Favorite I once shot a _ with a _ stories.

Many moons ago my dad bought me a model 70 featherweight classic in 308. On opening morning a decent 8 pt walked in front of the stand just on the far side of a Lil hill. When I finally pulled the trigger the deer disappeard. As I was in the middle of a panic attack thinking I missed my first good buck, I noticed a very thin line of steam rising above where I shot. Dad had told me to stay in the stand if I shot. When the steam stopped and he still wasn't there I just couldn't stand it no more. When I got over the hump to see where the steam was coming from and to look for blood, my deer was laying there. I've never seen it again but I dream of that hunt on those cold crisp mornings.
Shot a feral cat at about 10 yards with a 300wby and 180grn Nosler BT over about 84grns of 7828. That kitty was following the wrong covey of quail. Fluffy got turned inside out.

Had a 60-70lb barrcuda hit one of my nice jigs. The moron on the boat dropped my boga grip overboard when the fish snapped. I shot the fish with a .357 I keep on board. Got my jig back and fed the carcass to the tiger sharks.

When I was a teenager on my third deer drive I had a doe almost run me over. I say almost because at about 5 yards I let her have a dose of #1 buck that peeled the top of her head off leaving her ears. Note: I wasn't aiming so much as trying to get out of the way.
Shot a wasp . . .

I shot a wasp that had landed on my target back board with a scoped Beretta Neos at about seven yards. Well, I think I shot it, no remains to be found, I didn't see it fly off. :-)
Live well, be safe
Prof Young
Prof Young your story reminds me of a day on the range when the yellow jackets we're just horrible. A couple of the kids had already been stung trying to swat them off their drinks. I don't remember who but one of us had the bright idea to set all the half drank cokes at 25 yards. We then loaded up our 22's and had some of the best range days ever. We even set up a sheet of plywood behind them so we could see better. 40 grains of lead is the best yellow jacket/wasp spray there is.
I once shot a buck

with a side-by-side double barrel shotgun, using a fishing rod guide taped on the rear of the rib as a peep sight.

When the buck slowly closed the distance to about 40 yards, I put the bird bead sight on his vitals, a bit low in the rear fishing line guide peep sight, and touched off the right barrel. Hit him low, through both lungs. Took about 2 hours to find him, but now his 170 class rack still hangs on my wall - since 1969.

The only legal weapon was shotgun, slug, and I didn't own anything but that side-by-side double. Didn't get a chance to take it to the range and check the POI with rifled slugs before the hunt.

Talk about beginners luck!:D
Not my shootin' but I was the witness:

First story:
Deer / .270 pump

I came out of the woods at the base of a field to see my Dad zeroing in on a buck standing about 200yards from his stand.
The (first) shot rung out and the deer took off across the field (clean miss). The deer was in full tilt laid out running mode. The second shot rung out, the deer about 175 yards out, and the deer did a somersault and fell dead. I walked up to my Dad and asked him, "was the first shot a warning shot to make it sporting or what?"

Second story:
Wood chuck / Rock

My brother and I were out by the sheep barn when a wood chuck came out of his hole and high-tailed it across the yard. My brother picked up a rock and flung it in the direction of the chuck. I didn't see the rock actually connect, but I did see it ricochet into the air. But when we walked up the wood chuck it was obviously dead. I still wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it myself.

I only regret not getting a picture of my brother with his 'trophy.'
As a wee young pup I was given a stopper gun. Parents were working cows, in the attempt to keep me out of trouble, the sat me on top of a wooden gate.
Our mule came over to say hello. I sat total motionless. When he attempted to smell, I shot him. Both barrels, he promptly ate both stoppers, then started braying. Scared the Be jobbers outta me.
I remember this, some 50 plus years ago, as yesterday. ...
I've got a couple. My granddad had an old 1917 Remington 20 ga. pump with a very tight choke. I borrowed it to go rabbit hunting one day, instead of using my 12 ga Winchester auto-loader with an improved cylinder choke. A rabbit busted out of cover running full out at about 15 yards, left to right, a perfect crossing shot. At the shot ,the bunny did 3 or 4 full cartwheels and finally hit the ground dead. When I went over to pick him up, not only was the head completely gone, but he had eviscerated himself out through the neck cavity doing the cartwheels, and had left a trail of blood and guts about 10 feet long.

Second one I was squirrel hunting with a Buckmark 22 auto-loader with a 10" barrel and a Leupold 2x scope mounted. It just happened to like Stingers, routinely putting a 10-shot clip into an inch at 25 yards. I saw a large red squirrel in a tree about 20 ft off the ground and 20 yards away. He kept the trunk between me and him for a couple minutes, but finally showed me just his left foreleg and armpit. I put the Stinger right in that armpit, and when I went to pick him up he was literally almost torn in half. Just a bit of skin held the front and back halves of him together. Those Stingers sure hit hard!
I shot a huge Bobcat with my 7WSM (all I had with me). I wanted to mount him, but he was in two pieces. The front half and the back half were about 4 feet apart. If he had 9 lives, he must have already used up 8 of them. Either way, he won't be eating any more of my Turkeys.
If I could only remember some of the African safaris and elk hunts in Colorado when I was 5-8 years old. Charging elephants, and world record elk. Even a few grizzlies all killed with my old rusty and trusty red rider. Boy them were the days!
Do BB guns count? :D

My ex girlfriend and I shared a house in a quiet little neighborhood north of the city, place had no A/c, so in the summer heat all the windows got left open. Well in summer the sun starts peeking up about 4am. Off in the top of a fir tree down the street with a crow nest in it. Turns out very young crows are like roosters. They start cawing at the first sign of day light. Waking all the neighbors up to the point someone down the street actually yelled out their window "SHUUTTUUUPPP!!!" one morning.
So the heck with it, Im gonna shoot a couple to shut em up
For a few days I was going home, sitting on the back porch taking pock shots at crows. Im in the back of the house, sitting, facing away from the house. Out of my left perifial I see a crow flying in front of my house from my left to right. I turn, and shoot so fast I hardly even aim. The crow dives for cover.......or so I thought, never saw him come back up. So I walk through the garage to the front of the house and there next to my truck is a crow laying on the ground dead as a door nail. Upon further inspection I had shot him right through the heart, through and through. Pure, absolute luck. But Ill take it!
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OK, speaking of BB guns, did you see the Simpson's episode where Nelson gave Bart the BB gun to shoot the bird; but Bart wasn't a killer, so he aimed way off to miss, but the gun was so inaccurate that it hit the bird, and they felt terrible? Yeah, that's pretty much what happened about age 13, except we weren't trying to miss. Southwestern Colo. My friend Eddie had a one-pump Daisy Red Ryder with a basketball trajectory with steel BBs (smoothbore too), and 3 of us tried for most of a summer to kill a chipmunk and/or any bird we could get a shot at with that gun - finally Eddie hit and killed a tweetie bird out of a pine tree - we felt terrible, cried, and gave it a proper burial.
I've shot a beaver in the head with a .300 Win Mag from about 20 yards away...it worked. I've shot a spruce grouse in the head from about 10 yards away with a .30-30...it also worked and there was no meat ruined :D. I've also taken a grouse with a 12 guage BB shot waterfowl load...held quite high and took off the head, only one pellet went through the chest ruining almost no meat. When my sister was still in high school she shot a coyote in between the eyes with a .50 cal muzzleloader at about 60 yards...was quite pleased with herself.
when I was 13 and only a little more stupid than I am now I would shoot shish-kabob skewers out of a bb gun at my friend who would at the same time try to drive over me with a bicycle. Not a dirt-bike, a pedal bike. We were chastised for scaring the horses more than for endangering ourselves. I got one stuck in his leg but barely.
Minnow with a bb pistol. My friend bet me that I couldn't hit a minnow that was cruising the surface about ten feet away. I shot one handed and he disappeared in the splash. Friend didn't believe that I'd hit it until I waded out and fished it off the bottom of knee deep water. Clean hit just behind the head.
When we were 16 a buddy and I were on his Grampa's ranch with guns. I had a 25-35 in a Winchester model 94. We were walking down a fence, when a sparrow landed on the top wire about 20 yards in front of me. I braced on a post and shot that sparrow. There was a cloud of feathers, and all that was left of the bird was one foot still hanging off the wire.