Exectutive orders, Y2K, and "Supreme Commander Klilnton"

Let's just order! I'll gladly take your grits and give you my slimy okra (ugh!).

Problem with government troops is they can concentrate their efforts better than we can. Fifty of them could take my neighborhood without a shot. Fifty? In MY neighborhood, TWO could take it ('till they got to my place - if I'm at home).

But, like most folks, I don't think they would dare use "furriners" - that might unite the sheeple.

Let's use votes (instead of bullets) for as long as votes work.

Vote Libertarian - for a change!

Watchful Grump
I just read the article ref'd by the link at the beginning of the thread. I hate to sound academic (I have neither the intent nor the credentials), but it would make so many such articles more credible if they knew the difference between "Marshal" and "Martial". (The second one's from Mars, right?
) We all make spelling and typo errors, but such consistent errors detract from the effectiveness of the article.
-------new subject

Recently a tanker truck filled with diesel fuel crashed and burned at the intersection of IH-37 (north/south highway) and Loop 410 (the loop around San Antonio). Dropping all other considerations for the moment, I was amazed how a very small band of San Antonio Police Officers were able to completely shut down that entire area and bring all transportation to a complete standstill. Obviously this was warranted, but my point is it would not take many troops to bring our country (or a significant segment thereof) to a complete standstill - isolating the inhabitants (if you get my paranoid drift).

Anxious Grump
Dennis, you obviously have a cast-iron stomach! But I don't get the "slimy okra" remark. My grandmother used to cook them and they were always kinda crunchy. Moist, but certainly not slimy. How about pineapple and mayonnaise sandwiches? Every one here, in-laws included, think I'm nuts.

As far as the 2nd Civil War, it seems so far fetched, but I can see why people worry. Having been in the Army, I seriously doubt anyone would obey orders to storm Mayberry, seize guns, and shoot down those who resist. I also seriously doubt "they" could sneak enough furrin' troops in to make up for the lack of our guy's lack of enthusiasm.

Personally, if there is a NWO movement, or an elitist gov't movement to take over the US, they'll use the thus-far proven tactic of slowly eroding our rights away until it's too late to do anything about it.

Apathy sucks.
RE: example of cops shutting down road after accident.
A small number can do it because folks cooperate. No cooperation and they don't have a chance. Remember the Rodney King riots....the cops didn't even try. Only after rioting began to calm down on its own did they (authority) assert itself.
Second...time and numbers would not be on their side. They have less numbers, thus more vulnerable to losses and as time passes resistence along with opposing numbers increases.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Dennis: I looked up the definition of "MARTIAL LAW" (yes folks, this is the correct spelling).

1: the law applied in occupied territory by the military authority of the occupying power
2: the law admisistered by military forces that is invoked by a government in an emergency when the civilian law enforcement agencies are unable to maintain public order and safety

Which definition do you guys think will apply?
UK, okra IS slimy on the inside even if it's crunchy on the outside (yuck), but grits is good eatin'! I'm with Dennis on this.

I imagine that most (but not all) LEOs and state militia men (despite the latters' pledges of allegiance to the federal gov't) will refuse orders to engage in combat civilians who won't give up weapons, especially after a good lot of first few to try are snipered. That leaves the federal troops. You may have a higher percentage of them loyal to the tyrant, but there ain't nearly enough to disarm the citizens. As for foreign troops, well, scary if true, but won't the Germans be having their own Y2K problems? Besides, as someone pointed out, there are millions of unregistered guns floating around. Even if you bought all of your guns post-'68, this could be the scenario: Knock, knock. "Hello". "I see you have purchased 43 firearms between '68 and '00. Let's have 'em". "Oh, yes, I did buy them and I'd be happy to turn them over if I had them, but darn the luck if I didn't sell the last one just last week. Can't remember his name, now, though I checked his DL to verify his age, and he swore to me he wasn't a felon and was buying it for a lawful purpose." Next house, ditto...

-Grumpy Cynic

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited June 11, 1999).]
I've been accused of having a cast-iron stomach, true. But you've outdone me with pineapple/mayo (jeez!). When we run out of jelly I eat peanut butter and mayo sandwiches and the whole family blanches. Funny how we have so much jelly on hand....

I've never had okra that wasn't slimy somewhere. (shiver) Maybe that's the cook's fault but the easiest way for me to get around that is, "If you serve okra, I'll just have a peanut butter and mayo sandwich." We hardly ever see okra.....

Grits, outside of their wonderful Confederate, er, I mean "Southern" heritage are just expanders. They magically take on the taste of whatever you mix grits with.
Grits & fried eggs? Tastes like eggs.
Grits & bacon? Tastes like bacon.
Grits & syrup? (The kids eat 'em.)
Grits & mayo? (Jeez! Even SOUNDS gross!)

I think we can beat this takeover BY the federal government if we pool our resources and dedicate ourselves to the task. Like most of you, I think many folks would "sit out" any kind of problem. Some would support the government (out of inertia, lack of thought, chance of "spoils", etc.) but, like most of you, I think there still is enough American spirit left in us to regain and retain our rights.

However, if the feds just keep on salami-slicing their way through our freedoms, I worry that by the time enough folks realize what's happening it may be too late. So, it is for US to ensure America does not die. We must wake "the sleeping giant" of the populace - and that will take many voices with many variations on the theme.

Enthused Grump
So you also have never heard of pineapple and mayo? Geez, maybe my mom was some sorta freak! She was from TN though...hmmmmmmm

I think my big beef with grits is the consistency. It makes me gag just thinking about that one spoonfull back in '73...AAAAAACCCCCKKK!!

I see the "salami slicing" theory more probable than any "Y2K" shenanigans. Hell, even sheep can be made to stampede.

Hey, they got sharp hoofs! It'd hurt!!
no problem with the pineapple +mayo sandwiches, or grits either( just don't go north, they'll serve a bowl of hominy and try to pass it off as grits). okra's only slimey if you boil it(folks eat raw oysters, and retch over okra???)ya'll come on down, we'll have a pone'o'cornbread, buttermilk,fried fatback,butterbeans and ham hocks.blackberry cobbler for dessert!!

BTW, don't go across th' pond, them brits tried to serve up cucumber and cream cheese sandwiches!
I love grits and fried okra. I don't like slimey boiled okra. I've been known to eat peanut butter and banana sandwiches. I'm a believer in the Southern cookbook which contains exactly two words: Fry Everything!
Now that we've settled the dietary debate, I just want to say that anybody who comes knocking on my door with the intention of taking my guns is in for a fight. Y2K or not, it ain't gonna happen.
Couple of problems with what you say... but on the topic of this thread...

The early computer programs were made such that if they ever saw 9999 in their info , that meant to terminate the program, it didn't matter where they saw it .

Next... They will use overwhelming force on one or two people as an example ... remember Waco... was that a test of American will power???? We showed them that we would let them do anything they wanted to and on national tv to boot ! They feel that by doing that , they will defer others from resisting. Remember that the Davidians at Waco returned very little fire , and for what reason I don't know. Once I'm fired upon I will continue to fire until the ememy is dead , I run out of ammo ( unlikely) or I'm incapacitated or dead.

They used the military and military weapons against American Citizens ... entirely against the Constitution.

Once the confiscation began, what would they do if groups formed... followed them and attacked them from outside , then disappeared ? Hackers or friends of the Constitution on the inside could alert the targets... and whoops ... come on in and Bang !!! Was the insurance paid on that house ?

Have you all read UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES , By John Ross?
Available from Amazon.com for $22.95 , its not available From your local bookstore.

Its probably the finest gun rights history/ future story ever written. long at 863 pgs, but great reading. plan to stay up late for a couple of nights !!!

The troops they will use will have on Blue helmets... UN colors... makes it easy to see them !

Fried ochra is great, but grits...yuck !!!

Henry Bowman for President !!!

PS did you know the Federal Reserve is a private corporation?
That the UN treaty supercedes our Constitution?
That they update the UN treaty with the findings paper from each UN meeting on the Environment or the World Economy or what ever...and our Senate ratifies it ?

Enough ... I could go on forever...makes me ill ...

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
Spend some time rooting around the UN website, do a search on UN/US treaties.(links on my webpage)

There are a lot of documents already written and ratified that subordinate the US to the UN. The principle is that at sometime in the future the UN will be the supreme gov't on the planet....national gov'ts will be analogous to our state gov'ts.
Basically, they have written quite a bit of stuff for when the UN is head honcho, for smooth transitioning. In short...there is quite a bit of "putting the cart before the horse"

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
You northern boys dont know how to eat...shoot...grits is good eating, either boiled or fried.
...a little redbeans and hot chow chow or sweet relish,yummy
...a hot water cornbread, or a bakedcorn bread....boiled okra and stewed tomato makes a good base for jumbali, or ya could cook up a mess of greens with chopped onion along with whatever meat ya wanta grill.....hushpuppies and catfish, a little slaw, potato salad..cold fresh veggies from the garden...I gotta go eat...
From: Ivan8883 6-13-99 451 PM EDT Dennis aand Menos, you are online with threat from Foreign troops and daily increasing UN control of Rivers , National Parks , EPA regulations, Nafta Gatt treaties. This makes me sick also. UK, there are a lot more than 40,000 foreign troops in States. I have heard figures well up into hundreds of thousands. But how many who knows. THe use of Delta Force troops(NIghtstalkers) and Marines in urban warfare in American cities and towns is leading up to something big, I believe. And , yes in many situations the masses can be controled by a very few troops and I believe the Federals and UN puppet troops will concentrate in areas with oerganized Patriot groups ,such as Texas, Michigan, North Carolina, Northwest US, etc. In the American Revolution, the playing field was really fairly even between Patriots and Brits; same type of weapons,certain codes of conduct usually followed,similar religionand traditions. But in a conflict with a central Federal_UN Government, the Partiots would be dealing with a very vicious enemy who would not hesitate to destroy whole regions of people(Waco was a small example here and I will include OKC bombing as planned sting operation,and big example was Nato 's brutal destruction of Serbias infrustructure) Folks, the trend is plain for me to see. It is Global Governmentand if you get in the way we will destroy you)(Serbia) Russia, with that cool move into Prestina,may have slowed Global takeover, but that remains to be seen.This may be off the subjectbut it is very ironic to me that many of us are cheering for Russia against the Gang of Four(Klinton Blair, Schroder and M. Albright all four either Communist or Socialist in leanings) Many in America see through the plans of this group of Elite one worlders. Ivan
Ivan don't take this wrong, but just where are you getting these figures at. the numbers of foreign troops, where they're at etc. i ain't saying that what you say ain't right, hell, i have no doubt as to what people in power are capable of. just wondering where all the info is comming from.

what me worry? hell yes!!
I'm curious about that, too.

If foriegn troops are to be used against US citizens because they are more likely to follow unconstitutional orders, then US citizens might be more likely to resist with the appropriate violence. Maybe.

At the national Air Guard base here in Tucson, they train pilots of foreign air forces. There are 5 flagpoles and at times 4 of them are fflying flags from other countries.
I was watching the Discovery Channel earlier today. That Inside Story. It was on government surveillance and the loss of privacy. It was chilling to see what the government is doing right now, supposedly on crime and terrorist control.
You say the right word, or combination of words on your computer, or on the phone and it is recorded. Your E-mail is screened. The invasion of your privacy has been violated to such a degree, that it was brought out that "In 5 years, there will be no privacy in the United State." That my friend is a direct quote from the program. All the phone compamies, and phone manufacturers have agreed to moke all tele communications equipment "wiretap friendly."
This scares the crap out of me. This sounds exactly like the situation in Iraq, where all the hotel rooms were bugged, and had hidden cameras. I don't know if they are going to re-run the show or not, but I'd be on the lookout for it, just in case they do.
I'd also be darn careful what I said online or on the phone from now on, although it is probably too late.
Paul B.
More Paranoia:

Ever hear of the EMP weapon - ElectroMagneticPulse. Totally fries all electronic equipment. Do you think these are loaded in the shuttle and already put into orbit. This may be how Klinton gains control of the US - blast a few major cities, announce that it is Y2K computer failure, declare Martial Law.......
AR Black:

EMP is an inherent trait of nuclear explosions, be they fission or fusion, plutonium, uranium, or hydrogen. All you need to do to generate the pulse is detonate a standard nuke at high altitude.

But hey, that's OK. Smart Guns would be knocked out, but my old pump-action still works jest fahn.

And Paul: I hope they are monitoring me. Like another thread had...

Hey, Bill: BITE ME!
"America is at that awkward stage.
It's too late to work within the system,
but too early to start shooting the bastards."
--Claire Wolfe

[This message has been edited by Coinneach (edited June 14, 1999).]