Extending the "geezer" thread, demographic questions for all TFLers

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Futo Inu

New member
To get to know one another better, why doesn't everyone, "O.F." or not, please sound off your:

1. Age or DOB? and then optionally

2. your sex? (gender, not frequency)
3. height, weight, race, etc.?
4. location?
5. kids (# and ages) and pets?
6. city slicker or rural folk?
7. top 2 or 3 non-gun interests/endeavors?
8. Current economic level

No, I'm not from the gov't, trying to compile a database. I'm just curious about the extent of our diversity and want to get to know my cyberfriends to gain a perspective. Me,

1. 30 yrs
2. male (and if you must know, VERY infrequently of late)
3. 5'8", 155#, caucasion
4. OK, USA
5. no kids, two dogs
6. city boy (dangit-wish I was "country")
7. Hockey (playing, not watching), dogs/dog training, good C&W and other music, and politics/law.
8. Po' but proud.
ok i'll go along, I think I have nothing to hide....
150#, white
Lousy-ana USA
1 GIRL 8

I must be from the country,either that or them tall buildings sank in the swamp!

non-gun interests/endeavors? is there such a thing? hehe that would be fishing, frogging,
the internet(Im a "high-tech redneck")

current economic level..hmmmm, id have to say well off, my trailer has 3 axles! :)

Im a Carbide Welder for an oilfield rental tool co., who loves nothing more to be knee deep in the swamps..just wish i could make a living at it!
Futo, Po? Student loans are an anchor aren't they? :) Me: 40, Indian/Irish, 5-11, 165 lbs. (9% bodyfat), sadly, no kids, Oklahoma, rural, motorbikes, antiques, birdwatching. Overtaxed professional type farmer.
1. 46

2. yes (I mean male)

3. 5'-10, 175, lilly

4. Tennessee

5. 2 kids (boy 27 and girl 24) - 4 grandsons and one brand new granddaughter! - big yard dog, little house cat.

6. What's a city?

7. Motorcycling (cruiser), playing Paw-Paw.

8. Just short of 80K/anum (I split that 60/40 with the missuz - I get 60 cents out of every 40 bucks I make!)


[This message has been edited by Mikey (edited December 17, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Mikey (edited December 17, 1999).]
ok ill join in here
1. Age or DOB? and then optionally
02/29/80 or 19 years old

2. your sex? (gender, not frequency)

3. height, weight, race, etc.?
6 1 mabey littel more 290 scotch irish littel bit o greek ( 100 % American)

4. location?
south Georgia

5. kids (# and ages) and pets?
none/ 1 hog hunting dog

6. city slicker or rural folk?
rual but living in the city right now

7. top 2 or 3 non-gun interests/endeavors?
student it takes up most of my time

8. Current economic level
poor as hell

I'll play



Originally Broadus MT, Now E-town,KY

No kids

Depends in Broadus it is 80 miles to McDonalds but I lived in town. Now I like in the city.

Top gun interest- Military semi-auto, auto rifles and handguns.

Economic Status. Not bad, but improving dramaticly, My wife graduates Nursing School tomorrow!!!.

I guess I'll play the game too:

AGE: 57


HEIGHT, WEIGHT and RACE, ETC: 6', too dadgum much, caucasion (German, Irish Scottish, American Indian blend)

LOCATION: Michigan

KIDS & PETS: No kids two grand nephews 1 & 5, No pets at this time. Had a cat 20 years.

CITY SLICKER or COUNTRY FOLKS: Country boy most of my life, now in a city. (I want out)

TOP 2 or 3 NON-GUN INTERESTS OR INDEVORS: Gourmet cooking (see: WEIGHT), good wines (see: WEIGHT), reading an ecletic list of subjects und computers.


Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

30-35, Male. (Doing without)

Taller than average, 170+, Anglo


No kids, many pets.

Born and raised overseas, currently rural folks.

Non-gun? Oh, dear. Hmm... Early adventure and science fiction novels. Hiking.



[This message has been edited by LawDog (edited December 17, 1999).]
1. 48

2. Male

3. 6'3, 240 lb. Race.. well let's see.. American all the way...

4. No. CA unfortunately

5. One daughter, and one grand daughter yikes! That makes me a gandpa.. Pets, ummm.. two labs, one chocolate & one yellow. Four horses, one paint and three appy's. Two cats, chickens (well not quit pets, ifin they don't lay eggs...)

6. Ya think with all the above I could live in the city? Anyway I was hatched from a rock by an old mother eagle, high in the Sierra's.

7. Non-gun... defense of the 2nd, Movies have collected over 500. Other than that I don't have much time for interests.

8. Current econ.... I'm the Chief Accounting Officer of a public winery. Low six figures. They turned me down for the quality control position, so took what I could get. Knew nothing about wine when I started there. Still don't, but at least I can now tell you how much it costs.

If you look back on some other threads, you can find the education level and a whole lot more on quite a few members here.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
Why not?

Age: 45
Sex: Male
Height: 5' 10"
weight: 170
Race: White, with alot of red in the neck area.
Hair: Gray, source of my handle don't ya know.
Location: Bartlett, Tn (just outside Memphis)
Kids: 2 boys, 20 & 15
City slicker or country folk: Both, raised in the suburbs but spent a great deal of time on my Grandparents farm. Yes, I have chopped cotton.
Non gun interests: Boy Scouting, nature, movies.
Economic level: not enough!
Age: Doesn't matter, ridden hard and hung up wet.
Sex: Yes
Height and Weight: Undertall and gravity challenged.
Location: Home of the Kentucky Wildcats, Henry Clay, Gen. John Hunt Morgan, Mary Todd Lincoln
Kids: Two Attack Kittens
Urban/Rural: City Boy married to a Country girl
Gun Interests: NRA,SASS,IDPA,GSSF,Sporting clays
Economic level: Overburdened American taxpayer and proud of it.

An armed society is a polite society.
Tank Girl doesn’t play well with others…..
But I'll just keep ya guessing with my answers…
Judging by the mirror and my comic books I'd have to say….

1-Not to old to be still considered young…
2- Come on… my names tells all that. (Newlywed.. wahoo!)
3- About medium in all … sickeningly average. And I'm a human last time I checked… (shurg.. who knows with all these chemicals they pack into everything.)
4- Well I'm supposed to be in Australia playin in the out back with my tank.. But seeing as how Tank Girl can't be without her guns I ended up smack dab in Utah.
5- Never kids. Got a tree frog and a few tiny little lizards.
6- Fraggin city folk…. Urban predator… Something like that.
7- Is my tank considered a non gun interest? Probably not so I'll have to say writing and video games.
8- Newlywed should explain it about right. BROKE!

Gun control isnt about guns, Its about control.
There you go again tank girl taking my spot, why you up this late young lady?

1. Too old for baggy pants and too young for president.

2. At my height and weight hopefully male, cant see anything from the waist down too much gut.

3 Pick favorite NFL Tackle and shrink him to 6' even.MIC/KRAUT

4 PRKalifonia

5 Hell no aint that old!

6 Was the orange capital of the world but now I guess its a city.

7 Bugging tank girl with smart ass replys, photography, reading, carpentry, Trucks w/winch bumpers and big blocks.

8 Have to ask my gun shop, or hans vang.

Futo, your papers please?

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited December 18, 1999).]
1. 70
2. Male
3. 6 foot 210
4. South west
5. 2 boys 45 and 43 1 Black Lab and one Pug
6. country boy
7. Deep sea fishing, Photography and working
8. comfortable
Ok, I'll play along too...

1 - 06-10-78
2 - I's a boy
3 - 5'7" (i think) 120 lbs. Human-American
4 - in Utah, surrounded by lovely mountains full of things to shoot at.
5 - No kids, just some small things in cages
6 - City slicker
7 - Computer nerd/Video game addict
8 - BROKE!!!!!!!

Like an animal locked up in a cage, through my inheritance I was born to rage.
1. 8/12/26 - in my 74th year (currently designated OF on TFL)
2. Male
3. 5'11";192#
4. Colorado Springs, CO
5. Wife, 2 Mastiffs (dogs-150# each, wife-much less)
6. Grew up in country on NE ranch, live in city.
7. Camping, Motorcycles
8. Retired :)

Gun control is a steady hand and hitting with the first shot.

[This message has been edited by OJ (edited December 18, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by OJ (edited December 18, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by OJ (edited December 21, 1999).]
1. 47
2. M
3. 5'17" (sick of people asking & they just don't get the answer ;-)~180, native american (I's born here) Cauc
4. ~20 miles east of Rocky Mtn Nat'l park
5. kids 2 @20 & 17 wife's got 1 & between us we got 4 grandkids 2cats 1 dog who's a Chessy/lab/wired-hair pointer mix. she's been hunting at 4.5 months & did real good ... shoulda had her out a lot sooner. Looking for another dog 'cause I stole this one from my wife
6. rural, but there's houses about
7. camping (car & backpacking), reloading, hunting, RKBA issues - bugging the hell outa my pols (no smiley), hunting dog training (seem to have the knack)
8. mine zip, wife's ~80K was a mechanical metrologist/calibration, PC hard drive & assy tooling design engineer for 20 yrs = ~60Ks that's missing now. Got way sick of the BS & wife was kind enough (can you say what a great lady!?) to let me bail last June. Been remodeling house & getting way more active in RKBA - sometimes guest & frequent caller on/to AFN.
Getting around to being bored so will probably be back in the job hunting business here in a few :-(

[This message has been edited by labgrade (edited December 18, 1999).]
1. Age or DOB?

2. your sex?
look at my handle ;)

3. height, weight, race, etc.?
5'5 115 polish, german, italian, slav (mixed breed ;))

4. location?
IL 5 min from Chicago Ohare

5. kids (# and ages) and pets?
One little darling girl age 5. 2 aquatic frogs and one huge south park fish and one placactumus (sp)

6. city slicker or rural folk?

7. top 2 or 3 non-gun interests/endeavors?
computers, Harleys, drawing cartoons.

8. Current economic level
white trash until I graduate :)
1. Age - 44 years young.
2. Sex - male
3. 6'-3", 205 lbs, white and who cares?
4. Central Wyoming
5. No kids and my Lab and Chessie both passed away.
6. I shot five geese a fox and a coyote 15 minutes from home this morning, that rural enough?
7. Walleye fishing, snowmobiling in waist deep untracked powder, and hmmm...walleye fishing.
8. Are you kidding? I teach school in Wyoming and we rank 41 in the nation. Then again, I would rather eat hamburger (actually elk burger) here than prime rib in NY City.
Gale and Oj what are the dogs names?

Miss, I guess we better not make you mad, with your Polish, German, Italian mix, sounds pretty volitol.

Ankeny I like the sound of your place, got a spare room?heehe

To calrify: SWM/Hetro/Christian/Conservative/Endangered Species.
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