I, and most of my friends and family, grew up with unlocked, and often, loaded guns, readily accessible. None of us ever had an issue because of it. That wasnt all just luck. Most of us were well schooled in what was what, and from a very early age.
NOTHING is a 100% guarantee, and I never said it was. Im simply saying, youre much better off teaching your kids, as part of their ongoing upbringing, than to simply bet the farm, on locking your guns up.
You WILL at some point, forget to lock that safe, THAT, I will guarantee! Who stands a better chance of having a positive outcome then? The well educated, or the ones who were constantly chastised, yet not instructed?
Its ALL part of an ongoing program. As my buddy always says, "you plant potatoes, you get potatoes". If your kid turns up "challenged" in any way, you know where to look for the problem.
NOTHING is a 100% guarantee, and I never said it was. Im simply saying, youre much better off teaching your kids, as part of their ongoing upbringing, than to simply bet the farm, on locking your guns up.
You WILL at some point, forget to lock that safe, THAT, I will guarantee! Who stands a better chance of having a positive outcome then? The well educated, or the ones who were constantly chastised, yet not instructed?
Its ALL part of an ongoing program. As my buddy always says, "you plant potatoes, you get potatoes". If your kid turns up "challenged" in any way, you know where to look for the problem.