Family Members and Firearms

I've been married for 41 years, my wife wasn't raised around guns but she doesn't mind them.
She isn't into shooting but understands I like to.

She owns a Walther 22 and has only fired it twice.

Like most women I've seen she acts like she is afraid of them, probably because she doesn't understand them.
I talked to a firearms safety instructor and he told me that if a womans bf or husband tries to teach them shooting that they are afraid of doing something wrong and causing an argument.
Therefore they won't like shooting.
But if they go to through a safety course with other women and preferably given by another woman, they will be less imtimated by guns and learning how to shoot them.
They feel more comfortable with other women.

I've always had handguns around the house.
I've taken both of my daughters out target shooting ( when they were 16 )to teach them the safe and proper way to handle guns.

My oldest liked shooting my 44.
Now she is 40, married for 20 years and doesn't want her husband to have a gun in the house, go figure.:confused:
He isn't into hunting or shooting so it is not a problem.

The only thing I can figure is women are nurturing beings and want to protect everyone and everything.
They don't want to believe there might be anyone out there that might want to harm them.

Men are there to protect their families from harm and do what has to be done to protect them knowing there is real danger out there.
Harry, you are certainly welcome to your opinion. In fact I welcome it also and feel my use of the word ridiculous was perhaps a bit too strong. We can agree to disagree on that, I appreciate being able to discuss and not insult as happens too often.

I would question though why you felt sympathy for an old woman whose fault it was that her dog got loose to kill your animals. Since they were already dead it made no difference and you should have done nothing? Credit to your wife for her attitude though.

Did she sympathize with you for your dead birds?

We have neighbors who were taking a walk over the summer and were attacked by another neighbor's dog who bit one of them. I don't really know the details other than that but suffice it to say that if it were my wife and I confronted by a dog like that I wouldn't hesitate to try to shoot it rather than suffer a dog bite. I would have no sympathy for the dog owner either.
I would question though why you felt sympathy for an old woman whose fault it was that her dog got loose to kill your animals.

When I first moved to my place I let my dogs run loose, heuy we were out in the country after all. Well a neighbor come by told me he was ready to shoot the dog cause she killed 2 of his show rabbits each worth 50.00. I paid him thanked him for not killing my dog and got an electric fence and collars.

I hesitate to kill an animal due to this event. Dogs can cost a lot, I know what i have spent on my shorthairs. I am glad he felt that talking to me was a better option than killing my dog.

My wife had a handgun before I ever met her and a motorcycle too, so I have the best woman possible for me :)
I don't purposely get tangled up with anti-gunners. I've dumped every anti-gun girlfriend I ever had and I sure as hell wouldn't make the mistake of marrying one.
sounds like the quote I heard a while back from a rabid (no pun intended) anti-gunner who said he'd rather see his family slain than take the life of their attacker ... this is a serious attitude issue which should be dealt with ...
Are you serious bikerbill? Gee, I wonder if his family feels the same way? Murdered in cold blood just so he can maintain his holier than thou attitude?

Friggin' coward ....

Seriously, that kind of mentality and attitude bothers me so much that it almost physically hurts me to think about it.
Are you serious bikerbill? Gee, I wonder if his family feels the same way? Murdered in cold blood just so he can maintain his holier than thou attitude?

Just one step below a vegan that would rather starve their kid than have them eat a piece of meat that could nourish them...... you under stand that with these people, it is not "what is", but how they feel about "what is" ......
How to deal with the dog is easy: pepper spray. You may have the right to shoot a dog that threatens you, but if you can handle it without pulling your gun, that's better for everyone.

How to deal with your wife is less easy. Vito's summary sounds familiar to me:
My wife of 44 years dislikes guns intensely but understands that I do not feel the same way. When we married all those years ago I did not have a gun and had not hunted for many years. Early in our marriage I bought my first handgun for home defense and despite trying numerous times over the years have never been able to get her to even try to shoot a firearm. However, she never objected to my getting all of our children familiar with shooting and firearm safety. And recently, when she heard a sound in the night that scared her and I investigated, gun in hand, she did not seem the least bit upset that I had the loaded gun at the ready. My wife also doesn't care much for motorcycles, another of my life long passions, but we have enough in common to have had a strong marriage for a very long time.

But given the truth of Voyager's observation,
People are generally afraid of guns until they have some first-hand experience with them
I'm glad that my wife recently agreed to go the range with me. She'll likely fire a few rounds, and when we go home, she'll still dislike guns, but - I hope - will find them less scary when properly handled and stored.