Dots, holosights, illuminated scopes and range finders after EMP strike?

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I think the whole point in an above atmosphere blast is so that the blast won't reach the earth. A blast wave on earth is from air being pushed out and pushing on more air. If the blast is in space, there's no air to push, therefore no blast wave.

The EMP comes from radioactive rays knocking elections out of their orbit. All electricity is from electrons being pushed out of their orbits, this is relatively easy in conductive materials. Any matter can conduct if a big enough push is applied to it. I never realized the scale at which this happens until we started discussing it here. So we have an enormous amount of energy causing normally non-conductive matter to shed its electrons. Also the particles are traveling near the speed of light so the E1 pulse that everyone is mentioning is very strong but also happens in a really short duration.
Ricky checking this out, It's a real eye opener:
You can see estimates based on yeld, has as lot of settings to play with.

Short end of it for me at least is Im probably safe from NK.
Largest known weapon they tested was 10kt.. even if we bump it up to 60kt (largest known tested by India) I should be safe.

A 1mt minuteman is where things get dicy for me, if you're not an optimist, although probably survive.
It says largest Chinese ICBM is 5mt Feng-5.. Im more than likely dead, surface, airburst, wont' matter.
a high altitude nuclear detonation. There will be a flash of light. There will not be a blast. There will not be any harmful radiation.

Unless you are in the Space Station, or a high altitude aircraft unlucky enough to be within the range of the effect. No heat, blast or rad effect to people on the ground from an edge of space nuc detonation, but you could be fried if you're up there closer. Since that's not going to be me, or anyone I know, I won't sweat it, much.

Of course you could also make little tin foil hats for your red dots and they will be safe.

Nothing that wears a little tinfoil hat is "safe". :D

I think we're still pretty much protected by the MAD principle, as long as those who could do it are not madmen, or devoted believers in a one true God who will protect them. In order to take out everything we might use to shoot back, they would literally have to EMP the entire world, and that would include themselves. And, if any of our nuc missle subs survived, they would, eventually get targeting orders, even if they had to be hand written and delivered by sailing ship....

Interesting subject, but not one I'm gonna lose sleep over. Pretty sure my old Weaver scopes will still be functional, no matter what level of EMP they endure.
Check out what happens when you nuke LA with a 1mt bomb airbrust,_noharm-100,35&zm=10

Optimized for a 5psi over pressure (most residential buildings destroyed)
Optimal detonation height is 10,240ft.. or about 2 miles.
The Air blast radius is 4.73miles

but check out the much larger thermal radiation (heat) ring
100% probability of 3rd degree burns, 7.57miles radius
Minimum distance for no burns, 17.3 miles.

if it's 2 miles up you're not safe from the heat.

There are no options to select for optimal EMP altitude so maybe that would be higher but can you really imagine an enemy launching a nuke at us and be focused solely with EMP effects?
There are no options to select for optimal EMP altitude so maybe that would be higher but can you really imagine an enemy launching a nuke at us and be focused solely with EMP effects?

The "high altitude" EMP detonation ShootistPRS is talking about is in orbital space, at the edge of, or even outside the atmosphere. This is an ENTIRELY different thing than an airburst at 2 miles up, which is INTENDED to cause destruction on the ground. The edge of space detonation is 10-12 miles higher up, and this distance makes a huge difference.

Yes, I CAN imagine an enemy launching an EMP strike, in fact I can see them doing it, IN PREFERENCE over a conventional airburst or ground burst.

In fact, its almost the perfect strike against a modern enemy. Clean (no fallout), doesn't destroy cities, buildings, or leave large burned, areas. Direct loss of life is virtually zero. (as mentioned, those who need electricity to survive because of a medical condition will die when the power goes away, but the rest of the population will not be physically harmed by the EMP)

It's rather elegant in its own way. With one good "zap" you send your enemy back to 1800s technology, and you do it without destroying cities, or killing people in job lots. NO Hiroshima type effect, or death toll.

IN fact, its quite likely that whomever the target is, the people will be "in the dark" not just because the lights go out, but also about who attacked, where, and why. The WHEN will be obvious, but nothing else, and there will be NO modern communications net to distribute information. What ever we wind up with as a functional government after the ZAP won't even be able to know the will of the people any more rapidly than the pony express can deliver the mail.

Another effect of the ZAP, is that our economy WILL collapse. On the plus side, you won't have to worry about paying your credit card bills for a while, but the down side is any "money" that isn't a physical thing is simply gone.

Billions and billions of dollars will simply cease to exist. Everything in electronic transfer at the time of the ZAP, gone without a trace. Money in banks won't be useful for a while, either, because anything not written on paper will be gone, and without records of who owns what, they can't give out anything to anyone. So forget about taking your money out of the bank, as well, and that's assuming the banks are even open.

So, while a ZAP attack would be a very, very bad thing, it wouldn't leave smoking craters where cities once stood, nor hundreds of thousands of dead and dying as constant reminders. That might be enough to convince some unbalanced fanatic that it would be worth the risk.

Personally, I think anyone who did take the risk would learn what the Japanese learned after Pearl Harbor. That in the end, we don't quit. There would be no negotiated peace, until AFTER the aggressor nation was wrecked, up to and including nuclear fire as a "persuader".

and, then, there is the rest of the world. An EMP strike is still a nuclear attack. Weapon of Mass Destruction. We have treaties, and beyond those we have "gentleman's agreements", and beyond those there is simple self interest, so I doubt the rest of the world would simply sit back and watch. Many would, but some will recognize the necessity of "shooting the mad dog" to preserve themselves.

Again, not something I am personally going to worry about, but something prepper types (who used to be called survivalists) might want to consider.

And paper money won't be worth much, if anything, either.
I just don't see it.. it's almost like you think using a nuke in this way would somehow be devoid of consequences.

First off if someone saw a missile coming they'd launch a counter.
So do you really wanna attack someone like the US with a EMP when you're getting the full Monte in return?
Even if you detonated it 12 miles up you'd still know about it before it actually went off.
12 miles is nothing for a missle to cover they know about them long before then.

Not all electronics are going to fry.. it just ain't gonna happen.
Yes it could/would cause disruptions, The economy would take a hit sure.. it would not collapse.

I see it as a really poor use of a nuke and almost certainly carry deadly consequences for the user.
As a child of the 1960s growing up within 11 miles of a major SAC base, we were frequently put through drills where we would hide under our desks until the all-clear signal was given.

Well, at least that explains your username!!
The bomb can be put in orbit for years before it is detonated. North Korea just put a satellite in orbit last year, it could be a bomb. The satellite can rotate around the earth for days, weeks, months or years before it is detonated. There is no missile to track. There could be multiple warheads in space right now and some could even be ours. There is no way to know that there is a bomb in orbit until it goes off.

Devoid of consequences? No but finding out the origin of the bomb, the state that launched it and the state that set it off might be three different countries. There is simply no way to know who did it until they take the credit, if they take credit for it.
They track satellites in space they need to know where they all are so there is not a collision, along with tracking space debris which can disable satellites.

I would think they'd have a good idea where it came from..

But nukes in orbit like you're talking about is banned by Treaty.
I don't remember the name or who all signed it but Im pretty sure all the big names are on it.

Could someone put one in orbit sure.. any evidence that there is?
They do track satellites for the process of preventing collisions but there have been collisions.
Where it came from, but not where it was made or who sent the last transmission to it.
Banned by a treaty but not signed by all nuclear powers today. Do you really believe that a treaty would stop an enemy from putting a nuke in space?
Evidence? NO! that is the problem. You don't have evidence until it goes off.
Well damn it if we're gonna plan against nukes in space with no evidence there actually are then im making me a super rabies thread.. that's right... Zombies, deal with it :P

I see what you're saying and no it would not stop it but with no evidence it's actually going on I don't think it would be such a flawless plan some thing it would be.

And even if it did happen Im not worried about everything under the sun frying.
But that just me..

Im much more worried about a nuke going off aimed for destruction.
Well ground destruction or not, a nuke going off would be chaos. If a good chunk of the USA is in the dark, with no modern conveniences, we'd go nuts.
The one guy with a working red-dot would be pretty lonely.
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