Exectutive orders, Y2K, and "Supreme Commander Klilnton"

I LOVE PEANUT BUTTER AND BANANA SANDWICHES!! If that is a Southern thing, I need to move back!

As for the foreign troop subject, I know first hand there are plenty of other countries' troops in the US. Hell, I had a Vietnamese officer in my Bradley at some dog-and-pony show at Ft. Hood (even with the seat all the way up, he still couldn't see over the hatch lip!) The point is I seriously doubt you could have 40,000 troops over here without a lot more people knowing about it. Besides, the German Army is primarily composed of 2 year enlistees, and I doubt they're eager to take on a bunch of P.O.'d gun owners. Every German soldier I knew held the US in high esteem.

On the other hand, I do believe that we'd fight harder (and we'd have more people willing to fight) against foreign troops than against our own.

As for Delta and the USMC doing MOUT training, that is standard for any military unit. I did MOUT training, and I promise you I will use my powers for good, not evil!

I am disturbed by the direction the US is going to, and I do not doubt that there are people who'd like one world gov't. But I really don't see it happening yet. And I don't see the majority of Americans sitting idly by either. Should something terribly out of line occur, I think there will be clear lines drawn on who stands where.
From: Ivan8883 6-14-99440PM EDT Longhair, I, of coarse, do not know how many foreign troops are in the States. I get most of my info from American shortwave Stations who get their info from people witjhin our military, reports from Patriots across the country who see many foreign troops and even talk to them.One German officer told a individual that the foreigners are here to do the work Ameican soldiers wont do(Gun confiscation) . Commanders of Michigan National Guard units have told of many foreign soldiers being trained with them and hoiw arrogant they are. Check infowars.com Alex Jones wbsite where this young man is exposing government corruption on a daily basis. He is one of the best sources for info on foreign troops in America att. I have no reason to doubt all these reports on Ameican shortwave about the many foreign troops here right now. I have even seen a 1950's map showing the US divided up into various sectors of the country by foreign occupying troops(A great big Serbia) I personally think the ducks are on the pond now and with the Nato World Armynow officailly allowed to go anywhere in this world(Thanks to our Congress which has not done a damn thing to stop Nato), no country is safe(that includes individual states within a country) from Nato aggression. I think events right mow are proving what I am saying and it is a crying shame our military has fallen to Klinton and One World Kriminals Ivan
thanks Ivan. what are some of the freq's and time these radio shows are on? i listen to shortwave every now and then. i'll check out the site you mentioned..........

what me worry? hell yes!!
I, for one, am all for a one-world government. Think of all the problems it would solve!


It's gotta be OUR government, with OUR Constitution, with OUR moral values, and with maybe most of our laws. (Who can argue with the pure food laws and a scheme that has so far kept nuclear materials in the reactors where they belong?)

Think of it--no more problems with illegal immigration because people in Mexico can actually make a living there! No bribed bureaucrats keeping all the good stuff for the elites!

So, once we kick the New World Order goons out of our states, why stop there? It will be time to take over the world. I think the Japanese, for example, will be glad to dump their silly import restrictions so they can get all that good American stuff easier.


BTW, grits & scrapple! A *little* bit of okra with onions and 'maters! Pecan pie! And I'm glad we can now get Lil' Debbie cakes out here now...

From: Ivan88836-15-99 947PM EDT Cheapo, your comment on NWO gave me a laugh for the first time in a long time! thanks I needed itbecause the whole subject has been nearly driving me nuts. I have been told once you get knowledge like this one is never the same. Longhair,here are some schedules subject to change and I hope this thread isnt closed down because of this : David K. Smith 8-9Am 5.070 M-F? Clay Douglas 9-10AM 12.160M-F Col. Bo Gritz10-11and 11-12 on12.160 M-F, Alex Jones 2-3PM EST 9.400 M-F, John Stadtmiller 3-4PM EST 12.160 M-F ,Jim Cederstrum 5-6PM edt 12.160 WED< TH<Fri, Jef Bennett8-9PM edt 5.070 M-TH . Mark Koernke8-9PM EDT 5.085 M-th, Jef Bennettagain on 3.215 from 9-10 PMEDT M-TH, Stan Solomon 9-11PM EDT 5.070 PM EDT .Republic Radio where many shows are at has new owners now and I hope these wonderful Patriots can stay on the air. Some of them had been on am and fm but have been squeezed out by corporations who dont like the message.In Charlestown,WV we lost talk show of Chuck Harder, Col. Gritz and Jim Hightower when the station went to music. I heard the sponsers didnt like the message so they killed the messangers. What else is new in Corporate America? THese people I am mentioning are true investigative reporters,not phonies like Limbaugh and other so called Conservatives. Hope this helps Ivan8883
From Ivan 8883 6-15-99 1015PM EDT Longhair , for some reason the rest of the schedule I was printing got lost. I will try to finish it. Jeff Bennett8-9PMEDT 5.070 m-TH, Mark Koernke8-9PM EDT 5.085 m-TH, Jeff Bennett 9-10PMEDT 3.215 PM EDT , Stan Solomon 9-11PM EDT 5.070, Chuck Harder 5-7PMedt 5.745or5.755 M-Th. Republic Radio has new owners as of this week and I hope these great patriots can stay on the air. No fluffy junk like Russ Limbaugh from these guys! Hope this helps. Ivan
Ok Ivan, i got'um. now if my rinky-dinky radio will pick them up i'll give them a ear.

what me worry? hell yes!!
From: Ivan88836-17-99 1130PM EDT Longhair, a good shortwave radio is the Radio Shack DX 375. It normaly sells for $100.00, but I believe it is on sale this month for $70.00.Another is the Radio Shack DX 392 which is bigger,has single sideband capability,and has a tape recorder. When it is on sale ,it goes for $199.00(regularly $250.00.Reember I mentioned Republic Radio changed owners and I was concerned we would lose broadcasters? Well new owners want to expand and bring these great broadcasters more into mainline media. Get the word out to the sleeping masses! Ivan
Ivan the one i have is a little portable sony. if/when i get another one, i want one w/ ssb. thanks for the info....

what me worry? hell yes!!
From Ivan 6-20-99 1210AM EDT Ga41, Chuck Harder ,I believe is on World Harvest Radio, 2or 3-5 EDT on 9495,M_TH and from 4-7 on 5.745 WHR. I have not listen to,him for a while ,but he is excellent and was telling about Klinton since 1992 and has been hassled by government IRS because of it Still hanging in there . He is a great investagative reporeter. IVan