Extending the "geezer" thread, demographic questions for all TFLers

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1) 38
2) Male
This feels like I'm filling out another insurance form!
3) 6', way too much, cauc
4) Upstate NY, There really is a lot of NY out side the city!
5) One on the way! One German Shepard, two cats
6) Rural
7) Writing, Reading,
8) Very middle class

This was a good idea, it puts a face to the names. Thanks, Futo. ,

1. Brindle bitch - Sinder - age 9. AKA Babe, Baby Girl.
2. Fawn dog - Charley - age 5. AKA Pup, the little SOB (not derogatory - his mother was technically a bitch)

These dogs are roundly abused, having to share their own king sized bed in the trailer when camping and having their own heated bedroom back of the garage with doggie doors for free entry and exit. My fervent hope is that I can be reincarnated as one of my wife's dogs although she insists I am the one that spoils them (she probably has a point). The highlight of every week is when they go to the shooting range with me in the back of their Suburban. :)

Gun control is a steady hand and hitting with the first shot.

[This message has been edited by OJ (edited December 18, 1999).]
The Rock will play.

The Rock is:
almost 22
6 foot something, >150lbs and whitebread
hell no and 2 cats at parent's house
slicker now
Hotties, Fast cars more firearms! (Of course The Rock must include laying the smack down on numerous candy-asses!)
Not bad for a almost 22 year old..
OK, I have been reminded that officially, according to the AKC, Sinder is legally "Loxley Lady Sinder O'King, CD (that's the obedience title)" and Charley is legally "Avalon's Hipshot O'King". Please note Charley's middle name keeps the shooting thread on topic. :)

Gun control is a steady hand and hitting with the first shot.
All right, I'll fess up as well.

1. Doesn't matter, I REFUSE to grow up. I may have to grow old, but I'll fight growing up tooth and nail! Oh, all right, 32.

2. 100% American Male

3. Vertically challenged, and slightly overweight (Thanks to the wife's good cooking :))

4. New Hampsha'. Ayuh!

5. Insta-Dad to 3 kids, (13, 12, and 10), one cat and one EXTREMELY spoiled dog.

6. Hmmm....more like small city with small town feel.

7. Reading about war, military aircraft, ghosts, and anything else that piques my interest. My wife, and watching old movies (especially anything with John Wayne in it).

8. Fairly well, until I get laid off in two months. Extended vacation is wife sanctioned, so it's icefishing until mid-march, then it's "home, home on the range" :)
OK, I'll play along. :)

Male, last time I checked
5'10", 200#, caucasian
0 kids, 2 cats
City-born and -raised
Music, books, and 'puters
Comfortable, but still can't afford that danged minigun. :)

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
1. 20
2. Male
3. 6'1, 265, uh, "Mulatto" (there's something you don't see on the census forms)
4. Tacoma, WA
5. I have a cat.
6. Urban and proud
7. Sitting still, reading, and listening to my collection of Frank Zappa CD's which is hefty indeed
8. I'm a college student, the poor kind
AGE: 56 and going down hill fast
SEX: Male and not often enough
H&W: 5ft8in 210 and pants are getting tighter
LOC: Metro Oklahoma City area
KIDS: 2 daughters,one son-in-law, one fiance, two grandkids (grandson's squeal can break glass)All with degrees and good jobs. I sure hope they can support me when I retire.
RAISED: Country but living in city
INTERESTS:Family, guns, reading, fishing girl watching when wife not looking.
MONEY: Comfortable two income family.
Hmmm...ok I tell

What was the question again.(clicking back)

Ok, I'm back.

3.5-9 170lbs
4. Georgia
5. Nope-gotta a cat
6. city type of guy, heck we got two McDonalds here.
7.Interest- older women, younger women, Miss Demeaners.
8.money-making a good bit but it's leaving faster than I make it-see item 7

The new guy.

"I'm totin, this pistol because my dang SKS won't fit in my holster"

1. 53
2. Male, but not sure how much good it's doin' these days.
3. 6'2", 190
4. Austin, TX
5. two sons, 25 and almost 20, grandaughter approaching 2
6. Not real sure. Military brat, lived everywhere, military career, lived everywhere again, technically living in the county now, but there sure seems to be a lot of "city" real close.
7. Currently a househusband, house takes so much of my time not much else goes down. Say, boating, caring for grandaughter
8. I suppose I have to say rich, since my definition of the word has always been that I can buy everything I want and I don't have to work. But I'd have to note that at this stage I don't want much.
40 yrs
6' 2", 165, human
20 minutes south of Salt Lake City
Ruth 9 yrs
Sarah 7 yrs
Anna 4 yrs
Paul 3 yrs
Grace 11 mos
Hiking, Homeschooling, Computers
Income depends on the length of the last contract. Currently quite broke.
1. Age or DOB?
49 and looking a youthful 70 ;) (Semi-true; my beard went white/grey when I was in my 30s.)

2. your sex? (gender, not frequency)
Male and too tired lately -- but it is nearly Christmas!! Yay!!!!!

3. height, weight, race, etc.?
Damn these metric conversions: ummm, 5'10", about 190, European (French, Pom, even some Indian in there)

4. location?
Perth, capital of West Oz

5. kids (# and ages) and pets?
Kids? Two girls at 23 and 13 (I know, I know -- we hadn't worked out what was causing it back then!) Siamese chocolate point: Official name "Tout Seul"; the kids call him "Toot" and I call him "Target"!!

6. city slicker or rural folk?
City -- but I've done more than my share of outback living.

7. top 2 or 3 non-gun interests/endeavors?
Hmmmm --- writing, reading, films, fishing (sea), cooking, wines (as someone said -- see "weight" above!! :()

8. Current economic level
Doesn't really equate to US levels. We are currently on about $90 000 p.a. --- but my lovely bride has just informed me she's going on LSL for 6 months next year and is then pulling the pin -- permanently!!!!

1. 51, firmly believe it's never too late to have a happy childhood & my immaturity (sometimes) serves me well
2. Male
3. 6'3", 265#, "Murricam mutt, mostly Scots-Irish, German way back when
4. No. VA (suburban DC)
5. No kids, one most excellent hairbag cat
6. city/suburban
7. cars (especially of the Bavarian persuasion), sailing (CAL 31) & the Chesapeake, photography, 'puters
8. comfortable (rich in the things money can't buy)
I'll bite, but how do you know it's really true? :)

1. Age or DOB? and then optionally

2. your sex? (gender, not frequency)
Male, and the other? :)

3. height, weight, race, etc.?

180, I'm getting those handles I was warned about!

White-american. German and Scott/Irish heritage.

4. location?
Phoenix, Arizona valley.

5. kids (# and ages) and pets?
1 wife, 3 boys, 2 cats (not enough land for a dog, yet), and various scorpions.

6. city slicker or rural folk?
Raise county, live in the city (out of necessity)

7. top 2 or 3 non-gun interests/endeavors?
Wanna be hang-gliding, motor-cycle touring, computer gaming...

8. Current economic level
I make some great money, but I'm debt poor. Lack o'discipline.... :(


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
1. 35
2. Male
3. 6', 200#, Celtic descent
4. Virginia
5. 3 girls (8 years, 18 monthsx2), 2 Golden Retrievers
6. Living in the burbs
7. Hiking/backpacking, Geneology
8. 80k/year

[This message has been edited by NuclearGlock (edited December 19, 1999).]
1. Age or DOB? 41, 42? somewhere around that... I stopped counting

2. your sex? Manly

3. height, weight, race, etc.? 6', 178, Human

4. location? South Carolina

5. kids (# and ages) and pets? Married with 4 Children, Daughter 15, Daughter 7, Daughter 3, Son 4, 100 lb Female Rotty.

6. city slicker or rural folk? Rural...very rural

7. top 2 or 3 non-gun interests/endeavors? Mmmmm hard one. Reading, learning new things, working with my hands, ?????

8. Current economic level... with 4 kids terminally broke

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
5'11 196lbs Male
Australian--family from Scotland (both sides}
Married-same wife 36 years
One son one daughter
Dog died last year (19 years old)
One stray cat who's just moved in
Live in the country and shoot a lot.
Mortgage paid off 5 yrs ago.Now rich.
Variety of interests from revolvers to auto's
You ask for it.
1. 52(act 16 sometimes)




5.boy 30 girl 32 dog 8 same wife 33yrs.

6.Deer & Turkey in back yard. rural

7.computors and golf

8.real comfortable
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