Favorite Shooting/Gun sayings and phrases

I just read it on this forum. Someone was saying a member should get an AR15:

"Come over to the dark side".

Black rifle--get it?
Got more?

"What else did you bring?"

Spoken to me by grandson after we'd shot the 22 cricket and 22 SA revolver for a while.

Life is good.
Prof Young
HENRY RIFLE during the Civil War:

After an encounter with the 7th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, which had the good fortune to be armed with Henrys, one Confederate officer is credited with the phrase, “It’s a rifle that you could load on Sunday and shoot all week long.”

“God created men; Col. Colt made them equal.” So goes the oft-repeated quote about Col. Samuel Colt and his legendary firearms.
"If you don't practice wiping that safety off when you're going on target, you're gonna pull the trigger and it won't fire. First you're gonna look stupid, then you're gonna look dead."

About using the 1911A1.
"The deadliest Weapon in the World is a MARINE and his rifle"

"HELL , I like you, I might even let you be a RIFLEMAN in my Beloved CORPS"
Here's one I almost forgot... from Who Framed Roger Rabbit

During the events of the movie, Eddie decides to enter Toontown. Tossing R.K. Maroon's gun away, he takes out a Toon-sized cartoon revolver. The mahogany gun box, labeled on the outside with "Valiant & Valiant" is inscribed inside with a thank you from Yosemite Sam ("Thanks for getting me out of the Hoosegow") lined with red velvet. The ammunition, resting under a velvet crease, comes to life from a deep sleep - six Toon .38 Dum-Dum Bullets.

After the Dum-Dums eagerly dive into their respective chambers in his opened gun cylinder, Eddie snaps it shut, reaches into his shoulder holster and removes his Wild Turkey bottle. He removes the cork with his teeth, spits it out, and then after a long pause, pours the booze onto the ground. He flings the empty bottle high into the air and fires one Toon .38 at it. The Toon bullet climbs quickly toward its target, gives an Indian war whoop, and destroys it with a tomahawk.

Later on, Eddie steps into a dark alley and brandishes his oversized Toon gun with the Dum-Dums. Jessica steps out of the shadows - and fires and deflects the long-barrelled gun (similar to the one that killed Maroon) out of the hand of a shadowy figure behind Eddie to save his life. She explains that Doom had murdered Maroon with the same gun. Eddie shoots at Doom three times, unfortunately the 3 bullets go the wrong way. Noting that they were "Dum-Dums", Eddie discards the revolver with the remaining two in order to pursue after Doom.
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My quote comes from my Grandpa. "Anybody that don't like guns has got somethin' wrong with them."
Read this one in a magazine one time. Don't remember the name of the magazine or the guy who said it. "Consider the day wasted when the smell of gunpowder doesn't fill the air."
I am reminded of the story about the thief who broke in one night to steal the Quaker's silver. Confronted by the homeowner, he feels safe, until the Quaker tells him...

"prithee, stranger, I would not harm thee for anything, but thou art standing where I am about to shoot!"
Some attribute this one to Thomas Jefferson:

"Peace is that glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading."