Don't let Bush attack Iran!

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"They are only enriching the uranium to about 4% purity, they would need to clean it up much more (80% or higher) if they wanted to build a bomb."

But once you have reactor grade uranium, you can run the reactor for a while, then process the fuel to extract plutonium.
Plutonium extraction is done by chemical processes, not isotope separation.

Remember the North Koreans?
They seemed willing to shut down their reactor after it had been running and cut a deal with Slick Willie for fuel oil.
They needed to let the reactor fuel cool off before they could try and process it to extract the plutonium. The really short lived stuff is the real danger, so let it dissipate to a lower level to simplify handing. We do the exact same thing.

Once they have an up and running reactor blowing the thing up produces a host of contamination problems.
When ever I feel like I need a good laugh I stop in and read this thread.

Really I shouldn’t be laughing. This is just another glaring indicator of just how much trouble we are in.
I'm surprised that the government has not drafted some of the posters for critical government positions.With their ability to clearly see the big picture and understand complex geopolitical relationships,histories and futures beyond the grasp of the ordinary man,they would be invaluable.

I guess if blogdom says it,it must be true.
Ah, the implied "those in government know more than the rest of us" theory.

The fact of the matter is that anyone with a high school diploma and an IQ in the low triple digits can know exactly what the government knows if not more. Anyone that's been an analyst with either a civilian intellegence agency or in the military knows that most intelligence data is gathered from public sources. Today, anyone can be an intelligence analyst, all you need do is be well read, and read widely. In fact, you should become an intelligence analyst to enable you to cut through government lies, from whatever source.
But Iran held a candlelight vigil! What about that?!?
In fact, there were candlelight marches all across Iran, they weren't held, they were spontaneous.

And according to Iran's 'enlightened' leader,
The so-called Iranian leader, Ahmadinejad, isn't the power center in Iran. In fact, he has absolutely no control over the Iranian military. That power is held elsewhere. We might revise our own government along those lines.

Iran doesn't have homosexuals there. Well, not after they stone the homosexuals to death, anyway. That's Iran's 'final solution' for that "phenomenon". Wonder if they've also held a candlelight vigil for the murdered homosexuals?
You holding a lot of candlelight vigils for dead gays are you?
I haven't seen any proof that they are building nuclear bombs and I really doubt that they are trying to. They are only enriching the uranium to about 4% purity, they would need to clean it up much more (80% or higher) if they wanted to build a bomb.

It is cheaper for Iran to buy enriched uranium from foreign sources than to refine it themselves for electric power. There really is only one logical reason Iran is investing in uranium enrichment facilities, although bright lights do have something to do with it.

Ahmadinejad is not the actual leader of Iran. The person who really controls Iran is Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. This person has issued a fatwa saying that
"the production, stockpiling and use of nuclear weapons are forbidden under Islam" and "Iran shall never acquire these weapons".

Also, when Ahmadinejad spoke at Columbia University he said

"I think the politicians who are after atomic bombs or are testing them, making them -- politically they are backward, retarded."

I really don't think he would be saying that if the leader of Iran's armed forces (Khamenei) was building them.

Those two are like peas in the pod you know. They'll make sure to tell the same lies to the rest of the world.

Besides, if they did want to make nuclear bombs, they wouldn't make it so obvious that they were doing it. They would do it in secret and they would deny it in public.

So you list their public denials and then go so far as to believe them? :confused: Besides, they ARE trying to build a nuke in secret. We know they want to build a nuke because certain tools just scream "Nuclear Bomb Kit!".

Case in point: N. Korea consistently worked on nuclear weapons and frequently signed agreements to cease and desist. Then they went right back to building nukes after each and every agreement not to build nukes. The diplomats failed to apply inductive reasoning to the process of N. Korean agreements to stop trying to build nukes.

The key reasoning the diplomats did not do is this: The N. Korean leadership had decided (in the 1970s I believe) that, no matter what, having nuclear weapons was in the best interests of the N. Korean regime. No means to this end was unjustified in their eyes. The only way to stop them was to kill them, and that's not a diplomatic solution.

Even if they were building them, they wouldn't give it to a terrorist. If they were going to do something like that they would have already done it. They have the capability to make biological and chemical weapons and they may already have them.

If Iranians knew they could issue a nuke to terrorists to set off in any nation they don't like, they have a really big stick in their hands. They don't really have to give a nuke to terrorists to cause big problems for the interests of pretty much the world outside of Iran; they just have to present a crebible nuclear threat. A working Iranian nuke will do that.
In regards to Pat H's last post, please see mine a bit above. :rolleyes:

They don't even know they've been fooled, and that's the saddest part...This is a VERY sneaky enemy, very deceitful, very able to convince people that they believed all along what they're being fooled into believing. It's how they operate.

See "cult recruitment". It's been VERY effective. Such as this patently ironic image:


As if you were supposed to forget:


Which, I suppose, people have.
I haven't seen any proof that they are building nuclear bombs and I really doubt that they are trying to.

Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean the intelligence community hasn't.

As I recall the intelligence community had seen all the evidence that Saddam had WMDs. Only they had downloaded some cr@p off the internet and re-packaged it as top class irrefutable intel.
Iran isn't an enemy nation to America, never was, isn't now, and unless the US government, in direct opposition to the majority of Americans, attacks Iran; they're not likely to be in the future.

If you want an enemy nation, you don't have to travel half way around the globe, there's one just south of our southern border who's staging an unarmed invasion of America NOW.

Some folks just need an enemy, so there you go.
Also take into account that their own writings say that lying while in battle is perfectly acceptable.
:rolleyes: Wanna get off your little anti-islam high horse? You make the rest of us look bad.

As I recall the intelligence community had seen all the evidence that Saddam had WMDs. Only they had downloaded some cr@p off the internet and re-packaged it as top class irrefutable intel.
True. I'm not saying that anything the intelligence community has said should be taken as gospel, merely pointing out that just because the original poster himself hasn't seen any evidence does not mean there isn't plenty out there.
We have an enemy. It's called RADICAL ISLAM, and it needs to be exterminated completely wherever it is, and among whomever gives it shelter. Anyone who endorses, promotes, or supports it needs to excised from the human race without emotion, just as one would remove an infection.

How's that? Un-PC enough?
I don't give a frak about PC. You've gone far beyond politically incorrect and have traversed well into the realm of bigotry. Its hatred like yours of something you don't understand that gives antis fuel against us and stereotypes us as a bunch of racist rednecks.
Well, excuse me for wanting to WIN a war instead of being exterminated by a repressive 7th century regime that would execute all gays, subjugate all women, and basically destroy everything civilization has built. :rolleyes:

Your sort is just so patently...blind, that I can't fathom it. EVERY first-world nation is that of Western civilization. EVERY fundamentalist Islamic state is a filthy pesthole of repression! No skyscrapers, no high-tech, no advanced science, just sectarian violence, suicide bombers, people screaming and killing and rioting about music and art and women with their heads uncovered. It's TRASH. And when they move into another nation, THAT place becomes a repressive pesthole too! For heaven's sake, LOOK at Thailand! There were just videos released of radical Islamist jihadis laughing as they cut off a man's genitals and then head! That's not even human!

I was just listening to a BBC interview with a soldier who was in Fallujah, who had to go into a house where the jihadists were chanting their prayers over and over and over and over in a drone, allahu akbar, allahu akbar, watching him come in in bits of broken mirror they'd arranged to watch the door, waiting to try to kill him. Radical Islam is a CULT that has nothing to do with "mainstream" Muslims, and your sort is not seeing it, or its spread!

You want to lower your head for the axe, go RIGHT ahead. But don't think that others won't be fighting instead.
Try telling that to those 52 hostages held for 444 days. A country that attacks your embassy and holds diplomats hostage sure sounds like an enemy.

Pat H states the incredible:

Iran isn't an enemy nation to America, never was, isn't now, and unless the US government, in direct opposition to the majority of Americans, attacks Iran; they're not likely to be in the future.

Perhaps I should include this in my sig so I don't have to repeat it every time you pretend I made an argument that only exists in your head:

1. Read.
2. Comprehend.
3. Post.

I have never suggested bowing my head to anyone. I would gladly let you wallow in your own ignorance if not for the fact that people like you make those of us with a modicum of sense and rationale look like a bad stereotype. You are more dangerous to our guns than any Brady Campaign paper-pusher.
I remember Tariq Aziz making statement after statement to the media that was absolutely preposterous.Such as enemy forces being stopped at the border as they were pulling down the statue of Sadam.The truth meant nothing to him.

What is funny about some of this bunch is that they call everything Bush says a lie,but they are perfectly willing to believe Ahamdinejad.

Aziz BTW was a Christian.
Good pics, Manedwolf. I don't suppose many have seen the Alfred Hitchcock movie Sabotage. I don't want to spoil it, but it includes a child with a bomb and a double decker bus - and it was made in 1936. The Brits sure have changed since then.
Worlds tallest buildings.

Your sort is just so patently...blind, that I can't fathom it. EVERY first-world nation is that of Western civilization. EVERY fundamentalist Islamic state is a filthy pesthole of repression! No skyscrapers, no high-tech, no advanced science, just sectarian violence, suicide bombers, people screaming and killing and rioting about music and art and women with their heads uncovered. It's TRASH. And when they move into another nation, THAT place becomes a repressive pesthole too!

I hope you were being sarcastic because if you check this wiki page you will see several of the worlds tallest buildings are in muslim countries.
Try telling that to those 52 hostages held for 444 days. A country that attacks your embassy and holds diplomats hostage sure sounds like an enemy.
While those actions are certainly inexcusable it's understandable that some folks in Iran have seen America as an enemy ever since their democratically elected government was overthrown by..........
The fact of the matter is that anyone with a high school diploma and an IQ in the low triple digits can know exactly what the government knows if not more.

Cool, tell us whats in Area 51. Also, please pinpoint the location of each and every Iranian nuclear facility, including those with the capability to produce fissionable materials. Finally, I'm dying to know the present location of Irans armored vehicles.

The government wont tell me that, I therefore defer to you. O what, you cant tell us that...gee whillikers, just another drive by post from you huh.

Wildohandwhatdidisraeltakeoutinsyriaagain?Alaska TM
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