Firearms Owners Unification Project (WAS USA TODAY)

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Rob Pincus

New member
Okay, we have progressed more in the past 12 hours than I would've thought possible.

I am posting the following URL with the SINCERE REQUEST that no one pass it out or republish it or link to it or otherwise publicize its existence.

I would like TFL members interestee in joining the project to examine it. It includes the version of the statement that is currently be checked for approval by USA Today.
It includes a form that contributors can print out and sign to send in with their check.
It includes the option of contributing more than $50 or contributing without being listed as a supporter.

It also includes an "About this Project" page. I would like to know how many of you would prefer that the highlighted portion of that page be used in place of "...otherwise, Leave us the hell alone", as a conclusion to the statement. It is much more verbose and much less "Energizing".. it is also much less antogonizing. Here it is:

The time for division has ended, if your goal is to take our guns away, please face us as a group, in the legislative halls and courtrooms of this country. Be open and honest about your intention to deprive American Citizens of a constitutional right, an American Tradition, a recreational activity, our private property and a means of protecting ourselves and our families. We are ready to defend ourselves as a
united body.

Again, please don't submit re-writes here, just comments. If you feel like you have an idea that would require editing the statement or site, please Email me.

Also, the names at the bottom of the Statement on the Website aren't special, they are the names of people that I knew off the top of my head were definitely contributing and that I knew their full name. Don't be offended if your name is missing.



[This message has been edited by Rob (edited March 05, 1999).]
The URL us now working. Thanks.

All Members:
I just want to offer my personal vote of confidence in Rob's ability to move this project forward. Rob's had extensive experience in fundraising for non-profit and firearms related causes; he's used to dealing with media placement; he's competent in dealing with reporters.

This project will never get off the ground if we each insist on contributing to the wording- I have not emailed Rob with one word change. If you wish to support this project, please do it by the numbers. We need a point man and Rob has the reins.

Thanks for the time.
Rich Lucibella

I like the "highlighted" version

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I am proud to be associated with this endeavor. The article is well-worded.

[This message has been edited by Spectre (edited March 07, 1999).]
The wording has been changed. Those of you who have been following this, pay particular attention the last sentences of both paragraph on the website.

This is the best I could come up with over the past 48 hours. I think it says what we want to, in a clear and forceful manner, without sounded any more antogonistic, threatening, violent or radical than necessary.

As soon as the financial pathways are clear and USA Today has approved the statement, I will post an address on the website and we can really start attracting contributors.

I have to admit I have been watching to see if this was going to happen, and thinking about what I should do.

I decided that it was time to be counted for more then local issues and with more then letters to anti-gun representatives. Sometimes you look back and see you missed a wave in life, well I see this wave first and I will ride it. I see this wave as the turning point in the gaining of support for firearms ownership rights from the people, instead of government. This is where it belongs.

I emailed Rob saying I was in.

Freedom is not Free
Count me in. I like the highlighted wording. Awaiting further instructions on how and when to send contribution.
As I said before, I am ready with my check. Let'er rip, Boys.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
Rob, as with your original post, your rewrite is inspired. All of my reservations are gone - I believe this document communicates very well the appropriate message to send. It is now forceful, and yet should not be viewed as inciting rebellion by any but the most ardent anti-self defense types.

One small point ... in your highlighted paragraph (which is fantastic) - consider simply putting a period after 'The time for division has ended.'.

I'll be emailing you tonight. Thank you. You are a 'wordsmith'.
Thanks agian for your continued support, everyone.

Jeff, you were right about the Period. I thought you would feel better about the new wording.

I must confess that I finally showed this project to my wife at dinner tonight, with the old version and the new one. She said she wouldn't be a part of the first one and was really excited about the second one.

The development of the additional paragraph came when I was writing the "About this project" page on the website. I tried to express, succintly what we were trying to day. After I had written it, I thought: "Hey, you dope, why don't you just SAY THAT THEN ??" Oh, yeah... I guess that is what those other guys have been saying to do....

So anyway, I am twice as happy with the statement as it exists now. I don't think we should have any problem raising the funds nor recruiting the particpants for the full page ad. Furthermore, I think we will be able to continue spreading this message of grass roots unification.

I have seen too many conversations about how we need to throw the NRA out the window and start all over again to not know that there are a whole bunch of gun owners looking for excuse to get excited about defending our rights in a big way. I am not advocating that we try to develop a new "organization".. I am advocating that we get the existing Organizations to concentrate on the big war and not individual small battles, certainly not the ones between themselves for membership resources.

I look forward to embarking on this project with TFL members and others in the industry.

My initial goal is to try to recruit 4-500 contributors through the internet and word of mouth. Once we have achieved significant numbers, I will begin preparing presentations for the leaders of existing industry organizations and companies. I will explain to them what IS going to happen and invite them to become involved, as individuals at $50 a piece. This goes from Charlton Heston down to the guy who puts the labels on the boxes at Glock, Inc. in Smyrna. By the time the "insider" campaign has run its course we should have achieved our goal through these efforts. I will be counting on supporters to recruit from their local gunshops and ranges, their competition clubs and their contacts in the industry. I will expect anyone with a website to link to tthe projects website and encourage visitors to learn what we are about and how to become involved. I will need volunteers with fax machines to help me contact every gun related business that has a fax number.

Start thinking now about where you can get just 5 or 6 people to particpate.

We should be ready to start recruiting soon. I'll continue to keep everyone updated.


My browser is not set up to recognize the e-mail link on the Advocacy page. You may want to include the written address so that others in my situation may copy and paste it to their mail program.

Also, add me to that list, please.

You may e-mail me for the specifics you need.



"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited March 06, 1999).]
You are doing very well.
The highlighted change is fine.
There are two others in my home,that are registered voters,my wife and oldest son. there will be a check for 150.00 sent for this project.
When you give the go-ahead, I will present this project to the gun owners in my area.
Stay safe and sharp.

Keep the Faith and the Constitution

[This message has been edited by JHS (edited March 06, 1999).]
Good initiative!!!!!!! dont live in the USA, but I wish shooters worldwide would unite more. Maybe then there wouldnt have been a Great Britain or an Australia.

btw. residential in the Netherlands
Rob, you have my support. Two checks will be sent as soon as the address is posted. - Doc

P.S. I am sending you an e-mail on an unrelated, previously discussed matter.
Yes! What's a good, inexpensive fax machine?
Please email me with suggestions. Let's not use our space here.

Rob, the new wording is right on target.

I'm ready to let the groups here in Georgia know. I've got more than five or six people in mind. Give the word.

[This message has been edited by Spartacus (edited March 06, 1999).]
I've let two of my local gun shops know what is going on as well as numerous friends and relatives. Everyone single one of them has a check waiting to be mailed. The gun show owners said they would right personal checks and not business checks.
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