Extending the "geezer" thread, demographic questions for all TFLers

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You ask for it.
1. 52(act 16 sometimes)




5.boy 30 girl 32 dog 8 same wife 33yrs.

6.Deer & Turkey in back yard. rural

7.computors and golf

8.real comfortable

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves againest tyranny in government" Thomas Jefferson
OK , like , why not?

Im 51, male, 5ft 7 in. 175 pounds caucasian single, no kids, have 1 pitt bull, a cross between Colby and Old Family Red.
Live in a city in Conn.
Income varies, 12K to 25K, depending.

And Im home caring for my 87 year old mother;
she will never see the inside of one of those
So called "homes" while I live & breath. If she gets bad ,I will hire private nurses to come to the house, 24 hrs,7 days if necessary.

What do I like besides shooting & gun collecting? Computers, TFL, Duke Nukem,
shoot em up twice movies like desperado
by antonio banderas, arnould movies.

I do gourmet cooking when I feel like it
& TV dinners when I dont.
Back around 94 ,before I got Lymes Desease from a tick bite (dog tick)
I used to build & fly radio control model planes, cars and boats , but it got to be
too tiring for me. Used to be a good snow
& water skiier.And used to ride a mc.
Not any more, not with lymes,
but I still do what I can .I was real
good with my hands, had done auto
mechanic, lawn mower repair,welding,
oil burner repair,tv repair,owned &
opperated a major appliance repair company
washers,dryers,stoves & refrigeraters.
Did some carpentry and some house painting,
in fact,still have some to do on my own house.Not a licensed electrician , but know
how to wire to code. I own & opperate a
a gun shop now & am a NRA Certified Pistol Safety Instructor. I have taught over 1000
(sheeple no longer) to shoot safely & well.

Some wheres around here I got a sheepskin
that says Im an electronic technician,dated
1968. Any one got any vacuum tubes they need fixed?

ONE THING I learned in life, No one
ever gets rich working for a living!

Oh , yea, never forget to stop & smell
them roses.

Have you fun when you are young.
When you get old, or sick, or worst,old and sick, fun is just too tiring to enjoy, any more, and you feel your damned lucky if your
good enough,that day, to just manage to work, some,
on what really needs to get done.

Every year,over 2 million Americans use firearms to preserve life,limb & family.
Gun Control Democrats
would prefer that they all die,instead.
ernest2, Conn. CAN opp. "Do What You Can"! http://thematrix.acmecity.com/digital/237/cansite/can.html

[This message has been edited by ernest2 (edited December 20, 1999).]
I've never even filled out a census form so ya'll should feel honored.
I'm approx. 50
about 6'/ 200lbs
english-irish-german-dutch and slovak
temporarily Kansas City,MO
no kids and one wife
born and bred country boy
reading and photography
since I'm a student I guess my economic level could be defined as flat broke
Hope that covers everything
What the hell... I'm game

1. 10/13/77
2. Male
3. a. 6'00"
b. 145
c. 25% Irish, 25% Italian, 50% German
4. Joliet, Illinois (30 mins. from Chicago)
5. 0
6. Suburbanite
7. Hockey as well (playing, not watching),
cars, and reading.
8. Funny... It seems as I get poorer, my
local gun store gets richer...
My God ... this is but a mere handful of TFLers .....

but the sheer diversity is astounding!

How dare the anti-gunners lump us all together and label us "rednecks" and "uneducated" (as they did in Australia).

Keep this thread going, people -- it's fascinating.

5'3 genuine america mutt
no kids one dog I have girlfriend somewhere in this mess
hobbies Hiking kayaking Rowing sleeping
I am so broke I turned down a DEAL on Sig228 on Sat SOB SOB sniffle
I'll play but streaking was easier!
51 and in power dive
Male but out of action it seems
6' with lots O'anchorage. Scotch/Irish/Dutch/Polish/Indian mutt
Michigan's U.P. (banana belt)
5 kids (2 wives) from 14-28 (twins 24)
Rural - use to beat-up city kids
Knives, hunting (don't shoot) and fishin
Disabled by lyme disease via bad Dr.s but toy rich and $$ embarrassed

26 yrs. old male, 6'0", 250 lbs. (pretty much huge boned. Got the college paunch and handles but can still see my feet and other equipment.) Caucasian w/some Cherokee.

Located 2 miles from Bass Pro Shops National Headquarters. No kids, 2 dogs, 2 cats, married for almost 2 years now. Born and raised country, moved to city (suburbs).

Love computer games, fishing, cooking (wife loves that!). Just bought a house and are remodeling heavily, so we're constantly broke.

Anarchism: The radical notion that I am the sole authority when it comes to deciding what's best for me.
age: 30

sex: M

height: 183cm

mass: 98kg

location: southwest USA

kids: trying

pets: 3 mutts & 1 cat (lost 2 this year)

city slicker but hoping to be rural soon

non-gun interests: toyota land cruisers, 4wheeling, drums, reading
1. 31
2. male
3. 5'9", 160lb, Georgian (English/Irish & a smidgen of Cherokee)
4. Douglasville, GA (about 30 miles west of Atlanta)
5. no biological kids, but I'll be adopting my fiancee's 4 yr old daughter soon after marraige (I already have the title, I just want to make it legal); 1 overweight Siamese, 1 3-legged dog
6. That's a tough one. I grew up in an area that used to be rural (I lived at the corner of a dirt road surrounded by horse pasture), but as I grew up so did my town. I guess I'm more comfortable with the country, though.
7. martial arts, reading, drinking beer, working on my Jeep (I'll be done one day - I hope)
8. Underpaid public servant with 2 engineering degrees. Go figure.
I'll bite.

1. 33
2. Male
3. 5; 6" 150lb Chinese
4. So. CA (fortunately Orange County)
5. 1 girl (3 months)
6. Mostly City
7. Mountain biking, eating (out)
8. Middel Class as they come.
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