England: Ban on samurai swords becomes law

Swords are scary and dangerous. Thats why I own several of them.;) Pretty soon the English won't be able to own kitchen knifes.
What a hoot! I have a friend in Australia I talk to about twice a week that told me since they band the guns, every one is buying them. Just to defend the home.

Can you imagine, Waking up with some one standing over you and grabbing your sward, cutting off a arm, leg, head? I would rather just find them on the floor with a nice neat hole in them!

Whats next Kitchen knife over 3"??????
Thank God. I feel so much safer that my English brothers are safe from the effects of "rogue" sword dealers and "sword show" straw purchases.

I wonder what caused this. I saw a video of a man with a samurai sword standing in front of a building. Police maced em....nothing....sprayed em....nothing....and then they gave em the ole 1-2 with the bean bag gun and that was that : D
They are dangerous....but why not ban the sell of gasoline to citizens before banning a sword? I mean heck...Why not ban hands because you can choke someone. Jeeze
when will the madness end?

When the Magna Carta is reinstated:rolleyes:
God save the Queen...from samurai swords, kitchen knives, truncheons, pointy sticks, bananas, Madonna...:barf:

Curiosity yields evolution...satiety yields extinction.
only with a permit

"Is it still legal to carry a sharpened pencil" oldredneck

DHS released new standards regarding pencils this month. You will have to surrender any pencil at the security check that does not meet the DHS approval. You are limited to two pencils; one of which can be sharpened. Red pencils are only allowed by bankers and accountants while blue are prohibited by all but Xerox employees.

There is a required permit for those who would carry it outside of the approved pencil box. And in no case can you carry anything harder than a # 2 lead.

THe NRA is considering a lawsuit claiming pencils are protected under the RKBA. The ACLU is claiming prohibiting pencils is a form of limiting free speech. The American Bar Association is will to defend anyone with adequate cash up front. Meanwhile a few concerned citizen groups are considering the affects of taking the lead out of your pencil.
When King Leonidas kicks someone down a well.

That was very very good my friend. You should take your show on the road :D.

What a hoot! I have a friend in Australia I talk to about twice a week that told me since they band the guns, every one is buying them. Just to defend the home.

I would say that your friend has overstated somewhat the amout of people doing this. Under australian law having ANYTHING that may be construed as a weapon near your bed for protection is seen as premeditation and if you kill the intruder this lines you up nicely for a murder charge.

It truly is sad how the pom's have fallen although my own country is not far behind :mad:.
Unfortunately this is the way Europe is going.

I cannot protect myself but I cannot rely on the police to protect me.

I cannot carry a knife. I am not allowed to carry a gun to protect myself. If I injure a criminal in his act of attacking me he will sue and he will win.

As a target shooter I am limited to owning 100 rounds of .22lr. No, seriously I **** you not, 100 rounds. If I want to own a larger calibre I will have to kiss so much ass it's unbelievable.

This in a country where the minister for justice tries to negotiate an armistice with armed criminals and drug dealers, so the government doesn't get too much bad press.

Bertie Ahern will address both houses of congress shortly. This is what your lawmakers consider a hero. This is where they want to lead you.

Be afraid, be very afraid.
Make A Deal

Maybe they should contact the folks in India and see how there vasectomy program is going. Then they could come up with similar program involving Samurai Swords. It would be a natural.:eek:
I'm so glad that only the rich can be "genuine enthusiasts" of Japanese culture now! :mad: Appearantly, only swords over 100 years old are safe! Those young ones still have too much attitude, I guess...
Alizefan. I think you over exaggerate the laws in Australia.

Gun laws in Australia are unreasonable but they are workable in that one is able to own a wide variety of firearms under the laws. The situation regarding registration, semi autos and pump action shotguns is not good but I get annoyed when people over state it.

I had a client who stabbed an intruder who entered his home at night. He was acquitted and I doubt if he would have been charged in the first place if he had not made a statement or rather the statement that he made to the Police. This highlights one of the strengths of our legal process, the common sense of jurors and their unwillingness to tolerate political correctness.