Enough with "Shottie"

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Hey shortwave, when I saw your name, I first thought of amateur radio, then I thought of military communications. Was I right on either?

No sir Louca, sorry but wrong on both counts.

Have seriously considered changing my TFL name as I get that often but have had it for such a long time.

Both noble pursuits I am or have been a part of.

Please accept my deep appreciation for your service to our country.
Uh-huh, because those folks bought their first shotgun at walmart where they advertise Mossy Shotties on sale..........

And Winnies, and Remmys shotties, riffies.etc...."BARF"

Try yet again. Stupid childish slang used by ignorant folks does not help our cause - it really hurts it.

I wonder how much perceived snobbery might help our cause...
There are far too many slang terms that annoy me slightly to make a big deal of any of them and I don't doubt that I am guilty of some myself. Irregardless, prolly, shottie, and wheel gun are but a few of the terms that annoy me, but I do not lose sleep over them.
Is it "snobbish" to use proper terms when communicating?

No it isn't...but again, as I stated in my first post on this thread, many can appear "snobbish" or downright rude when trying to get their point across to a new member here or a new member here that is just getting into shotgunning that doesn't know any better.

Just type in the word 'shotty' or 'shottie' in this forum search window, do a search and you'll see what I mean. Most of the members(or now x-members) that used that slang word when they first posted didn't have many posts and had just joined TFL. Then the first response's the new member recv's. is how stupid, ignorant he/she is. Doubt the same senior members guilty of this even stopped their rant long enough to first welcome the new member to TFL.
What a great welcoming, eh?

It's one thing for a more senior member here to correct or try to teach a newer member something without talking down to them and or being disrespectful .

Totally another for that more senior member to act "snobbish" or like a total ass when trying to get their point across. Don't know about you but when I see the above happening, I have less respect for that more senior member then I do for the newer member using the word 'shotty' cause that more senior member doesn't do our cause any good , is surely not making TFL as a whole look good and must be just a 'snobbish' jerk in person cause he/she should know better.

I don't see one member that posted on here that likes the word 'shottie' or shotty' and I hope after this thread when new members come here to TFL using 'the word'(it will happen) that when we correct them, we remember that we are the ambassadors not only to our sport but to TFL as well.
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Striker1, if your question wasn't rhetorical in nature, my apology for making the rash presumption. But in the context of this thread and with the post you quoted, it did appear to me that you were answering your own "question".
If your question wasn't rhetorical in nature, my apology for making the rash presumption. But in the context of this thread and with the post you quoted, it did appear to me that you were answering your own "question".

My point had nothing to do with using proper terminology, it was that perception can turn people off...and disparaging people as stupid, childish, ignorant...etc probably doesn't help bring new members in or keep them.

I agree with KMAX for the most part.
Irregardless, prolly, shottie, and wheel gun are but a few of the terms that annoy me, but I do not lose sleep over them.

Yep, and I don't need to count sheep either to get a good night's rest. Nuff said...:)
+1 to shortwave

Ummmm......... errrrrrr........ lemmmeee think here a sec ........

Shotty! Shotty! Shottttttttteeeeeeeeee!

I am glad we live in a Free Country where we can express ourselves with a bit of individuality ...... if everyone spoke (and typed) in perfect Queen's English, and only asked straightforward, technical questions, offered no opinions they were sure the Old Farts In Charge did not agree with and basicly sucked up to them ..... what a recipe for boredom and stagnation!

Is it "snobbish" to use proper terms when communicating?

Not necessarily, but done to excess (and running around as the terminology and or spelling/grammar police is "excess"), it can make you appear to be every bit as dry, stilted, boring and altogether unpleasant as a constipated Monarch giving a 3 hour public speech on keeping a stiff upper lip. Wipe the egg off the lip, take some Exlaxx, and lets get on to educatin' the young'uns .......
This "Old Fart" isn't in charge of a thing but wonders why some have to resort to name calling. Free Speech! Give me a break. You have every right to say what you please and TFL, a private entity, has every right to ask that we all comport ourselves with some respect for others. Many, many have indicated their special dislike for the term "shotty", which only encourages some to bask in its useage.

Has anyone read TFL's 4th Rule of Participation:

4. Mangling of the English language whether through "text speak," ignorance, age, sloth or intent diminishes and embarrasses each of us, and is disrespectful to the reading membership. Posts which are indecipherable due to inability to translate thoughts into coherent written statements will be deleted without explanation. Recidivists will be removed.
Just to be a little unique, I have tried to develop a style of writing a little like I really speak...

But the thread was about using a term some find immature to describe a gun that shoots shot...

As the mod of this section, I would go nuts trying to edit it out every time someone uses it...

I don't care for it and it has caused me not to reply to a thread at all or as soon...

But having gone this many posts, I think I have let it be discussed long enuff until next time it comes up...

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