Exectutive orders, Y2K, and "Supreme Commander Klilnton"


New member
1. January 1, 2000 - the nations computer infastructure will shut down. (Date may not be exact, classified top secret).

2. Klinton declares a national emergency and then martial law. goto: http://sightings.com/political/nationalemerg.htm

3. All elections will be on hold until further notice. Klinton will declare himself "Supreme Commander of North America." (and in a few years rule the world).

Think it won't happen? (I hope not). BUT I havn't heard anything about Y2K in the news lately. Klinton may (or may already have) sabotaged the computer infastructure to shut down - OR he already knows there will be major proplems and is keeping quiet.

[This message has been edited by AR BLACK (edited June 09, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by AR BLACK (edited June 11, 1999).]
The first big test of the Y2K problem will come 9 September 1999, yes the old programmers "stop" number 9999. We will see.

The thing I have heard from a dealer in portable generators is the employee of the power companies here in Michigan are buying the most of them. Hints anybody.

If the firstfelon declairs himself king or tin god or what ever, where does he think that he can find the troops/cops to disarm the people. Even if he manages to get total registration passed by legislative action or fiat, we all know that not all the firearms out there will be registered, if I had them before '68 they don't know about them. I have bought stuff in private sales since then, thire or forth hand. 4473's lead to the original purchasers.

If troops go house to house to conduct gun searches, the third civil war here will start. Even those that have been sitting on their thumbs will resent that intrusion.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited June 09, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited June 09, 1999).]
I would personally be delighted at this scenario; A nice, unambiguous enemy, instead of this gradual erosion of our rights. (Besides, want to bet the Secret Service would frag him if he did this? They may have to defend him as a matter of duty, but I bet they hate his guts!)
Speaking of Secret Service, I just got back from vacation in DC and talked to a few of those guys working at the White House. I asked one if he liked working for one president over another (he had been there since the end of Regan) and he said it was just a job. But then he kind of smirked and said even if he hated one he wouldn't be able to say it anyway.

Kind of made me smirk too.

By the way, I left DC knowing we still have the potential of having a great government. We just have alot of work to do.
First point, Sept 9, 99 is not likely to be any big test day. In code this would be represented as either "990909" or "090999". So "9999" won't like be a date in most cobol systems (where a lot of these problems are.)

2) Clinton doesn't have to declare martial law or anything, check this out http://www.gunowners.org/prespower.htm

3) Interesting that the SS code word for Clinton is Porky or something like that, will have to look it up for sure.

4) So what state should we consolidate in. Texas?? Nice big state, "remember the Alamo", a little to close to Mexico though...
Kam, since most people on here seem to be right minded in their thinkin', we might could open up all the Confederate States to those of y'all that are of Yankee blood. I figure that would give us plenty of room. Though in Fla. we may have to do a massive relocation program.
Wha'cha think Grayfox??

Hell, we'll even teach y'all to like grits.

fiat justitia

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited June 09, 1999).]

You think grits is new? Its known as polenta in Italy...preceeds the Confederacy by 2000 yrs

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Sure, we can let in all the right thinking yankees. Communication could be a problem. Them yanks shore do tawk funny.

So to any TFL member who was unfortunate enough to be born up narth, y'all come on down and make yerselves ta home. We'll be plumb proud ta have ya. Just be sure to remember the golden rule for narthern immagrates in tha South:
Went to class with a southerner who clued me in on ferinner cuisine. "We've got sushi in Georgia, " he drawled, "but we call it bait!"

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt

Perhaps it was our differing accents that kept us from getting together at DU... I was at the North end of the festival.
Hey, grits aren't bad and I even like ocra. Not bad for a CT Yankee.

I'm sure the South has just as many rebels now as it did back in the civil war days. Plus their cooking is much richer than the North. And it has a better growning season.


The Second War Between the States thread, huh?


As a hardcore CT Yankee Boy transplanted to the South, I've long been known to say with a smirk "Well, I'm not from the South, so I don't... [fill in the appropriate southern-fried action, attitude, grammer, etc...]."

Tried to explain to a guy at work why I did something a certain way. He said "Well, I'm not from the North, so I don't do it that way!"

Ahahahahahaaaaa!!! I busted a gut over that one. Touche!


PS- It may be North Carolina, but it's still a Carolina!
Grayfox - "Them yanks shore do tawk funny." So true! I like what Pres. Carter said when he got into office - "Well I'm the first president in the White House who doesn't have an accent."
From: Ivan8883847PM EDT 6-10-99 I can confirm that I talked to one Secret Service person and the concensus on Klinton is what we could expect. One person mentioned that there are not enough troops to enforce a Martial Law Scenario and gun and other confiscations under executive orders but that is where foreign troops come in. There are already a large number of them here,how many is unknownbut my guess from what I am hearing is that it may be in the hundreds of thousands. I have heard a interview with a person who talked to a high ranking German officer stationed in the States(there are over 40,000 Germans in the Southwest alone).This officer said foreign are here to aid US government in gun confiscation since there is doubt that even our politicized military would be hesitant in firing on American citzens. But I have no doubt that the elite Army Nightstalkers out of Ft. Braggand Marine units also involved in Urban Warfare operartions around the country would fire on American citizens defending their property. Check infowars.com where Alex Jones out of Austin is fighting bravely to spread the word on the impending power grab by New World Order. The evidnece is all over the nationwith urban warfare operations across the country, over one thousand Federal and ,believe it or not, Georgia prison police in Andrews, North carolina looking for the mystical Rudolf. A state of martial law is already in that areawith a big Federal Compound with military equipment and people being harassed by Federal troops.Of coarse, I believe the real reason Feds are in NC is because that area is a strong hold of patriots. There have been more than one report that signs have been uncovered that say Martial Law on them. Where I live only a scattered few believe in this impending martial law scenario. In other areaswhere there is more evidence, people are coming on line to the threats to our liberties.and it looks like people here in the firing line are catching on to threat of executive orders.But the sad thing is that our Congress let Klinton have all these executive orders. They could have stopped everyone of them! Ivan
That's why we must change our Congress, Ivan. They no longer choose to represent us. They are too busy inflicting THEIR values upon us, which (for some reason) usually seems to make them stronger and us weaker.

You know...for a change
Damn Ivan, you sure know how to cheer a feller up first thing in the morning. if it does actually come down to that, bless their little hearts. i feel sorry for'um!!!

DC,i know grits ain't new, they been here ever since there wuz southerners
is grits an polenta the same thing?? if they are, why don't you call them by their proper name? grits!!
polenta must come from southern Italy

fiat justitia

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited June 11, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by longhair (edited June 11, 1999).]
Ivan 8883- Good to see there are more paranoid folks here like me. I never thought about the foreign troop angle. Hope they like .223.

Dennis - I totally agree. somewhere I read about a Congressman that said the exact same thing like 'I'm here to advanace my values on society blah blah blah..', and I think it was the queer Barney Frank?

BTW- Klinton puts his other queer as some ambassador, how's that for teaching our kids good morals.... read your BIBLE, homosexulality is against GOD.
I was born in GA, lived in WV, TX, and KY, but I will die before I eat grits again. Fried okra, on the other hand, is great.

Ivan, if there really are 40,000 Bundeswehr troops in the SW (which I doubt) that still wouldn't be enough to disarm the US. I think over at AR15.com, someone had done some rough math comparing the miltary and police vs. gunowners. Even allowing that only a small percentage of gun owners fought back, we still out-numbered them. And that's assuming the military and police obeyed their orders! Nope, it's gonna take a lot more than just 40,000 Germans!