Don't let Bush attack Iran!

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Try telling that to those 52 hostages held for 444 days. A country that attacks your embassy and holds diplomats hostage sure sounds like an enemy.
As the Iranians have proven via what they've published so far of the papers they collected in what the US government euphemistically called an embassy, it was in fact just what the Iranians said it was, a CIA satrapy; those folks could have been put on trial for espionage. Instead, the Iranians milked them for what they were worth, and then released them in relatively good condition.

If you want to tally up the things the US government has done to Iran and juxtapose it with what they've done to the US government, go ahead. I can assure you that they could do a lot more to the the US government before the scales evened out. That they've shown no evidence of doing that shows who's holding the moral high ground here, and it's not the US government.

Someone else mentioned that "you'd believe the Iranian president before you'd believe Bush", and that may be true for certain things. But learn this, governments don't have morals or a consciences, they exist so that the men in them can lie and steal from others; and for little else. The sooner everyone here learns that, the sooner their lives will be enlightened and their worries eased.

What we've been seeing and hearing from the US government re: Iran being a threat to America is such a colossally big lie that I think it'd make Joseph Goebbels green with envy.

Oh, and I see Pangloss has posted again.
But learn this, governments don't have morals or a consciences, they exist so that the men in them can lie and steal from others; and for little else. The sooner everyone here learns that, the sooner their lives will be enlightened and their worries eased.

I love it. Pat'll learn ya, and your life will then be "enlightened"!

I feel enlightened already. :D
"In retrospect, the United States sponsored coup d'etat in Iran of August 19, 1953, has emerged as a critical event in postwar world history. The government of Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddeq which was ousted in the coup was the last popular, democratically oriented government to hold office in Iran."

Bringing democracy to the world , eh?

We have an enemy. It's called RADICAL ISLAM, and it needs to be exterminated completely


You've gone far beyond politically incorrect and have traversed well into the realm of bigotry







Hmmm… OK, is it just me or is there a disconnect here?
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