End Of An Era - No More Mil Brass - Merged Threads

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Scrap, mutilated brass goes for around $0.60 a pound (maybe less). Reloadable brass goes for around $2 a pound.
Why in the name of Sam Hill isn't there ANYTHING on the NRA or NRA-ILA's site about this? True or not, this is THE topic du jour on every gun board I follow and it's more than a little disconcerting to have a black hole of silence from the NRA. The least they could do is say it's not true, if it's not. Is JFPFO more on the ball than the NRA?
I suspect the NRA is putting together iron clad research to nail down exactly what is going on before it pontificates.

The NRA has a reputation to maintain. It will speak sooner or later.
I suspect the NRA is putting together iron clad research to nail down exactly what is going on before it pontificates.

Good point. The NRA got bit hard when it jumped the gun on the proposed BATFE regulation that SAAMI and the Explosive Makers asked for. When the regulation came out for review SAAMI went berserk. Some inexperienced folks at the NRA-ILA took the word of SAAMI as gospel and cried "the sky is falling."

The NRA found out that SAAMI did ask for the new BATFE regulation after all. The NRA-ILA came across as an amateur run outfit.

From a member of another forum:

"I called the NRA-ILA (INSTITUTE FOR LEGISLATIVE ACTION). I spoke with a guy named Eric and he put me on hold for a few minutes till he could get the latest info on this subject.

After returning to the phone he gave me a bunch of info. The NRA is definitely aware of the problem and have heard from some reloaded ammo companies and individuals. Eric rattled off all the DOD agencies invlolved and apparently this may have been "somewhat of a mistake" The ranking DOD agency has heard our concerns and condsiders them VALID!!

Right now, the word is from DOD to the NRA that they hope to have a WAIVER put into place within a two or three weeks which will CORRECT this situation and return once fired brass, .50 caliber and below to the sales policies previously used!!!

Eric said it might be helpful to call our Congressmen just in case and make them aware of the impact on the DOD budget, police training, and inidividual rights."
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I hope that the above post shows what I think it does.

I tend to wax pessimistic; I believe that this was an end run by someone from our current administration in DC. Someone said, "Hey--if we start out with this, we can eliminate a large source of ammo--and we don't have to draw up a new law to do it. We'll show those dried up gun owners!"

They then went and changed the demil code, rubbing their hands in glee and thinking that all was well.

They did NOT expect to rouse the sleeping giant--the wrath of the American people.

It would be like turning around and seeing (for instance) a HUGE eagle staring at you with the expression that says, "Bad move, fellas. REALLY bad move."

The ones who changed the demil code are now probably pooping in their pants because of the uproar.

Keep up the fire!
This was posted by an individual on at least two other gun forums:

Possible breaking news:

You might want to consider this as breaking news...

I don't post a lot around here and most of you have no idea who I am. Fact is, I'm an IT guy. A regular, run-of-the-mill computer jockey. But I happen to work for DOD Surplus/Government Liquidation. I've been told by my CEO that as of this morning the requirement to mutilate expended brass has been lift by virtue of a reclassification from Demil B to Demil Q. This applies to all calibers .50 and under. I'm still trying to get confirmation that .50 cal is included in the "safe to sell" list, or whether mutilation is still required.

I'm busy at work right now, but I will try to post back with more detail and updates when I get the chance.


posted today 12:12 Central time

The order was reversed.

Dear MSSA Friends,

I just received a phone call from the office of U.S. Senator Tester of Montana to inform me that at 5:15 (EST) today a letter cosigned by Senator Tester (D-MT) and Senator Baucus (D-MT) was faxed to the Department of Defense asking DoD to reverse its new policy requiring destruction of fired military cartridge brass. At 5:30, I am told, Tester's office received a fax back from DoD saying that the brass destruction policy IS reversed.

Others report to me that they are already seeing evidence of this on the Websites of entities that liquidate surplus DoD commodities.

Our thanks go out to Senator Tester and Senator Baucus, and their staff, for getting on this problem promptly and making the reversal happen

Staff for Tester and Baucus promise they will get me the documentation for this reversal tomorrow morning. I'll forward that when I get it.

Best wishes,

Gary Marbut, president
Montana Shooting Sports Association
author, Gun Laws of Montana
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