Favorite handgun to shoot vs favorite to carry

Yah, choices are difficult.

Most fun to shoot: 1) Hamden-made High Standard Citation; 2) S&W K22; 3) Ruger Redhawk .44 mag

Carry: 1) Kahr PM9; 2) Charter Arms .44 Spl; 3) Combat Commander

In no particular order.

Actually, they're all fun to shoot.

My favorite guns to shoot are my Kimber 1911 Custom II and my Colt 1911. Both guns get a full workout each time i go to the range. I do bring some of my other hardware to exercise and maintain a currency but always seem to begin with and end with the two 1911's.

As for my carry gun, it is a Kimber Stainless Pro Carry. It has been with me for about 30 years and has well over 150,000 rounds fired. I still fire it nearly every week but not to the extent that I used to. It has earned its keep with its near perfect reliability.
I have a tendency to prefer long barreled handguns so my favorite handgun to shoot is my Smith & Wesson 10 shot 617 with a 6" barrel. Of course this is impractical because of the length of the barrel and the fact that the 22lr round is not the optimum self defense round.
For carry I prefer my Ruger LCR for its simplicity, ease of pocket carry, trigger pull and reliability.
I am from South Florida so the weather has a major impact on what I wear, which in turn affects what I can carry. I usually carry my Kahr PM9 in a pocket holster and occasionally carry my Beretta Tomcat if I need to go really small. As for my favorite gun to shoot, that would probably be my Les Baer Thunder Ranch Special. I know it was designed as an excellent carry gun, but it is too freaking big and heavy to carry on a regular basis. That thing is a real tack driver!
My favorite gun to shoot would probably be the Uberti 1873 Cattleman revolver in 45 LC. As a history nerd, I just love old timey guns.

Favorite carry: P220. It's just sits on my hip perfectly(I'm a big guy).
Favorite to shoot would be a toss up between my Ruger New Vaquero and my S & W M & P . . .

Favorite carry . . . my S & W Model 36 snub . . . .
My favorite was a CZ 75bd I had for years but it was heavy for carry. I sold it and got a P01 which shoots just as well and is lighter.
I love shooting my CZ-75B,,,

I love shooting my CZ-75B,,,
It's such a sweet performer I can't not shoot it.

But I usually carry a Ruger LCP,,,
Lately I've been carrying the Ruger LC9.

The LCP isn't a fun range toy at all,,,
And I'm warming up to the LC9 for the range,,,
But still, my CZ-75B is my favorite for range relaxation.


But if we're talking revolvers,,,

But if we're talking revolvers:

My S&W Model 15 Combat Masterpiece is my favorite to shoot,,,
For revolver carry I choose my 3" Model 36.


I love to shooting My Coonan Classic. It is a magic gun that magically is much more fun that any other gun I own. My favorite carry gun is my J-frame (640) also in 357 magnum. I make sure I practice at least 20 rounds each time I go shooting so that I stay in practice.
My Coonan Classic is also my favorite to shoot. I carry a XDs or LC9 depending on what I am wearing.
For autos, I find a way to carry those I find most fun to shoot since I tend to shoot them more.

For revolvers, I sure love my Ruger Vaquero, but won't carry it much. Prefer a DA revolver for woods walking and hunting sidearms.
I love shooting S&W revolvers DA, but my favorite gun to shoot is a Russian commercial Makarov in .380 that I load for. I carry a Bulgarian Makarov in 9mm Mak.