Easter Bunny Shoot

Sincerity, repetition and db level do not combine to create Truth.

Aww, that is a classic quote there from Art. I might have to make that my sig.

DFA, do you have any more pictures besides that one (though that one is impressive).

For the record, I think that leadcounsel's viewpoint/paradigm/way of thinking is demented. And he think that mine/ours is. No one is necessarily right or wrong, IMO.
This whole thread harkens me back to yesteryear when I hunted snowshoe hare in Northern Wisconsin. We'd get 15-20 of us together with a pack of beagles and kill 200+ in a good weekend. .22 was the weapon of choice. We'd go through several hundred rounds or more apiece. Great fun. We had so much meat, we'd bone them out and grind it into hamburger.
Let me see...

Leadcounsel thinks it would be OK to introduce a non-native predator and kill thousands of rabbits. But it is wrong for people to do it? What am I missing?
Guys like counsel aren't Bad Guys. The problem for many is that they don't know what they don't know. I've always felt very lucky that the "just accidental" aspects of my various jobs had me spending four years brain-picking on a bunch of wildlife biologist from such diverse entities as Texas Parks & Wildlfe, USF&WS and the National Marine Fisheries. I don't know the Latin names, but I learned a bunch about inter-relationships in various ecosystems. And, of course, growing up around farming and ranching and some sixty + years of ratting around the outdoors.

Doesn't make me any big deal; I've just had the good luck to be where I was when I was.

So, learning the facts before forming the opinions has made life easy. It's kept me from looking the fool in front of folks who knew a heckuva lot more than I did. :D

