Doublebarrels OK for informal clay pigeons?

No, informal means a field scarf and tweed jacket will suffice in lieu of coat and tails. :p

In my lexicon, informal clays means a round shot for fun or practice, not score or anything.
The shooting got interesting late in the afternoon at my club.
Trap targets from the Skeet stations and vice versa, and then Stick Birds. Zoom.
Love this thread. Out of curiosity what's a stick bird? Also what is the biggest shot size allowed at your club? around here it's #8's which is kind of disappointing as I use 6's and 5's for pheasant hunting. 8's are ok for skeet as that's what I use for grouse.
Stick birds: Take the longest golf club shaft you can find, put a clip on the end to hold clay pigeons, hand it to the range baseball star. He can throw targets to amazing distances at all sorts of angles.

The ATA maximum shot size is 7 1/2. Proper ranges are laid out so 7 1/2 and smaller will fall on club property. Anything larger would carry over the fence.
I saw a calculation that a properly laid out combination trap and skeet field would hold all the shot on 37 acres.
I think minimum skeet shot size is 9, international 2mm which is a small 9.
There is a pre-made stick thrower that works real well. Saw one years ago where the shaft was a stiff spring. That could fling very fast targets at past 100 yards with the right swing. Lots of fun if you don't have good machines set up.
Never heard of this before. Do you use, say a 6 iron for the less experienced and switch to a 9 for the better shots? Sounds like this could be a sport within a sport.:)
Dan Carlisle, when he used to live in California, had a hand thrower attached to an eight foot fishing rod blank. Those were the fastest targets I ever shot at.
SG choices

In any of these discussions about gun choices, we always read about shooters who use their basic off the rack 870 or Ithaca or Model 12 to best the fellows with the five figure SGs.
More power to them.
I wonder, though, about elite shooters and their choices....Take Kim Rhode for an example....she could shoot any gun she wanted to. She shoots a Perazzi. Why is that? (One reason may be durability. She shoots between 500 and 1000 shells a day every day that she practices.) Perazzi is THE most commonly used SG in Olympic shooting. Why is that when there are so many choices?
Even the German team uses Perazzis.
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I watch her shoot once in a while and she dropped Perazzi for Beretta about a year ago. My guess is it is a professional ($ponsorship) thing and at her level the maker customizes the gun so much it is nearly a one of a kind thing.
B-gun/ P-gun

D100s: thanks for that info. I did not know that she had signed with Beretta.
Now I will have to say that she won all her Olympic medals with a Perazzi. At least until the next Olympics.
I think world class shooters like Mz. Rohde and the late Tom Knapp could shoot a High Point shotgun and make it look good.
I am afraid she would give me some pointers just as she has some of folk. I would be very embarrassed as poorly as I shoot, but I once chatted with her about mainly non gun stuff.
The main reason I shoot trap & skeet is to curtail the disappointed look I get from my Springer when I miss a bird he's worked so hard to flush. It's kind of like I did my job what happened to you.
Would you look at this MONSTER!
I nebver thpught there'd be so many opnions about the topic!
Glad I strted it!
I DO love that little 20 Ga SxS! it is "Me" all over! The dit. being so able to hit with it I never could shoot a Double before). Generally, the gun is "mine"!
I have yet to try many types of loads just to see how it'll do? So many variations to shoot and all change things just a bit!
Back in the 60's I remember learning a Savage 12 ga pump the same way, tayloring loads to suit my wants and just experimenting for the heck pf it!
This little Stoger is a sweetheart!
I wish I'd not have shyed away from 20 gauges years sgo, but you know how youththinks, Bigger is better.
Thanks to all for teaching me and everyone else so much!