Dog The Bounty Hunter...

Didn't he have to appear in court or something down there in Mexico, and then he just skipped it and came back to the states? I heard that somewhere so don't quote me. As for the show, I like it it's something to watch. TiVo comes in handy around here.
I saw one episode where some locals stood up to them, they sprayed pepper spray all over the place, and ran screaming like little girls.
That was enough for me. :rolleyes:

I stand corrected.

Thanks, that at least explains some of what I've seen.

Well I guess if they can repo cars, they can repo people.
I watch the show ocasionally and don't mind it for entertainment.

You have to realize that they are setting themselves up by giving bond to high risk meth users and the like. They will catch a guy and tell him not to do drugs then bond him out again. Every episode they give the 'prisoners' cigarettes and right before they drop them off say, "You shouldn't do drugs, its bad, we will try to get you out tommorow, I know jail isn't fun, I've been there bra." If they get to know the bail jumpers in that short time they will be one step up when they have to catch them again.

Most of the "team" if you call it that have criminal/drug backgrounds and can't own firearms anyway. Going after drug addicts that have been up for 5 days I would want something more than OC. Who knows, all the chemicals in meth they may be resistant to it :p

The show gives a bad name to a profession that is already seen as less than honorable.
i'm in bail enforcement, and i have to say that show is crap. i tend to think it is set up sometimes too. theyre have been a few episodes i've seen where some of the crew carry pistols, and then sometimes they don't. i think the worst thing about that show is not just that it makes the bail enforcement profession look bad...'bounty hunter' already has a negative connotation, but that it made this line of work known. before this show, i'd bet that most criminals dumb ebough to skip bail did not really know there would be non-police out to get them too. when most people skip bail they tend to avoid police so much that they end up walking right into a bounty hunter's trap...but whatever. even if i am wrong about all else

i cant stand that stupid outfit hes wearing. white trash (im white too).
I find the show amusing, although I've only seen it a couple of times.
Regardless of his past, he seems to be catching bad guys. I think that's a good thing. He's a goofball for sure, but why would someone want to make a TV show about someone with little or no personality?
41 spl and atw 525 made some good points.

I'm pretty surprised he/they (Dog & co) have not been shot so far. And I must admit I would feel little sympathy for them if it happened. Anyone that looks like (is?) a scroungy low life and tries to force their way into someones house IS a legitimate target. If they want to project an image of a professional, they should clean up a little. Maybe that's their "camo" (to look scroungy), but it seems like more of a liabilty than anything.

If they were carrying weapons it would seem an invitation to disaster.

I predict they would not make it very long in the rural mountain states.
The so-called "Dog" is a convicted felon, though like most convicted felons, he claims innocence.

He is also a weenie. Yes, there I said it, WEENIE.

I am wondering why, if he is so tough, he let his son get the snot beat out of him by 3 people while he ran like a sissie to his wife's truck?????

I only watch the show by accident.
I am wondering why, if he is so tough, he let his son get the snot beat out of him by 3 people while he ran like a sissie to his wife's truck?????

I watch the show from time to time just for kicks, and that episode did blow me away.

For those of you not having seen it ... the dog crew left a vehicle parked in front of a guys house (unassociated with the fugitive), and he was trying to go to work.

The guy was a relative low life, but he and his family took serious umbrage at the blocked driveway and yelled at them to move them.

Instead of just apologizing and moving the vehicle Dog and his bunch started talking trash, and the guy didn't take kindly to that, either. He and his friends/family decided to make them back up the trash talk with action, and the next thing you know there's pepper spray going all over the place and cars geting kicked and Dog's son on the ground getting pummeled.

Basically, dog and his crew got whupped up on. And after talking all that trash, they just jumped into their damaged trucks and ran for their lives.

Can't believe how tough one guy was, though. He got nailed with a whole can of pepper spray foam and kept on coming.

Goes to show that pepper spray may be effective to give you a better chance to defend yourself (i.e. this guy probably couldn't see or breathe well) but even with a huge can coving him he didn't lose a step and collided with and wrapped up the guy doing the spraying.

If you pepper spray someone, don't expect them to just go down. If they're tough enough and mad enough, they'll keep coming. Probably the same goes for a few rounds from a handgun if they don't hit just right.
and the next thing you know there's pepper spray going all over the place and cars geting kicked and Dog's son on the ground getting pummeled.
But when it was all over, the son did state they were hitting him like "sissies." :rolleyes:

The part I like is when Dog is explaining why they ran, he states that if they had been armed with real firearms, someone would have been shot. He's preaching as though he doesn't like firearms and is going into these dangerous situations unarmed because he's tough. Doesn't mention that as a convicted felon, he can't go armed.