Dog Defense?

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Three times.

One while walking down the road after hunting with my 357 for woodchucks. Three dogs came down from a barn, the farmer was on the porch watching. I bet he thought it funny. I pulled out the 357 and loaded it. He yelled, "You better not shoot them dogs!" I yelled back, "You better call them off!" He didn't. One was a big shepherd that came at me with teeth snarled and growling. 357 took care of that, the farmer never left the porch.

The second time I was in a ditch about waist deep cutting roots with an axe. I heard the other guys yell, "Garry, look out!" I turn and see this big dog coming at me. I hit it across the back with that axe and severed its spine.

The third time was on my parents property. The guy across the street had a pit/chow mix. He would let it run loose and chase people. It had run my sick mother into the house, that almost killed her. I told him if I saw that dog on my property again I would kill it on sight. Some time later I was walking up from the creek. I had my Super Blackhawk on me. Here came this dog right at me. I shot that piece of crap, and then realized the neighbor was watching. He got cited for his loose dog after he called the sheriff.

I won't give a person that is going to attack me any quarter, why would I do it for someones viscous dog. If I perceive that I'm about to be attacked I kill it, no questions asked or hesitation taken.
Let me get this straight--if a dog charges you you're going to blast them--regardless of whether or not the dog is simply "testing?" Many dogs are "watchdog" types--they instinctively will guard the border of a property and feint an attack without actually doing it.
Funny... I've heard of cases where people did really bad things to people over harm to their dogs. From major destruction of property, to physical assaults....

There are times when shooting might be necessary, but it should be a last resort. The legal line is more forgiving than the line for shooting people would be, but the repercussions aren't necessarily limited to what the law might do.

Probably a good thing that farmer didn't have a deer rifle handy, or your .357 vs German Shepherd story might have had a different outcome.

Look also at the Fish case. He was eventually acquitted on appeal, but that was a case of warning shots vs dog, and look how that owner (not a stable person in the first place) reacted, and what happened.

Internet posturing often ignores what can happen in the real world.

And saying you wouldn't give a person any quarter could come back to bite you, hard, if any SD shooting were ever remotely questionable. Predisposition to execute an attacker... he said it right here, your honor.
Let me get this straight--if a dog charges you you're going to blast them--regardless of whether or not the dog is simply "testing?" Many dogs are "watchdog" types--they instinctively will guard the border of a property and feint an attack without actually doing it.

I'm not on another persons property, I'm in a public place or my families property. I'm not going too wait to see if it is "testing" me anymore than if it's a gang banger "testing" me. If it is testing me to see what I'll do, it will get the results of that test forthwith.

I got chewed up by a dog as a young kid on a public street, never again.
What about those dog whistles? Do they actually work?

As I type this, my dog is chewing on the toe of my sock. With my foot still in it no less...
I recently spoke to my next door neighbor about one of his three large dogs he lets run free. As long as they do no harm most people don't mind... this is a rural community and all the loosed dogs help keep feral hogs and coyotes away. The female has always been a bit more aggressive than the two males but for a few days she charged with bared teeth with far more intent to attack.

I told my neighbor that I don't want to harm his dog but will defend myself if I must. He agreed and understood that the female is more aggressive. He knows I carry a big stick and a 9mm and will use either if need be. I gave him a choice of stung gun or pepper spray if I need to use a little more force than waving the stick. He picked pepper spray... so I explained the possible issues with his kids touching the dog(s) should they get peppered. I said I'd tell him or his wife if they're home or leave a note on his gate if they're not.

Fortunately, his dogs have settled down to normal again. I hope they stay that way because I don't want to hurt them. Don't misunderstand me... I'll blow their brains if if I must. I just don't want to.
It's time, I guess. Just about everything constructive that can be said, has been said, and as in most of these doggy threads, emotions are beginning to run high.

It was inevitable, so let's end this while it's still more or less on a positive note.

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