Feinstein's Bumpfire Ban Bill

Armed_Chicagoan said:
This was a post-Vegas bill, the vote was last week.
Well I feel silly. :o

Why did I think that IL considered this ~2 years ago? I must be off my meds... ;)

The news story doesn't link to the bill text, but it implies that it was another festival of ambiguity akin to HR 3999, so good on the IL legislature.
I don't think it's been mentioned here but a bump stock ban in Illinois failed to pass the Illinois House, and by a large margin. So it's not a slam dunk at the national level.

Well, strictly from a regulatory standpoint, it would be a nightmare to interpret the provisions in Feinstein's bill in any kind of rational, evenhanded way. If you applied a fair, strict reading then you'd outrage voters and get your chain yanked by the legislature. So you'd have to apply it incrementally and then justify your legal interpretation, which is almost impossible to do honestly.

I can understand why legislators don't want to open that can of worms. Like most gun legislation on both sides, a lot of posturing that is never meant to reach a practical result.