Door to door massacre in Miami. (Preparation?)

Any discussion on this matter in terms of preparation?

Just how often does this happen in Miami? THIS scenario is an anomaly - plain and simple. If you try to prepare for any and every possible scenario, including natural disasters, zombie apocalypses, etc. you will have wasted your entire life living in a state of fear. That isn't living.......

Be aware, yes; be reasonably prepared for normal situations, absolutely; but trying to determine and prepare for the sky falling is a waste of breath, IMO. I am too busy trying to enjoy what time I have left to spend it living in fear and trepidation while looking for BGs under every bed and behind every bush..... YMMV
But I think there's having a smart plan & being paranoid.
There's a difference between paranoid and prepared. Paranoid is when you're afraid and looking over your shoulder. Prepared is when you don't have to be afraid or look over your shoulder.

I have to wonder if the real paranoid are those who are more afraid of carrying their guns and what it means about them. Didn't Freud have something to say about people afraid of guns?

Because even the slowest person on earth would have had ample time to retrieve a firearm from anywhere in an apartment and been ready to go by the time the bad guy got around to breaking into that apartment. Unless he's Flash Gordon, of course.

This is not even close to accurate. One kick and the door is open and the bad guy is in. If your gun isn't so close that you can grab it while ducking for immediate cover then your gun is useless in a home invasion. On the desk if you've drilled and drilled on ducking under the desk while grabbing and pointing your gun. On your hip is even better.

That's your opinion. I am quite comfortable knowing a firearm is easily accessible from wherever I happen to be at home. I don't need the reassurance of having it resting against my body.

I'd be more comfortable with my gun resting against my body.
I also second Levant.

Plain and simple is it IS faster and more adequate to have the gun on your person. Any way someone tries to justify otherwise, I'm sorry you're incorrect. If that were the case LE officers should have car holsters only. (Mild joke)

"Prepared" & "Paranoid", yes. Two very different things. I laugh, joke, eat, watch movies, talk, an do just about everything normally when my gun is on me. Why does one assume carrying at home means you're shaking in your bones and scared crapless about who's going to come barging in? Is beyond me.

It's an option to retreat out on the street when you're alone. In a car. Even with family. People CC then without thinking. However in your home, your "castle" you have no idea how much you should not retreat then. Like a captain abandoning ship. So why second guess being more prepared at home?

Also, anyone ever had to wake up suddenly from REM sleep, grab their gun and deal with a threat? One word: disoriented. And it sucks. That's just on a general topic. Obviously can't carry when you're asleep. Although I do during hurricanes with the AR by my side. But that's a whole other story.
You're forgetting to throw in my favorite word "helpless" with paranoid and prepared. :D
But I made a mental note as I got out of bed this morning.. in order.. I got up, picked up glasses off nightstand (to make way to contacts eventually) then picked up my gun. Walked to other side of room, put on T-shirt and sweats, put gun in pocket. Picked up phone off bed. Left room to go get morning coffee.. morning routine I do every morning without thinking about it. Paranoid? Nope. Helpless? Far from it.. Prepared? You bet.. Alert and living in reality.. Even more so.
First, as a homeowner, solid doors and locks. Screwed into the studs as previously mentioned Basement door and window are "fortified".

Second, again, I own my own home, a B F D. Or two. My choice, and fortunatly my wifes, is a GSD. His name is Eddie. For no other reason then both of my kids were brought home from the hospital in an Eddie Bauer Explorer. Eddie LOVES those kids.

Third, alarm system, but that can be more of an irratant to a determined BG.

Fourth, firearms are accessible, and I feel my wife or I would have more than enough time to reach them if a break in is attempted. BUT. I am leaning more and more towards 24/7. A man was robbed nearby by a couple of dirtbags that were posing as door to door meat salesmen. I think I need a set of matching Colt Mustangs for my wife and I.
I gotta side with Kraigway here. Sometimes you just have to force the door. In my case it was 24 stories up... a bit difficult to slip a window.