For four years I worked at county range, in South Florida, where the Air Marshalls trained. We would rent the range to them and one of our Range Officers would 'observe' while their training staff would run the qualifications and training course.
They used .357 Sigs loaded with Gold Dot 125-grain hollowpoints. One of my fellow RO's would literally pick up hundreds of live rounds of ammunition off the field after they were done--they did a lot of fail-to-fire drills, and any live ammo that hit the ground was discarded. So my co-worker got literally 200 or so rounds of discarded ammo every time they rented the range from us.
I can't say I was impressed with the training, either. We had a lot of rules that ALL shooters had to follow, Law Enforcement or civilian. One rule (one of the GOLDEN rules) was a 180-degree 'safety' line aka firing line, extending to the left and to the right of the shooter along the firing line. No one allowed FORWARD of this line while the range was hot and people were firing.
Not good enough for the Air Marshalls. They wanted people standing downrange, five yards in front of a target, with SHOOTERS standing twenty yards behind them, firing past the 'forward' shooters at the targets !!!
yes, you heard me right...basically they wanted people, live people, standing downrange, and they would shoot 'around' them at the targets.
Needless to say, we vetoed this, but the head trainer started screaming at us, saying that 'on an airplne full of terrorists there were no rules'.
I wouldn't budge on this, and he started to threaten me with 'arrest' for 'interfering with homeland security'. (!)
Luckily my boss, the rangemaster, backed me to the hilt and refused to let them do this nonsense. They tried it anyway, anytime they thought we weren't watching from the tower, so we started putting a pair of RO's on the field...
Again they started screaming that 'observers' would 'compromise' their 'security'. We told them if our 'security' was a problem, we'd refund their rental fees and they could train in a more 'secure' environment.
Maybe in the last few years they've changed, but in 2005 they seemed like a bunch of a**clowns to me....