Favorite Shooting/Gun sayings and phrases

Josey Wales: Well, are you gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie?

Lone Watie: How did you know which one was goin' to shoot first?

Josie Wales: Well, that one in the center: he had a flap holster and he was in no itchin' hurry. And the one second from the left: he had scared eyes, he wasn't gonna do nothin'. But that one on the far left: he had crazy eyes. Figured him to make the first move.

Lone Watie: How 'bout the one on the right?

Josie Wales: Never paid him no mind; you were there.

Lone Watie: I could have missed.

Josey Wales: When I get to likin' someone, they ain't around long.

Lone Watie: I notice when you get to DISlikin' someone they ain't around for long neither.
"Fire for Effect"

I've never been 13-series so admittedly I haven't had many opportunities to use that phrase. I did lead a 4.2" mortar platoon 22 years ago and at least got to a few times on the range. Traded in the 4.2s for the new 120s just before I got reassigned, so only got to try them out once.
I once heard a poor shot referred to as an "Onion Juggler".

I assume the insinuation is that they can't see to shoot straight, since the only other use of the term that I know of is for a sloppy cook/chef that has been demoted to prep work.

"That's the dangerous end..." -Crocodile Dundee
Ralphie: I want an official Red Ryder, carbine action, two-hundred shot range model air rifle!
Mrs. Parker: No, you'll shoot your eye out.

A Christmas Story
My current favorite was attributed to Col. Jeff Cooper- "If your shooting stance is good, you’re probably not moving fast enough or using cover correctly."
there are so many good lines, (mostly from movies) its tough to say, and many of my favorites have already been mentioned.

one I'll mention (because its unlikely anyone else will :D) is from The WAR WAGON...

John Wayne and Kirk Douglas walk out of a saloon and face a pair of badguys in the street. Both draw and fire at the same time, dropping the villains...
Douglas says "Mine hit the ground first!"
Wayne replies "Mine was taller."

Back in the days when I used to compete with muzzleloaders, and especially when competing with a flinter, it was common courtesy to give clear, audible voice to the shooter next to you, and for me that was mostly for the feller on my right on the firing line. As the rifle was shouldered, and the sights started their alignment on the bull, there was plenty of notice time offered when you said, "Fire in the Hole!" I always loved that cool warning phrase. And you only needed to say it once, as that was traditional, heeded protocol.
A couple that have something in common.

One from the movie Unforgiven but sort of attributed to Wild Bill Hickok, when they were loading up to go to a gunfight a deputy was asked why a man with one arm would need three guns. He responded:

"I don't want to get killed from lack of shooting back"

And I don't remember who came up with this bit of advice but I like it:

"you may be killed with your own gun but you better have been beaten to death with it because you should have already shot it dry".
I said I didn't have much use for them, I didn't say I didn't know how to use one.- Quigley

If 7 rounds of 45 doesn't solve the situation, you've made a serious tactical error- Jeff Cooper
Natural cause.

Reporter: Sheriff, do you know the coroner ruled he died from natural causes?
Sheriff: Yeah, well if you get shot 17 times you're natuarlly gonna die.
Sheriff Grady Judd.
From Full Metal Jacket

JOKER hears a muffled sound. He isn't sure where it comes from. He slowly enters the latrine.
Running his flashlight across the room JOKER Sees PYLE sitting on a toilet, loading a magazine for his M-14 rifle.
PYLE looks up at JOKER and smiles. It is a frightening smile.
PYLE (strange voice) Hi, Joker.
JOKER stares at PYLE for a few seconds. PYLE has clearly snapped.
JOKER Are those ... live rounds?
PYLE Seven-six-two millimeter, full metal jacket.
PYLE smiles grotesquely.
JOKER Leonard .. . if Hartman comes in here and catches us, we'll both be in a world of -CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED-.
PYLE I am .. . in a world . . . of -CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED-!
PYLE gets to his feet, snaps his rifle to port arms, and starts executing the Manual of Arms.
PYLE (shouting) Left shoulder ... hut! Right shoulder ... hut! Lock and load! Order ... hut!
PYLE picks up the loaded magazine, inserts it into the rifle and smartly brings the rifle down to the order arms position.
PYLE (shouting) This is my rifle! There are many like it, but this one is mine.
By now the platoon is awake.
HARTMAN bursts from his room, wearing his skivvies and D.I. hat.
PYLE (offscreen) My rifle is my best friend! It is my life!
HARTMAN Get back in your bunks!
PYLE I must master it as I must master my life! Without me ...
HARTMAN Storms into the latrine.
HARTMAN What is this Mickey Mouse -CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED-? What in the name of Jesus H. Christ are you animals doing in my head?
(to JOKER) Why is Private Pyle out of his bunk after lights out?! Why is Private Pyle holding that weapon? Why aren't you stomping Private Pyle's guts out?
JOKER Sir, it is the private's duty to inform the Senior Drill Instructor that Private Pyie has a full magazine and has locked and loaded, sir!
HARTMAN and PYLE look at each other. PYLE Smiles from the depths of his own hell.
HARTMAN focuses all of his considerable powers of intimidation, into his best John-Wayne-on-Suribachi voice.
HARTMAN Now you listen to me, Private Pyle, and,you listen good. I want that weapon, and I want it now! You will place that rifle on the deck at your feet and step back away from it.
With a twisted smile on his face Pyle takes a ready position and points his rifle at HARTMAN.
HARTMAN What is your major malfunction, numbnuts?!! Didn't Mommy and Daddy show you enough attention when you were a child?!!!
BANG! The round hits HARTMAN in the chest. He falls back dead.
JOKER and PYLE stand looking at the body. Then PYLE looks at JoKER and slowly raises his rifle.
JOKER (trembling) Easy, Leonard. Go easy, man.
PYLE breathes heavily, and keeps the rifle aimed at JOKER. JOKER is scared -CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED--CENSORED-less. PYLE looks at JOKER for several seconds and slowly lowers the rifle. Then he stumbles back a few steps and sits down, heavily on the toilet.
PYLE turns away from JOKER and stares into space, a strangely peaceful look transforming his face. He places the muzzle of the rifle in his mouth.
PYLE pulls the trigger and blows the back of his head over the white tiled wall behind him.
Geez folks, I didn't mean to shut this thread down with that last post when there are so many more out there. Here's a few more:

"This is the AK47 assault rifle, the preferred weapon of your enemy; and it makes a distinctive sound when fired at you, so remember it."
Clint Eastwood "Heartbreak Ridge"

"You make a noise Mr 44 makes a noise. You ask a question, Mr. 44 answers it.
If you try to run I got six little friends, and they can all run faster than you."
George Clooney: From Dusk Till Dawn

"I figger if the time comes I need one of those toy guns, there'll be plenty of 'em lyin on the ground...” First Sergeant in We Were Soldiers

This is my rifle, there are many like it but this one is mine. My rifle is my best friend, it is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my rifle is useless, without my rifle I am useless. I must fire my rifle true, I must shoot straighter than my enemy, who is trying to kill me. I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will. Before God I swear this creed: my rifle and myself are defenders of my country, we are the masters of my enemy, we are the saviors of my life. So be it, until there is no enemy, but peace. Amen.
Full Metal Jacket

There are two types of people in the world – those with a gun, and those who dig. Now dig! Clint Eastwood The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

And now you understand. Anything goes wrong, anything at all… your fault, my fault, nobody’s fault… it won’t matter – I’m gonna blow your head off. No matter what else happens, no matter who gets killed, I’m gonna blow your head off. Big Jake

"Get yourself a Glock and get rid of that nickel-plated sissy-pistol." Deputy Marshall Sam Gerard

It ain't always being fast, so much as being willing. Lot of guys are fast, but then they'll draw a breath or think, or hesitate to pull that trigger. I won't. John Wayne in The Shootist

No, I shot him. Bullets and the fall killed him. Vince in Collateral

When a man with .45 meets a man with a rifle, you said, the man with a pistol's a dead man. Let's see if that's true. Go ahead, load up and shoot. Clint Eastwood A Fistfull Of Dollars
Nobody: "Did you kill the white man who killed you?"

William Blake: "I'm not dead. Am I?"

Dead Man (1995)