Firearm owner survey

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zagbomb said:
It is clear you are very knowledge about firearms and you made it very clear that I know very little. I can assure you and anyone else that my intentions with this survey were not malicious and that asking for some responses while unknowningly being unprepared was my fault. If you feel it necessary I will remove the link as to not cause you anymore concern. Just let me know.

Thank you for anyone who participated.

There's no need to remove the link, Andrew. Aquila Blanca may seem churlish, but he's actually trying to help you.

zagbomb said:
It is just a general question so I can generalize the controlled responses to a target market. So if 15% responded that they did own an "assault rifle," I could rationalize my marketing accordingly. Does that make sense.
I'm afraid that this doesn't make any sense to me, either. To my mind "rationalize" was what I did when I tried to convince my parents that I just had to be out past 10.
My statistics classes were a long time ago, but I believe you are going to experience 'selection error' because informed gun owners (the most likely to own more guns, and most likely to own a wider variety of guns) are also the most likely to take issue with listing them, answering questions about 'assault weapons' and so forth.

This will skew your data to the point it is not valid; your survey format is 'selecting' (hence 'selection error') respondents, and not accurately sampling the group (presumably, 'gun owners') it means to survey.

Just IMHO, of course.

Even if you get enough responses to complete your survey, I don't think you can trust the results. Most of the people you want to survey will not complete it and the ones that answer it will probably be trolls that want to skew the results to favor their agenda, whatever it may be.
Zagbomb, let me try to help with this. In 1966 I purchased a Remington 742 rifle for deer hunting. I still have it today. Back then it was just a hunting rifle. But today in some states like Maryland and Massachusetts it is considered an "assault rifle" because it is semiautomatic and can hold a magazine with a capicity of over ten rounds. It was never used by the military but yet so called educated people have decided because of its design, it is dangerous. This is why gun owners find the term AR degrading. The M16, M4, M14 and other weapons built under Military contract fall into this category. BTW the last question on household income, most folks won't answer that. Also, surveys are fine in a targeted audience where everyone experienced the same event, but as the last election has shown, they don't work in the general population.

Despite the flogging you took on the assault rifle thing, to help you out, I answered your survey. I didn't answer the questions about how many guns I own or my income level.
Aguila Blanca said:
Anyone creating a graduate-level survey should know that the survey is invalid and useless unless the questions are clear, concise, accurate, and directly related to the information needed for the purpose of the survey.

That's sound advice for communication in general :) I've found, especially in the media, that articles and columns are frequently missing definitions of terms which can be really broad. Even if someone doesn't agree with your definition of rich or poor, for example, at least you've provided a concrete definition from which your reporting or opinion is based.
zagbomb said:
It is clear you are very knowledge about firearms and you made it very clear that I know very little. I can assure you and anyone else that my intentions with this survey were not malicious and that asking for some responses while unknowningly being unprepared was my fault. If you feel it necessary I will remove the link as to not cause you anymore concern. Just let me know.
My only concern is that you are expending effort in a direction that will likely lead to invalid results. Don't remove the survey on my account.

I don't suppose there's time to create and circulate a corrected survey?
Spats McGee said:
Aquila Blanca may seem churlish, ...
Churlish? MOI?

I resemble that remark! :cool:

zagbomb said:
It is clear you are very knowledge about firearms ...
To be honest, I'm not especially knowledgeable about firearms. I'm a Vietnam veteran so I know two firearms -- the M16, and the M1911A1 (the "Colt 45" handgun with which John Wayne single-handedly defeated the entire Imperial Japanese Army in WW2). I live in one of those states that still has an AWB, so I have watched my friends who had legal AR-15s morph into evil, banned "assault weapons," and who then bought new ones that were legal post-ban configuration, only to see THOSE once again morph into evil, banned "assault weapons."

I don't know much about anything, but I did take an oath in 1966 to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and as far as I know the Second Amendment is still part of the Second Amendment. I think you're finding that a lot of people on the "gun" forums feel much the same. We see our rights being attacked and eroded, so we are reluctant to give out information to unknown entities. Those of us old enough to have been through the AWB period also know -- without necessarily understanding anything about how any particular firearm works -- that political definitions are snares, they are words created by people with an agenda in order to mislead large numbers of other people. Which is exactly what has happened with you. If you're in graduate school now you're probably in your early to mid-20s, so you were just being born about the time the federal AWB was enacted, and you were maybe in the fourth grade or so when it sunsetted. You may have been alive during that time, but you didn't experience it the way we did.

Most of the people on this (and other) forum(s) know everything I wrote about definitions, the AWB, and the NFA. I'm not any sort of "expert" for knowing that. I'm just the guy who is churlish enough to spell it out. :p
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Some people will complain about the term "Assault Rifle". I know what was meant and answered the question.
Something you need to understand about gun owners and surveys, and that is, as a group, we are distrustful and suspicious of surveys, having been ill treated (aka screwed over) by actions "based on surveys" many, many times over the years. And surveys not identified with known players in the firearms market are automatically suspect.

If the NRA takes a survey, I'll answer. If Winchester wants me to answer a survey, I will. If some unknown asks, No matter what verbal assurances they give, I either won't, or, if I'm in the mood, won't answer honestly.

And I'm not even remotely alone in this.

No reflection on the OP, but its the nature of the beast where gun owners are concerned, and you can thank the demonization of guns and gun ownership in the general media over the years for creating it.

In a place like this one (TFL) a LOT of the people aren't just gun owners, they are technically oriented gun owners, and we live in a world where correct usage of technical terms is important.

Terms in common use in ordinary conversation can be sloppy and inaccurate, and most will be understood well enough from context. HOWEVER, those same terms when put in a technical context can have drastic unintended consequences. This is something you need to understand when you are gathering data for any kind of project management, or marketing endeavor.

For an example, "what kind of motor do you have in your car???"

In general conversation, most people will understand you mean the engine. V-8, V-6, dual overhead cam 2300cc 4cyl, etc, what ever it is.

But in the technical world, its not a motor, its an engine (internal combustion engine) and a motor is electrical (generally).

Ask the parts shop about a motor for your car, and they'll ask, ok, do you need a starter motor? windshield wiper motor? power window motor? sunroof motor? (or any of the other small electrical motors used to operate other parts of the cars today).

In about every subject, in order to be able to accurately use information from a survey, the questions have to be accurately tailored to the knowledge base of your target audience. And by coming here, asking firearms questions, you've picked what comedians would call a "tough room".

Congratulations on taking the beating well, we are actually trying to help you!
Skans how do you know what's meant? There are many who would consider any semiautomatic rifle an assault weapon.
Skans how do you know what's meant? There are many who would consider any semiautomatic rifle an assault weapon.

So what if they do? Then I'm a proud, lawful owner of a bunch of assault weapons! Most non-gun folks equate assault rifles with AR-15's and AK variants. I've made it pretty clear here before that I don't believe in waging a war based on semantics with leftist gun banners. They can call it a cop-killing, flesh mangling lead hose, and that's fine with me.

Do you really think "semi-automatic, military style modular 5.56 caliber rifle" sounds any less evil than "assault rifle" to non-gun folks?
Like the rest, there's questions that I won't answer.

I don't feel the OP has any malicious intent.

I think it's awesome that some of the members are taking the time to help inform the OP.

Most of us just think in terms of semi-auto or not. I don't subclassify my semi autos any further than that.

Good luck in your endeavors.

Keep us posted.
Do you really think "semi-automatic, military style modular 5.56 caliber rifle" sounds any less evil than "assault rifle" to non-gun folks?

No. I think calling them "sporting" rifles is a stretch as well. However, calling them assault rifles is inaccurate, and blurrs the line for many "non-gun folks" who need to know the truth. A "semi-automatic, military style modular 5.56 caliber rifle" is not an assault rifle anymore than a Glock 17 is a submachine gun. Words matter when communicating truth. You may actually own an assault rifle or two, most Americans do not.

EDIT: I was reminded by 44 Amp that "a semi-automatic, military style modular 5.56 caliber rifle" would legally be considered an assault weapon in some jurisdictions. I have edited my post accordingly. A semi-automatic AR may be an assault weapon by law in some misguided places, but it is not an assault rifle.
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The very fact that there is ANY discussion whatsoever over what the term "assault rifle" (the term that was used in the survey) means is all the proof needed that it wasn't the right term to use in the survey.

Some people (apparently like Skans) thought it meant "assault weapon."

Other people may have been more literal and thought it meant an actual military, full-auto rifle. (Which, of course, is what "assault rifle" really refers to.)

Later posts by the author of the survey have clarified that he apparently meant both.

Indeed, words have meaning, and the problem with artificial, made-up political terms such as "assault weapon" is that they are terms that were intended to confuse rather than to clarify. The actual meaning of the term "assault weapon" is buried deep in statute, and it's not the same in California vs. New York vs. Massachusetts vs. Texas or Arizona. But, thanks to politicians and anti-gun activists, a very large segment of the American populace "knows" that an assault weapon is the same thing our soldiers are carrying in Afghanistan and Iraq, and that its only purpose is spraying hundreds of "bullets" per minute in order to kill as many people as possible, indiscriminately. It must be true, 'cause I read it on the Internet.
I never got around to clicking the link, my brain was too busy analyzing/sizing the matter. From where I reside I've learned to try keeping my mouth shut and eyes open.

At gun shows I tend to talk too much because I'm among my own kind. :D:D
I did my best to ignore the previously mentioned issues and complete the survey to help you out, but when you start to ask about the purposes and contents of cases, range bags, and safes, it gets impossible. Lots of us own all three, and the contents vary with the purposes, and the purposes vary with which one we are considering.

Sorry. Just couldn't get through it and give you any reasonable or usable data.
Your survey is defective. Therefore, any data you derive from the survey will be defective, and any decisions made on the basis of the data will automatically be invalid.

DT Guy post #22
My statistics classes were a long time ago, but I believe you are going to experience 'selection error' because informed gun owners (the most likely to own more guns, and most likely to own a wider variety of guns) are also the most likely to take issue with listing them, answering questions about 'assault weapons' and so forth.

This will skew your data to the point it is not valid; your survey format is 'selecting' (hence 'selection error') respondents, and not accurately sampling the group (presumably, 'gun owners') it means to survey.


No offense to you personally but this 'survey' is so flawed as to be utterly and completely useless. And I'm NOT talking about firearms knowledge but just knowledge about how to conduct a survey period. How could your instructors allow this waste of time?

I do not take offense to criticism of my survey as it know it is no were near perfect.

Also, I've got to say it, you should proof read your responses if you want to give the impression you're doing any kind of legitimate study. This last remark is on you and it's not meant to be unkind but to alert you as to how you must present yourself if you're going to do this stuff.
Thank you everyone for your feedback. I appreciate the comments and will take them into consideration. Any participation, partial or complete is also appreciated. You can refuse to answer any of the questions and it should allow to finish the survey regardless. The survey is only open until 3/24 at 11:59. Thanks again! I look forward to future discussions that are hopefully less intrusive. Have a good one!

Feel free to delete this thread after the survey end date.

It was a long way to get to foam inserts for equipment cases.

I feel the questions up to the foam inserts were flawed in nature and did not provide usable information.

It would have been better to let the respondent know it was for custom foam inserts at the start.

All my cases have been modified. With diffrent cutouts for optics and accessories it is not a one size fits all. My custom insert is diffrent than your custom insert.

I would rather see layers of foam that do not absorb moisture and can be cut to the users needs. I have some of the pluck type foam, and prefer the layer that can be cut to it.

If this is a retro fit insert for other manufacturers equipment cases, make that known as well.
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