dragons breath for self defense

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those novelty shells are just that, a novelty. I wouldn't call a flechette shell a novelty though. Flechettes were actually fielded by the Army in limited numbers in SE Asia and proved effective. They were pulled for humanitarian reasons because they were all but impossible to remove from the wounded without taking out a chunk of flesh with it.
Thanks for all the insite, I guess the novletie caught my eye.
I would still like to find some and try them out at night.:D:D:D
First... Be sure they are legal in your immediate jurisdiction!

From the what I've been able to find they'd probably work well enough but theres jusy way to many things against specialty round such as price and in this case settibg your home on fire and uf you did have to use them its going to look really bad when they bring up what you shot the guy with I'd stuck to a proven HD load. They would make for a fun range trip if you had a lot of cash to blow.
"Nothing beats a load of 00 or 000 buckshot for home and self-defense."

Actually, yes it does: #0 Buckshot, #1 Buckshot, #4 Buckshot, BB Shot, and #2 Shot.

"Nothing beats a load of 00 or 000 buckshot for home and self-defense."

Actually, yes it does: #0 Buckshot, #1 Buckshot, #4 Buckshot, BB Shot, and #2 Shot.


I'm not so sure about pellets less #1, don't mean to make this a duplicate thread or put it into some weird loop, but here is a thread that discusses it:


Basically, I'm just saying that Randy Wakeman makes a good case for #1 Buck and says in there that it is the smallest diameter shot that, from 2¾ shells, penetrate reliably to 12"

But it does go back to what I said previously - for any specialty load I would look at what it does in gel. If it's not penetrating to depths that perforate vital tissue, then you're relying on someother stopping factor (pain, psycological shock or fear) to stop the aggressor, other than depending on disrupting vital tissue.
OK, I was on youtube and saw these shotgun shells called dragons breath.
One of the videos the shooter used them on a manikin.

LOL, you saw the video with the fake Russian who does a lot of products like the AA12 shotgun.

No, the round would not be good for self defense. The fire you see the fake Russian start appears to be a fluid-based fire the way it spread so uniformly. I don't doubt it would catch clothing on fire, but also your house, yard, etc.

Dragon's Breath is exciting for starting bonfires, but not defense unless you are being attacked by zombies soaked in gasoline.

With that said, assuming the round is already legal in your given state, it would be legal for self defense in a situation where lethal force is legitimate. To my knowledge, no states stipulate what types of lethal force are legal for self defense. They simply state what constitutes lethal force and the conditions in which it would be lethal for use in self defense.
The smaller shot, with #2 shot (.15 caliber "Swan Shot" back in the day) being the smallest, would be limited to something like 15 yard maximum Open Cylinder AD which stands for Apartment Defense.


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They would be excellent for home defense, especially with highly flammable curtains. :p

Some posts never cease to amaze me.
PT Barnum would be proud of products like dragons breath, bolo and flechette. They are called novelty rounds for a reason.

flechettes have already been tried by the military.

I am stickin with my double aught buckshot.
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I seem to recall a story of some storyteller telling of his experience with a DB shell.

It was along the lines of the stories of :How to lasso a deer" and "How I tested a stun gun on myself prior to giving it to my wife".

ROTFL at all of them.

My google fu could not find these stories. Can anyone else find them?

Thanks Lee. :)

that was the one I remembered.

(Just noticed our join dates. Did not realize that I had been lurking around like a bad smell for this long.)
Macmuffy, You and lee have been members since Moses was still breaking rocks to build the Sahara for Pharoah!!!:D

Still not as long as the really old guys, like Dave McC. 'Course, I first remember Dave from the old GunSpot forums, where the shotgun forum was moderated by Randy Cain... :D. That was, what, 1997 or so, Dave?

That's a LONG time ago, in Internet years...

Darnfino,Lee. I started on the old Prodigy Network in the 80s. The Shooting Sports BB was modded by E M Count. She was a writer who did some factual stuff on the NYPD as well as fiction. Dean Spier was on there, along with a messa folks like the member now known as Kodiak Beer that are here and on THR now. I helped start the Archery BB and spent lots of time debating some rather loopy Animal Rights Activists.

Gunspot was maybe my fifth BB. I do think you're right about meeting there. Dunno about the date though.
there not good for self defense unless you intend to maim an blind the attacker with a shot in the face.....but the beat all hell scaring animals off of your property at night!!!!
Fire hazard, what fire hazard?

A buddy who lives on a boat east of town was given a dragons breath shell. One night he decided to shoot it off the bow. The creek is about 75 yards or more wide with a little sand beach and scrub brush island on the other side.

He had to take his tender over and stomp out all the fires he started.
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