feral hogs hunt - locations?

It is a statewide problem, I dealt with it for many years... People have attempted to control them.... Texas is full of invasive species; plants, animals and fish... That's from private land ownership and unchecked agriculture...
It would be a revolutionary act for the state to enter all these private lands to eradicate hogs; people will get pretty upset.

Now lots of people pay hog hunters to get them out, many hog hunters are unscrupulous and release them to keep their business going. High fence hunting ranches also keep them.... So the well to do can come down and kill one like and pose like a warrior...
So if a person wants to hunt hogs in Texas they must pay a hunting lease, pay for a canned hunt, own property or know someone who does.
Wild hogs are big business in TX: They are also big business in OK. The OK legislature recently rejected a bill that would have tightened the rules regarding the hog hunting ranches as well as the hunting, trapping, keeping and sale of wild hogs.
Funny thing about Texans. They all complain about the terrible hog problem until you offer to come down and help, then they want you to pay for each hog you kill.

If it was a real problem, it IS solvable by shipping in gray wolves like they did here. Canadian grays are just as native to Texas as they are to Wyoming. I guarantee the hogs would disappear just like everything did around here. Even the grizzlies are heading east.:p
Well there's lots of free hog hunting if you own the property.

They are a huge problem... I've hunted a few ranches for free.... I was well known and trusted and spent 4 or 5 nights each week at times hunting... On top of a regular job sometimes without sleep.

Anytime someone from the outside gets to hunt for free, out come the beer coolers, all his buddies and 4 wheel drives, next thing the gates are left open and the cows are in the highway.

Farmers allowing free hunts was ruined long ago by knuckleheads. Don't let the fact that someone from up north gets charged to hunt fool you into thinking that there's not a problem.... Farms are a business, hunting is profit, but an idiot leaving a gate open or shooting cows can solve that quick.
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For those willing to castigate the Texas landowners for complaining about the problem, but charging for the opportunity to hunt, search the topic on here and read some of the inputs from other forum members with property down there and hear some of the problems that have been caused by the knuckleheads. Just because they want to charge doesn't mean its not that big of a problem...
If you don't like private land ownership in Texas, then go somewhere else. Complaining because somebody won't give you FREE opportunities to engage in activities on land they own is stupid. Feral hogs are present in most states in the US. In most states where they are, they are a problem to landowners and just like in Texas, the landowners don't cotton to non-paying strangers running around their property and blasting.

Notice that nobody ever says XX state has landowners that welcome non-paying strangers to come in and blast at hogs?
I let "proficient" hog hunters hunt for free on my land. Most people wanting to hunt are anything but "proficient." In my past experiences, they are more trouble than benefit.
I think the people in Idaho see wolves as more of a problem than Texans see hogs as a problem. Why do I say this? If you go up to wolf central in Idaho (Northern and central Idaho) and tell most farmers you are here to hunt wolves they will welcome you in and point you to locations where they have seen the wolves.

You go down to Texas and you will be turned away or asked to pay.

Just my experiences.
Maybe it's just cultural differences.... I know there's very little land in Texas that's not in private hands... Most places in Texas already charge hunting leases for game animals. It's income for land owners....

Now say you own a golf course; are you gonna let some random out of state guy play frisbee with his buddies for free? No

You own a fine restaurant; your gonna let a person you don't know use your kitchen to heat up his lunch while you have paying customers?

You can hunt lots of animals for free... If the land owner trusts you.
If a guy pokes around on Craig's List there are usually some smaller outfits offering hunts that aren't too expensive. The only problem with hunting some of these outfits are you don't necessarily see hogs every time out. Hogs can disappear for a month or two and there is nothing you can do about it.
Most people that are not serious hog hunters won't want to put in the effort to really be successful at it. Hunting some of east Texas in the thick woods can be a tough proposition fraught with things like chiggers, ticks, and all manner of biting bugs and varmits. A guy has to be willing to spend long nights out in the dark with these problems often as just finding the hogs running around loose in the daytime where you can easily shoot them is not a common occurance.
A lot of myths surround Texas hog hunting and a guy can get lucky...but more often you have to really earn your hogs.
Some smaller outfits offer stands overlooking feeders and often throw rifles into the deal with night vision. Sometimes that is your best chance of scoring.
Here in Idaho a couple years ago I saw an add in the news paper for hunters wanted to help clear wolves from a small ranch in north central Idaho the location was pretty remote. I did not know the guy but I called up and asked and he said the more the merrier. I brought my self my 2 younger sons my dad and my brother and his son and 8 horses. We camped and hunted on his land for all most 2 weeks. He would stop by our camp occasionally and ask us how its going and to tell us where his cattle are so we can be aware of them.

We got 5 wolves between the six of us (we had 9 tags) the land owner was so happy that he invited us back for elk season. All free of charge. He said that a party was there before us but only stayed 2 days and got nothing. I may call him back and ask about this year.

*edited to add that he did ask to see ID and our licences/tags but I cant say I blame him.
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I'd like to go wolf hunting, Idaho isn't too far from me anymore

Idaho has lots of public land. The only downside is a lot of it is primitive land so no motorized vehicles. Usually when I hunt up in the Selway I just hike in and out. If you wanna go far in go with horses.

Most of the local private land owners up here are pretty friendly so long as you are not causing problems. There are a few rich transplants from California that want to make Idaho into California jr that may not let you hunt wolves.

Now Deer and Elk are another story. People usually dont let strangers hunt deer and elk on there land, but like I said earlier there is lots of public land here. Deer and Elk are not a problem like wolves are.
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southern ohio has a few places. you pay for the kill

pricy as you said though
Wild Boar $525

I drove past that place yesterday on my way home from hog hunting on public land. It's a tpical high fence hunt where yor guide leads you around, lets you pick one out and shoot it, and then your guide guts it and they haul it out for you. It's like hunting at a cattle auction.
Yes the OP was asking about hog hunting...

But he also mentioned about people wanting to get rid of them and the myths around that....

I didn't see a lot of opinions; however, there were lots of explanations to the politics of hog hunting and the relationships with property owners...

Some hog hunters have been unsavory characters in the past...

So that's why you'll have to do a canned hunt for hog hunting on a recreational basis.