Fighting dirty?


New member
I don't know how many of us have thought about this, so I thought I'd bring it up.

How hard and dirty are you willing to fight in a street fight? Do you adjust your level of "fight" based on perceived threat? Are you unwilling to fight dirty? Do you train to fight or defend yourself with something other than a firearm, or at least to get to your gun?

I know for me, if I feel threatened I have no qualms about fighting dirty. I don't think twice about the old groin kick/punch, eye gouge, biting etc... If you're going to attack me you better be willing to accept some serious pain in return, cuz I'm in it to win, not to look good doing it.
my fighting days of rolling around on the ground is over, the only fight I'm going to be in is a gunfight.
So are you saying that if someone grabs you and drags you to the ground you just give up if you can't get to your weapon? Surely this is not true.

I'm not talking about strictly fist fights here, but more or less how you respond to a situation forced upon you with physical violence.
Once it starts your instincts take over. The only thing 'dirty' would be getting your ass kicked because you were thinking; especially about how you should respond. If someone owes you money or has disrespected your sister maybe you measure your response, but if you are attacked, you must assume it is your life that is on the line.
I'm 50 and disabled, and yes, if I can't get to my weapon I through. I have a dislocated fractured vertebrae in my neck and plagued with chronic pain, I'm easy to give an asswhip'n too.
Fist fights are for the school yard and the ring. Any physical altercation I get involved in will not be started by me and will be perceived as a life or death situation, thus it will fought with no "rules."
It doesn't matter if it's a life or death encounter, or a fight where someone just wants to rough me up -- I'd fight to win.
A real fight, is kind of like sex; If it aint dirty, you're not doing it right. .... :eek:

I'd like to think that there is one more good fight left in me but some mornings, I really question that. ...... ;)

Be Safe !!!
Losing sucks. You fight to win, there are no rules in a fight.
Just like I don't understand "Rules of engagement" or rules of war, when you are in a war it's all out fight to win.

My thoughts exactly. Would you want to risk getting the snot kicked outta you or possibly worse, all because you thought it'd be sporting to fight on a level playing field? No. Capitalize and take advantage wherever and whenever you can.
Outside of professional competition, there is no such thing as a fair fight. To me, as an LEO, a fair fight is the one I win.
"Just like I don't understand "Rules of engagement" or rules of war, when you are in a war it's all out fight to win."

Well there are rules of war so that when we are in Afghanistan and Iraq we don't kill everything that moves. The tribal wars in Africa where they rape and kill women, those are wars with no rules.

Streetfights are meant to be fought dirty. I have never been in a true "fight" knock on wood. But if I were, one of us is going to the hospital no doubt about it cuz I am not stopping until its that way on one side or the other. If you are conscious, I'm striking you again. If I am conscious, I'm striking you again.
My days of "bar brawling" over stupid stuff ended in college. If I get in a fight today it will be real and dangerous, eye gouging, groin kicking/grabbing/, biting are all on the table.
as someone already the street there is no such thing as a fair fight...fight as if your life is on the line..because it may well be...:)