response.

Real World Example:
I worked with a company a few years back that kept claiming they would be selling $1 million of product every month within a year. Well, after a few months the orders started rolling in. In the companies 10th month the orders surpassed the total of the previous 9 months combined. That month the company recieved over $1 million in orders, but only had about $200,000 worth of inventory. I should mention here that the company had every intention of fulfilling every order, but the mountian was pretty steep. Some poor planning that was beginning to show itself at the "Peak" turned good fortune into a horrible catastrophy. That company chased its tail for 8 more months before it finally had to be sold in order to avoid bankruptcy. I learned a hard lesson (300,000 shares of stock going from $4 to 15 cents.. and that's only the beginning). I'm not going to burned by being "too successful too soon" again if I can help it.

I expect that we will have all the suppoters we need and more very quickly after we "laucnh," so I feel it is worth an extra week or two of planning to make this project a success


[This message has been edited by Rob (edited March 08, 1999).]
Very good!

Thanks for the response.


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
"If we move in mass, be it ever so circuitously, we shall attain our object; but if we break into squads, everyone pursuing the path he thinks most direct, we become an easy conquest to those who can now barely hold us in check." --Thomas Jefferson to William Duane, 1811.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited March 08, 1999).]
I have recieved word this morning that USA TODAY has approved the statement as it is written at the website.

All that remains now is to set up the financial side, which we are working on this week.

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