Family of AR-15 Inventor Eugene Stoner: He Didn't Intend It for Civilians

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mike irwin said:
Big question is... who cares what they think about what he thought?

I would guess that at least one person at NBC News cares since it appears that they are the ones who asked the question.

"Our father, Eugene Stoner, designed the AR-15 and subsequent M-16 as a military weapon to give our soldiers an advantage over the AK-47," the Stoner family told NBC News late Wednesday. "He died long before any mass shootings occurred. But, we do think he would have been horrified and sickened as anyone, if not more by these events."
They care because they have an agenda about guns, and gun ownership. Anything that promotes this agenda is good for them, so they do it.

And whether or not their agenda advances, anything that causes controversy MAKES THEM MONEY!!!!!

and that is the real thing they care most about. In fact, if not in their stated principles.

Never forget one basic fact about the media, they do not give us the news, they sell us the news, for a profit.

A profit that is not always just money.

Journalistic Integrity is today, an oxymoron if it was ever anything else, that time has long passed.

There are some who do still possess it, hopefully there will always be some. Sadly, today, their voices are seldom heard, drowned out in a flood of propaganda.
It has to be true NBC reported on it and we all know how the liberal CBS, NBC, ABC are for reporting the facts.:rolleyes::rolleyes: Guess I should include, CNN (the clinton news network) MSNBC
I find the responses interesting, and the topic as a whole. Very seldom does one of our rights as citizens spark such heated debate and vehemence from one side or the other. A great topic for someone writing a paper for a sociology class.

I also find it interesting to see how many of the responses disagree with the original statement and how it delved into supposed proof that the original statement is bunk. Fascinating, to say the least.
Gabe1972 said:
I also find it interesting to see how many of the responses disagree with the original statement and how it delved into supposed proof that the original statement is bunk. Fascinating, to say the least.
What are you referring to as "the original statement"? The purported statement by Stoner's descendants, or the statement said descendants claim Stoner made?
Aguila Blanca,

The statements the descendants made, and the title of the thread, whether derived from said statement or not. I'm only referring to what was said on here. I didn't go to the site and read the story in its entirety.
Its just a family with questionable morals trying to distance themselves from a controversial device designed by their ancestor/patriarch.

IF.. they are living well off of the proceeds/inheritance stemming from their grandfather's work they are extremely hypocritical scum.

Either way, their opinon on a dead man's assumed thoughts are moot and not at all fact or newsworthy, shame on NBC for running with this biased tabloid trash.
Gabe1972 said:
Everyone's entitled to their opinions, including you.
Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinions. But the fact someone who has done nothing of consequence in the world happens to hold an opinion regarding something his/her grandfather did doesn't make that opinion newsworthy ... or correct, or justified.
I find it interesting that so many people on here seem to know more than his own family members about his opinions. I also find it interesting, though highly ridiculous, that some feel that them having money due to his creation somehow makes their opinion of his feelings moot, or even wrong.

My father creates something. That something makes a lot of money. That money is passed to me when he dies. I tell people that although my father created the thing, his intention was never for it to be used the way it was/is. Now somehow not only am I liar, I'm also a hypocrite. What an interesting bunch. I guess they all know my father better than me. Comical, to say the least.

I would be willing to bet, if it were about anything else, people would just be saying, "That's Interesting." But, being that it is about a firearm, they are liars and hypocrites. Hilarious. There must be a LOT of immediate Stoner descendants in here. After all, they all know better than the man's own family.
As you said everyone's entitled to their opinions!
That being said I would encourage you to express your opinion and not just argue against others. Have a nice day!
Gabe1972, I find it interesting that you are surprised when you come to a gun board where comments made by Stoner's family blaming the violence committed using the AR platform on the weapon, and claiming he would agree are seen as a little disingenuous. First, the facts don't support the claim. Second, it is the attempt to use this claim to support the position that no one should have an AR that causes many of us to shake our heads. In a political climate where our 2A rights are at risk, do you really think it surprising that we object to this sort of tactic? It is like the families of Harlan Sanders or Ray Krok claiming they never intended for fast food to be so.popular or unhealthy in the wrong hands (or mouths if you prefer), and then using that to support making it illegal.

Finally, it is worth repeating that what Stoner or his family thinks or thought is not relevant to any discussion of the legality of AR ownership. I also think if you base your sociological or anthropological views on posts on the internet you will soon be very confused. Good luck.
I also think if you base your sociological or anthropological views on posts on the internet you will soon be very confused.

You could not be more correct.

BTW, I never made any reference, nor comment, about their veiled accusation of the AR-15 being responsible for the spate of mass killings, only my utter surprise at people's supposed better knowledge of how he intended his invention to be used, and how it was funny for his family to be wrong in expressing his thought on his invention while inheriting his money.
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I could not find where you offered an opinion on the topic, could you repost or direct me to it so that I may have a better understanding of your position on the topic.
Again all the best.
I never gave an opinion on the topic. I only gave an opinion on the reactions to what was stated in the title and the first post.

If you want my opinion about the actual subject that started this thread, including the full story on the linked site, I think the veiled blame of the AR-15 being responsible for the recent spate of mass killings is ridiculous, and I find it interesting that he only intended the rifle for military use. That's it.

Let's just drop it. This is becoming pointless.
Gabe1972 said:
BTW, I never made any reference, nor comment, about their veiled accusation of the AR-15 being responsible for the spate of mass killings, only my utter surprise at people's supposed better knowledge of how he intended his invention to be used, and how it was funny for his family to be wrong in expressing his thought on his invention while inheriting his money.

Gabe1972 said:
I didn't go to the site and read the story in its entirety.
Perhaps you should have read the article ...

It could also be argued that John Moses Browning only "intended" the M1911 to be for military use, too. After all, he designed it for Colt in direct response to a specific set of criteria established by the Ordnance Department for a new handgun for the military. That, too, is fact. But you don't see John Browning's descendants whining that civilians shouldn't have 1911s because Grandpa John only "intended" the M1911 to be for the military.
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