Favorite fictional movie gun


New member
Even with the help of trained gun handlers, Hollywood gets it wrong more often than not with guns. But when it gets it right, the drama of a good movie gun can create one hell of an impression on a person. Like a little kid watching the way-too-R-rated Robocop at like age 6 with his dad.

Robocop's gun was a dressed-up Beretta 93R that popped out of a holster built into his leg.

Will never forget the scene with the cops at the range shooting their guns and Robocop walks in and blasts his gun on burst fire.


Some of the details of it were very silly (it supposedly had 50 rounds in the magazine) but I love it. Runners up are definitely that wild gun Decker had in Blade Runner that blew people through walls and the Pulse Rifle from Aliens.

How about you? What fake gun would you love to get your hands on?
1 - Bob Hoskin's (Eddie Valiant's) cartoon gun with the DumDum bullets in Who Framed Roger Rabbit
2 - any one of the guns in any movie that just doesn't seem to need reloading after being fired for an ungodly long time

On the other hand, I would NOT want any gun that is/was used by the forces of evil in the movies (ie - the guys that couldn't shoot straight) :rolleyes:
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nuff said :eek::D

This one is easy... the circular grenade launcher Christopher Walken uses in his attack on the rebel camp near the end of the movie The Dogs of War. I don't THINK it's a real weapon, at least I can't find anything on it after digging around on Google... if anybody can help me on this, please do.
Notice that from the back or front (not the sides) the flash pattern is in the form of the Tetragrammaton symbol. I don't think that's possible in the real world, but it's a nice touch for the movie.

I suppose the fact that I think the Beretta 92 is a good looking gun probably contributes to my affinity for the Equilibrium guns since they're obviously based on the Beretta 92 design, albeit heavily modified.
My favorite "fictional" gun is the Hamilton carried
by Paladin in the TV series of the same name. He
explains in various episodes that it is a hand-made
just for him six-shooter. But of course, it's nothing
more than a Colt Single Action Army with the
standard 7.5-inch barrel. :D

As the church lady might remark, "Well, isn't
that special." :p
I still like the old ones . A Spencer repeater with a box of a dozen loading tubes ! ! That was a potent force in those days ! 7X12 wow. Saw it only in a TV western buy that gun nut John Millius ! :D