feral hogs hunt - locations?

places with true hog problems usually do not charge folks they know to hunt them. however I am referring to killing as many feral hogs as you can, not selecting a trophy.
Yes that exactly....

We had a policy that no hog left the premises alive...
We trapped them and would give them away to those who wanted the meat.... But we shot them when the person arrived... Some people actually wanted to take them alive... That was a no-go. ... But yes, there's plenty of people who get to hunt them for free... I did a lot ... I often did it on nights that I had to go to work in the morning... True hog control is tough...I loved it, but it's not for anyone who requires regular sleep.... I often didn't sleep.... Even trapping hogs, you must get off of work and go straight

I also predator hunted for free as well. There's lots of places that offer paid hunting experience, even helicopters too ( I'd pay for that )
Some hog hunters have been unsavory characters in the past...

So that's why you'll have to do a canned hunt for hog hunting on a recreational basis.

Doesn't anybody offer anything in between? I would think that selling a few days access to non-resident hunters for a couple hundred dollars, and a security deposit without the whole canned hunting lodge thing would go over well. You call in, make a reservation, send a deposit, and you show up on the assigned day/time, sign a liability waiver, and get a list of the rules and a map with your assigned hunting area. No guides, no skinners and gutters, no meals, and no lodging, no guarantees. Maybe a list of area motels, restaurants, meat processors. Even work up a commission deal for referring people. For minimal hands on, you take in revenue.

In the 80's I often hunted at Ft Hunter-Liggett military base in Monteray Co. California. They even had their own wildlife management at the time. You registered, and paid a fee for the weekend. ($20 back then) You checked out when you left. They gave you a map, with your assigned hunting area. I hunted all day, and stayed in a National Forest campground nearby at night. I never got a hog there, but I saw some. I've often wondered if they are still open to hunting there. I always thought it was great program.
I had thought of that in the past, especially for TFL'ers of good standing.... Like the guy that had access to farms such as myself to take some folks (and take responsibility of) out to help hunt them...

I never really got past the thinking about it stage... I ended up moving in 2013 and got away from hog hunting.

There really is a pig problem, and I can only assume that it's gotten worse. They are a significant danger to motorist as well.
In the 80's I often hunted at Ft Hunter-Liggett military base in Monteray Co. California.

LOL, that was decades ago, in another state, with an entirely different set of circumstances.

I've often wondered if they are still open to hunting there. I always thought it was great program.

Now in CA, hogs are a regulated game animal. You have to have a hog tag...unless you are a landowner and get a depredation permit, but that can be for many types of wildlife (hog, bear, deer, etc.).
I'll just add to what RR & DNS said....I have property to hunt..but is leased out already to deer hunters(hog hunting is part of it)....I have other property I hunt....I let friends hunt it too....It is too much of a hassel & liability to let folks I don't know on my property....I agree with everything they said....

OP....U pretty much have to know someone here to get access to hunt....As far as paying for hunting....I know a couple HF places in this county....


They can hook you up with different type hunts....
thank you all for a super intense ... hog hunting politics course :)

I'll go straight to the point

@Keg - I definitely understand point about people abusing the invitation and though I'm not delusional and realize it takes time to get a relationship going with any person by my original post I was hoping to start it up in some form and see where it leads me. I'm not holding my breath but really hope to have a chance to get to know folks who could potentially let me hunt. Have to start somewhere :) Free or not, as long as I get some of them and it wont cost me my mortgage payment i'm OK :) my problem with majority of the outfits is simple - the charge is substantial while there are limitations on the number of the hogs, type of a hunt, etc. That doesn't sound right to me. That makes e think there is no problem. Put it together with "sometime they're here and sometimes they're not" kind of a deal ... and I eat what I hunt. I'm not doing it just so I can go shoot something out there ... I have a lot cheaper and closer located facility for that. From what you said, I would'n mind to get to know you ... I just can't imagine how to make it happen given our locations :) and you can learn only so much about a person over the internet ... but as I said, I hope for a chance :)

@DejaVu and @rickyrick - to add to what I wrote above, I also hope to get some referrals to some decent and more or less reliable outfits to go hunting at. As I said, I don't mind paying as long as there is something to pay for.
I understand that I'm new to the forum and have absolutely no credibility but hope to change that sooner than later. All I know is that what I do speaks hell louder than what I say.

To all of you folks responded - thank you again.
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I loved my time in Idaho. I did a year of college there and I got to know the professors and all of the ones I took classes from were hunters and half of them loaded their own ammo...

I had always hoped that life would have taken me back to Idaho but I haven't been back there in close to 30 years.

For whatever it's worth, I noticed an ad on Craig's list from the Tyler area that was advertising hog hunts with dogs. A guy might have to be in pretty good condition to do that, but it would be fun for a young guy. If you cruise that list and check out different areas in Texas, I'm sure you will find some places.
Another for what it's worth, hogs have not been moving much over the past couple of months and are pretty hard to find right now. Dogs would probably offer you the best chances at present. I even had a game warden contact me to see if I had any moving around so they could shoot one, as they haven't seen any.
I am heading for Texas next week to visit and hog hunt, even though the hogs are a bit elusive right now. Sitting in a blind in the dark with critters chewing on you while seeing little movement, is a whole lot better than sitting with a bowl of Fritos and watching the boob tube. Last trip we caught five in traps and from a stand I shot a 350# boar. That was the total result of a month of hunting, so point is if the hogs are wandering you should do well however don't be disappointed, If you keep at it eventually the uncontrolled herds will return. I hope next month while I am there.
Recently the PA Game Commission declared "Open season" on feral hogs. According to them it is becoming a real problem. PA is loaded with public land so I am guessing some of the problem is on state land. You could try contacting them, maybe they could give some leads. I remember one farmer used to have open air sheds back against the Blue Mountain and they let the hogs fend for themselves. Easy to see how feral hogs got a start. It would be a lot harder than a pay hunt.
As for the state getting involved on private land, the PAGC has been paying crop and property damage related to deer,elk and bear for years. They also issue extra tags for crop damage farms. Not all states are the same.
Ohio is not far. the ODNR has a 2012 map of feral hogs in Ohio. Vinton county is a leading contender but I do not have them bracketed any better than that.

I also know the spots on the west border are marginal and the rangers will point you in the right direction.
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May is almost over and the time to leave Texas draws nearer, i would stay longer but the scum credit card thieves have already caused my CC to be cancelled pending issue of a new one and my phone & I pad have experienced melt down and will not allow me into my bank account. Besides my buddy whom i am sponging off of is probably ready for my dog and me to give him some rest. Anyway the pigs have not cooperated with my hunting desires, it has rained every day for the past month, usually in very large buckets full, but i am still having the best of times. So far i shot seven small hogs and seventeen raccoons and spent many hours on my friend's range which contains a lot of steel to shoot at and that is impervious to the Texas rain ( oh did i mention the tornado a few miles away?). I shall depart with sadness for leaving the fun parts of my Texas trip and will miss friends, shooting and the hours waiting for the monster pig to present himself.....until next trip.