Favorite fictional movie gun

Phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range.

Sean Connery's Webley Fosbery semiauto revolver in Zardoz. The blanks used don't generate enough recoil to cock it, so he fires it single action. Still looks very cool.

Johnny Ringo's Le Mat revolver.
I've always wondered if this was ever done in real life,,,
Or was it a complete Hollyweird creation.
Well, not exactly, but Winchester did make the 1892 Trapper carbine with a 12" barrel. But it had a regular carbine butt stock on it. Fun to shoot, but LOUD!
Hello Scorch,,,

...but Winchester did make the 1892 Trapper carbine with a 12" barrel.

I wasn't aware of that version,,,
IMFDB did say that his Mares Leg was an 1892,,,
I wonder if his gun might have been one of those with a cut-down stock?


Griz - I actually held that Minigun that Arnauld used in that flick. It was something like 75 lbs. Got to hold the AK used in the original Red Dawn ("Wolverines!").