Ever meet someone who would't use the 'the kick'?


Are you still tucking your nuts into your sock?

I was raised to believe that you never start a fight, but you always finish it, and that if someone is trying to cause you physical injury, anything and everything you can do to cause them to cease and desist is perfectly fair.

FYI... the worst shot in the nads I ever took was from behind. A young lady who didn't much care for my choice of dates came up behind me intending to kick me in the butt really hard. She missed and I must've gone 10 feet up in the air. :eek: I instinctively turned around launching a vicious right cross and caught her square on the jaw before I realize it was a her. She went down hard (out cold, jaw broken in 3 places) and I lay on the ground whimpering and trying to catch my breath for at least 20 minutes. :barf: The toe of her Justin Ropers (I'm from cattle country) just happened to catch Mr. Rightside dead center... I felt bad about the whole thing after I could walk again, but felt no remorse whatsoever while I was on the ground... The twist? She and I ended up going steady for the next three years. :rolleyes:
quite honestly.......in my experience...........the tesitcles are used to an attacker's disadvantage much better when grabbed and pulled/squeezed by a defendant than when struck. I have seen big bad ass bikers (drunk like a skunk) stare without blinking after another guy kicked him in the nads. Then the mellee begins and the groin kicker's girlfriend steps up from behind and gets a double handfull of the the kicked bikers jewels and begins trying to rip them off! The kicked biker blinked then, and bellowed like hell as he tried to reach around and then down to dislodge the hands that had seemingly welded themselves to his privates. (No, really, it wans't me and my girlfriend)

Sure, strike the nads, grab the nads...(I'm not gonna go so far as to bite them!)....but understand that it is not a one strike/grab solution to being attacked.......it's just for openers........a kick to the groin could well be followed with a palm strike to the nose, or any number of follow ups that may allow you to prevail.

One rule:......NEVER EVER kick someone in the groin and then just stand there to wait and see what they will do!
A smack in the nuts is a great 'startling' move, even if it can't be a fight stopper. Just follow up with something better immediately.
I agree with Dave McC...there are other targets of opportunity that present themselves more readily. I find that a palm strike to the nose can be quite effective in putting doubt in an attacker's mind. Knees,
shins,and various other joints are excellent targets for pain inducing blows or compliance holds. It was my experience that prisoners I worked with expected guards to 'follow the rules' when in a physical exchange and were surprised, even stunned when they encountered different. I'll take 'testicles for 100, Alex' if it's offered unprotected, but my preferred method is the grab and twist rather than delivering a blow
there. In agreement with others too. If an aggressor has chosen unwisely and leaves you no other choice than to protect youself physically, ALL options are open.
Nuts..nads...yarbles...cojones...ballocks...goolies...stones...and the handling of same in combat. Let's discuss.
First, a couple quotes:
"You don't rough domy with nuts!" spoken by the neighbor malchick after a malenky devotchka from the neighborhood semi-accidentally fisted him in the yarblockos during an eegra of tag, O my brothers.
"...and then skvat him by the yarbles." govoreeted by W.E. Fairbairn at the conclusion of most of his rook-to-rook demos.
If I allow Your Humble Narrator to reach the point of being a participant in a drat, I consider the carman pool filly-set to be just odin possible target. Knees are generally a better bet, as our droogs have already pointed out. If I itty after Mr. Happy's nutty neighbors, I don't skvat them gently. Skvatty, squeezing, pulling, twisting, all have better immediate effect than a tolchok or rooker, in my experience. I once turned a 200+ pound bolshy chelloveck into Peewee Herman by reaching between his legs from behind and skvatty his package totale. He skippiwipped and danceywanced on tippytoes all the way out the door.
Do what is necessary to survive with like as malenky vred to your veck as possible.
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The concept of "fight" and the concept of "fair" are mutually exclusive.

I served in a National Guard Military Police unit for several years. NG units have a greatly varied makeup of people. A large percentage of us were former active duty soldiers. A large percentage were full-time (civiallian) law enforcement. And a certain percentage were young, college kids who had never had to deal with the Army, LE or violence in any real capacity.

Often we would have discussions, with "practical application", trying to get the idea that countervailing violence was the only exceptable course of action to violent attack. We had one young buck who steadfastly refused to accept the groin as a viable target. He also could not come to grips with the idea of the "bite" as a worthwhile tool and the mere mention of Mike de Bethencourt's knife technique was more than he could bare.

One of my associates, at the end of his wits dealing with the young man, exclaimed in a loud voice, as the new PL walked in, "GO****MIT, IF I HAD TO I'D BITE HIS F***ING BALLS OFF!."

The look on the PL's face was truly priceless. Unfortunately, I don't think that it ever quite clicked for young buck .
It's a fight, folks. And, since Kelly McCann is so quotable, "a fight, by it's very nature, is a struggle."

Mulitple, rapid strikes to the head/neck area (in order to rock the brain in it's brain-housing group) and from the groin on down are necessary to end fights.

I'll know that I've used enough strikes in hand-to-hand the same way I know I need to reassess when shooting--the aggessor hits the deck.

As far as kicks go, stomping a fallen aggressor's ankle, elbow, knee or hand is a good idea to guarantee my chances of a successful withdrawl.

The terms "fight" and "fair" are mutually exclusive...
No such thing as a "fair fight", if a situation degrades to when physical violence is warranted, the idea is to end it asap with the least amount of damage to my body. I was told a long time ago, Kick em where they hurt or squeeze em where they squirt! A well placed kick to the goonies is effective( ask my ex girlfriend), I Couldn't stand straight for hours!
I'm not much of a fighter, but I have been in my fair share of fights. When I was about 15 years old, we lived in Puerto Rico (my father was in the Coast Guard), and we were the only "gringos" in the entire neighborhood.

One fight in particular, I was knocked to the ground (well, that happened in most of them ;) ). Anyway, I used my strong leg to kick the inside of the guy's right knee outward, and his knee snapped like a twig. I didn't hit him that hard, and it was completely on accident that I found out how to ruin someone's knee. The kid couldn't walk for weeks, but I never had trouble with him again. Shots to the nuts are extremely effective, but I just love kicking the inside of the knee.

If someone picks a fight with you, you shouldn't stop until they either don't want to get up (or are unable to), or they are unconscious. You shouldn't look for a fight, but when you are forced to, you gotta go "balls-to-the-wall".
