Engage or evade?

Krav Mega is more than hand to hand combat techniques. It utilizes all kinds of weapons, including firearms. It also teaches avoidance as a primary tactic. I have worked out with a couple of guys who practice this discipline. Whether a well trained, well armed and conditioned Krav Mega devotee could defeat a squad of soldiers is unknown. My guess is situational awareness would increase the odds of avoiding that situation.
Somebody needs to update wikipedia then cuz it doesn't say any of that. It does show using some common disarmament techniques against armed assailants.

Bad news with that is that no assassin is going to walk up to me and stick a gun in my face. They are going to put ten rounds in my back from range.
The report said that no civilians have been hurt, which makes sense. Why would a cartel, unless you actually stumble upon them doing something, kill someone who doesn't know anything when they're hunting someone else? It would attract unnecessary attention. That being said, if a situation were to arise, I think the best solution is to engage and retreat.
Let me point something out. You aren't a soldier at war, without a clear reason to stand and fight, the very best thing to do is evade as carefully as you can. Successfully evading a fight leaves you alive, getting into a fight brings a whole lot of risk, risks that can't even be calculated.

There have been a lot of discussions as to whether or not a person should go armed into dangerous territories. Being armed can give a person a dangerous feeling of safety. Being unarmed would bring a sense of urgency, of fear, that could encourage a person to be even more careful.

So should a person go into bear country totally unarmed and helpless? Maybe, if it will encourage that person to be more aware, to be safer, to not engage in dangerous activities like smashing through off trail areas that may harbor dangerous critters. Bears, however, are irrational, but not to the extreme that they are completely unlike humans. Normally, neither a bear nor a hoodlum are willing to engage in a life/death struggle with a stranger, and ordinarily, they aren't simply looking to kill you. A grizzly will engage in false charges, a hoodlum will sometimes bluff.

So, simply stated, if you want to stay safe and alive, the best chance you have is to avoid confrontations. That means staying out of the wrong bars, don't gas up after midnight, don't date married women, never wear a trump hat in the wrong area of town, etc. Avoid the confrontations hours before they happen.
I'm confused......... so the cop rear ended you??

59 yrs ago , I was rear ended by a driver by a driver running from the cops, for going through a red light

Nah I think he was saying that; three generations ago, some jerk running from the police decided that his life was worth less than the jerk getting a ticket. Something tells me there is more to the story.

The report said that no civilians have been hurt, which makes sense. Why would a cartel, unless you actually stumble upon them doing something, kill someone who doesn't know anything when they're hunting someone else? It would attract unnecessary attention.

I can think of a ton of reasons beginning with the fact that they are murderously violent drug addicts and don't need a reason at all. Be that as it may; tens of thousands of uninvolved "civilians" have been killed in the last few years in Mexico and the US.
K Mac

"Krav Mega is more than hand to hand combat techniques. It utilizes all kinds of weapons, including firearms. It also teaches avoidance as a primary tactic. I have worked out with a couple of guys who practice this discipline. Whether a well trained, well armed and conditioned Krav Mega devotee could defeat a squad of soldiers is unknown. My guess is situational awareness would increase the odds of avoiding that situation."

K_Mac .............. Exactly my point. I never said that I would take them on, but my chances of surviving an encounter is greater than the average Joe !

Careful thought and patience could give me an opportunity to take advantage of one slight lapse in judgement or awareness and the party's over. It's not about strong arming an opponent ......... it's about having a plan and knowing when and how to execute it.

Unless one knows ............ one does not truly know.
kraigwy's post pretty much covered it all. I would like to add one thing though and I may catch some flak for it: DO NOT OPEN CARRY even if you are legally allowed to do so. If you don't appear like a threat, they may just let you pass. Chances are that they have spotted you way before you ever spot one of them. Make sure you look the part of a backpacker or hiker rather than wearing anything that makes you look like the police (or the bad guys). That means leave your military looking camo, BDUs, or 5.11 gear at home.

Your chances of surviving a gunfight against sicario gangs are slim to none. The moment you fire one shot, that will alert the others. Remember the original poster wrote about the sicarios being placed to ambush anyone trying to intercept their drugs. These are brutal, highly trained cartel soldiers.

If you are being attacked and have no way to evade, then there is little choice but to fight. It would certainly be a last resort though.

You could not pay me enough money to be the chief of police of these border towns. The good guys are expected to operate "in the light" while the cartels operate in darkness. Imagine if you got a letter with pictures of you family members enclosed, but the pictures were taken through a rifle scope. These SOBs can blend in and pop up anywhere. You cannot protect your family at all times. I hate drugs and hate how they ruin peoples' lives, but no one forces anyone to take them. If they were legalized, it would really impact the cartels. We could divert the funds used in battling the drug dealers to prevention and treatment.
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Yes, open carry makes very little sense unless bears or big cats are a threat.............. bad guys will make you their first priority in the suburbs if you're showing off your goods.
If you walk into an ambush and they want you dead, you are, unless they screw up. If you can avoid, avoid, people are being warned, stay out... I am retired, unless I have a compelling reason to be there I am staying out.

For decades now pot growers in the national forests have used booby traps, they are very dangerous people. Drug smugglers are dangerous if they see you as a threat to their operation. Disengage, show disinterest and if forced to fight, make sure you bring enough gun. I dislike hiking where I have to carry a combat load, had to do that too many times for real.

Military training can certainly help, but military tactics work best when you have a trained team.
If there's cover, take advantage of it. Remain out of sight. Engaging wouldn't be my first option, especially if facing multiple armed opponents.