Ever get grief over NFA weapons?

its not really a suppressor unless you have subsonic ammunition's(1100 fps) i think

Even with standard velocity ammo it is still a suppressor. Just not in the Hollywood way most people think of them.

A rifle shot is in the 160 decibel range. a Suppressor will bring that same shot down 30 or more decibels. There is still the "sonic" crack of the bullet but the firing sound is still reduced by quite a bit.
A suppressor on a AR rifle will make it sound about the same as a 22LR without a suppressor and that is using full velocity ammo.
I was talking guns with some neighbors at a block party once. One older gentleman was listening in and became annoyed at me once my suppressors were mentioned. Hestarted with the old 'Those are illegal" "nobody should have them", etc.
He actually started to call the cops on me. I told him to feel free but I had something to show him first. I went and got my Form 4. The look on his face when I showed him the paperwork, including the Sheriff's signature, was priceless.
He then started the whole "need" thing but at that point I was done and walked off. The neighbors I was orgionally talking with enjoyed the whole thing since they go shooting with me and have played with my toys in the past.
A suppressor on a AR rifle will make it sound about the same as a 22LR without a suppressor and that is using full velocity ammo.

A good can will get it substantially quieter than .22LR.

Regarding the guy who wanted to call the cops because you said you had had a suppressor. Nice neighbor! I probably wouldn't have bothered pulling out the paperwork. I would have explained the law to him, and then would have told him to go ahead and make an idiot out of himself. First, no cop is going to do squat based on some neighbor's report that he overheard you saying you had a silencer. And, even if they wanted to, they'd have to get a search warrant first. Even assuming that the cop didn't know the law either, you could just show him your paperwork at that time...or just tell his CLEO to look it up in his log if he signed-off for it.
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its not really a suppressor unless you have subsonic ammunition's(1100 fps) i think

Where do people get this stuff? It is a suppressor because it reduces noise. As the dumb man once said, this stuff is not rocket surgery. :)

the reason why I can not own a gun is not that they wont approve but because I am not allowed by law to have them in the house

And, why not? Please elaborate.

I believe he has stated in the past that he lives in a country where they are illegal and most guns must be kept locked at a range, not allowed to have them in a private residence.

Remember, not all members of TFL live in the USA and according to the local media in other countries, we have lax gun laws and are a gun culture.
"its not really a suppressor unless you have subsonic ammunition's(1100 fps) i think"

Its around 800 FPS .The .45 ACP is the only factory ammo. that qualifies .
I understand. My apologies--I didn't even think of that.

Regarding subsonic ammunition--the threshold for subsonic ammo is right around 1100 fps. There are other factory offerings--my department uses Federal 147 grain HydraShok, in subsonic loads, for our suppressed MP5's.
"its not really a suppressor unless you have subsonic ammunition's(1100 fps) i think"

Its around 800 FPS .The .45 ACP is the only factory ammo. that qualifies .

If you had actually every shot one rather than just read about it in some book you would not say that.
Hinline is correct.....first and formost it quiets the muzzle gasses, regardless of the speed of the bullet.

there are 3 noise factors: 1 mechanical noise of the firearm, 2 the muzzle gasses, 3 the bullet flight noise.

of all of these the muzzle gasses are the loudest, and the main thing a suppressor is made to reduce(although some designs encorporate ported barrels to reduce the speed of the bullet, to control bullet noise as well.
the factory MP5SD is one example, but MP5's with "muzzle cans" do nothing for bullet velocity reduction.
All the special ops guys you see with cans on thier M4, are using regular supersonic ball ammo in them, but it protects thier hearing still...and bullet flight noise is a really odd thing in combat...its a vantriloquist act in action lol it never sounds to the target to be comming from the actual direction that it is( often making them shoot in all directions, and run at you thinking they are breaking contact( they are many stories of this from Viet Nam with the old Sionic suppressors used for night ambushes on M16A1's and M14's equipped with starlight scopes.

a suppressor serves the same exact role/job as the muffler on your car
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Its around 800 FPS .The .45 ACP is the only factory ammo. that qualifies .

Wrong twice in one sentence. The speed of sound varies from 1051 fps at 0 F to 1160 at 100 F. There is much more factory ammo available than 45 acp that is subsonic. What are they teaching in AZ anyway?

NFA weapons & grief

New here...but not new to NFA, I own 8 NFA articles ranging from silencers, machine guns to short barreled semi-auto shotguns all duly registered. I have NEVER been given grief about what I own, heck I build the duty .223 SBRs for my county sheriff's deputies and my 01 FFL is the Sargent with the local PD and Captain of our local SWAT team.

I've even had the pleasure of being pulled over by a pair of LEOs outside my county and had my silenced pistol in a case next to me. I'm a CHL and had my paperwork, they looked, drooled, and wanted my phone number so that they could call me later to ask as to how they could get "cans" for their fun guns.

Funny how that works...As long as you are abiding by the law and not ignorant of it, folks will leave you alone...for the most part, at least they do in Tx.
This thread is funny in that it is a reflection of our views here in the U.S. In most countries that allow guns, suppressors are available over the counter.

I don't know any country that allows guns that makes suppressors illegal except us.

I mean really, why do you want all that noise ? It's noisy enough with the suppressors. Sure a .45 is subsonic but have you ever fired a .45 pistol with a suppressor ? Still awfully loud (I have a H&K with a Gemtech Suppressor. It's really noisy.

However, I have a .45 cal rifle that is incredibly quiet with an integrally suppressed barrell.
Sure a .45 is subsonic but have you ever fired a .45 pistol with a suppressor ? Still awfully loud (I have a H&K with a Gemtech Suppressor. It's really noisy.

No offense, but Gemtec .45ACP silencers are horrible compared to modern technology. I've heard .45 USPs with modern stuff that are marginally louder than .22lr auto-pistols with a silencer. :)
Yeah, I guess you can say Canada allows guns. Not handguns though, that's for sure. Canada and the US worked hand in hand during the prohibition so it doesn't surprise me that they would have passed similar laws.

But, even Canada's Queen allows it in Britain.

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There's usually a quote button on theese forums. I can't find this one. In any case this is to PTK.

I can't speak to that but I wasn't really very clear with my post. I am actually referring to all the other sounds that go off when a 45 pistol is fired suppressed. The slide and barrel operating sounds I am speaking of. I guess I was trying to say that there is more to "silence" than the subsonic bullet.

Sorry for not being clear.