Effective Unarmed Combat Art

In my opinion the teacher you have will make a big difference, possibly bigger than the art. For quick learning of self defense i would stay away from aikido, i personally love training it and it does become an effective means of self defense after you have deveolped the proper balance timing and relaxed strength needed, but thoose can be (very) difficult to learn.
I personally am fond of Wing Tsun. it is simple and fairly quick to become proficeint with if you practice enough. It is fairly close range and teaches you a range that most people are uncofortable with, too close in for aikiodo,karate, ect. to far for grapplers. the main problem is it takes a while to genrate power from WT strikes
I have just started BJJ wich is good but(sofar) doesn't take into account bitting and eygougeing wich i think are one of the main weaknesses of ground grappling.
theese are the main arts i have had personal experiense with. from other stuff i have seen, ritualised martialarts (like traditional shaolin kungfu, ba qua, hs'ing yi ) will take a long time to become effective. Boxing, kickboxing, muay thai seem to take much much more stamina and toughness. and point style/ olympic karate or TKD i have no faith in. (note this is all my very biased personal opinions)