Dog Defense?

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A number of years ago, had a neighbor who raised and showed Norwegian Elkhounds, . . . and did quite well at it.

She ALWAYS kept a plastic squeeze bottle in her hip pocket, . . . half water, and half ammonia.

She would spray a rag from her belt with it and throw in on any offending dog that wanted to bite, fight, or just cause trouble.

End of problem.

I don't know all the psychology or chemistry involved, . . . but it worked for her and she was a professional dog showing person (whatever you call them).

It is my choice if I would be in any situation where I would be fearful of dogs.

May God bless,
I carry bear spray and either a 44 magnum or 10mm.
I have used the bear spray 4 times in the last 4 years
on large aggressive dogs. It worked great every time.
Haven't had to shoot one in at least 6 years. Dog owners
frown on shot dogs and don't seem to mind that their
dogs get peppered, now and then.:D
Pepper spray is illegal here concealed firearms are illegal. So that leaves your boot. But i must say its not a problem i or any one i know has come up against.
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Yes you are allowed a big stick. As long as you dont hit anyone with it.
So you couldn't hit a dog? Could you at least menace it, and make it think you could?

If so, that is much better than a boot. At least, the results aren't as immediately bad, if the dog bites the offending object.
Could do. The fact that i am 50 and have never being attacked by a dog its not top on my list of things to worry about. If i was concerned about getting attacked by a dog a walking stick with a heavy end on it would do the job.

PS. Had to look up shillelagh knew it was a stick of some sort.
And you being a son of Ireland, and all... begorrah...

Anyway, the OP just had a friend and neighbor attacked by a dog, so it's a more acute concern for him.
A walking stick has always worked for me. There's very few dogs that haven''t been hit with a stick during their lives, and they know that a stick can hurt them. Facing them, and standing your ground can go a long way too. They can sense fear.
Thanks guys. My friend is sore today and doin well. She wants to learn more about the pepper spray.

I am curious if anyone knows how well an OC Gel works? The reason I say this is because it is also good for people. Gel is more of a contact type, and not really inhaled, but it is very easy to aim.

I am also going to recomend a stick. I actually do have access to cattleprods, having been on dozens of cow calls in my life. I have even been zapped a few times with them.
IMHO a large number of vicious dogs are actually afraid of people and attack in self defense regardless of what you may be doing. They feel threatened. If you react in a non threatening way with a calm firm voice most attacks can be avoided. There is also the occasional dog that has been beaten or abused and wants to bite anyone.
sneaky little @$%^ nipped me in the heel

I was walking along when a sneaky little appetizer snuck up and nipped me. Then backed off and sat there, with what I strongly believe was a mocking, sneering expression. I ran at it, sort of a bluff charge to chase it back to its yard (where its owners were watching). Dog called my bluff, in mid-stride I changed from bluff charge to real intent, visualizing it going through the uprights. When I got a few strides away it's eyes gogged and it sprinted home.

"You should control your dog."

"That's not our dog."

I just stared a moment. It looked to you for shelter, didn't it? Didn't pursue it. It was gratifying to see canine smug turn to abject terror.

I know, I know, 'cool story, bro'
She would spray a rag from her belt with it and throw in on any offending dog that wanted to bite, fight, or just cause trouble.

Yeah, I suspect even a dilute solution of ammonia will destroy the eyes ... I think it might hurt if it gets into the eyes.
Lhotse is a 30 lb Tibetan Terrier--so named because the breed comes from the Himalaya; Lhotse being the third highest mountain in the world. I also have a female named Jannu. They are used by Buddhist monks as watchdogs in the Lamaseries and they will always know what's going on in and around the home. Incredible dogs with generally a benevolent loving temperament for the "home pack", but a bit of maintenance as the have extremely thick and long double coats to deal with some of the most extreme winter conditions on earth. Although the breed is fairly small to medium in size, they generally have a boxy head with very powerful jaws and long fangs and will give most dogs of any size a run for their money except the breeds that are purposefully trained as attack dogs. My attitude about that is owning an attack dog involves just as much responsibility--maybe more--as does owning firearms. Attack dogs are almost always a dead giveaway for drug dealers in the areas I live in.
Stonewall50 said: I am curious if anyone knows how well an OC Gel works? The reason I say this is because it is also good for people. Gel is more of a contact type, and not really inhaled, but it is very easy to aim.

Gel won't work well on animals because you have to be exact in your aim, which is hard to do when they are charging you. Dogs need a full nostril shot to make them get the point and a fog works best. Watch this quick video of a pitbull stop on a dime with a fog spray ... hard to do this with a gel on a charging dog.

Pit Bull Sprayed with Bear Spray
Thanks cat. That was what I was thinking. OC gel works great on people because of the skin burn and all of that. It is also easy to aim and blows back less.

I just bought some muzzle to test fire and I am probably going to get her a can as a present.
Sorry for the long post, but I'd just say be careful making assumptions as to what is "enough" for defense against any animals that might be hostile or rabid, whether it be dog, bear, chupacabra or whatever else is out there. I've seen a rabid dog take 00 buckshot and keep coming strong, I think of it like the superman effect some drugs can give people.

I had a rabid dog charge me once and a point blank (literally within 5-10 feet) 12 gauge 00 shot didn't seem to even get the dogs' attention. If it weren't for the fact that it could barely walk after the shot, let alone charge me, I fully believe that dog would've had me. The dog ended up being put down by a .22 through the skull, but upon examination the shotgun blast had done considerable damage to the vital area, in addition to severe damage to two of it's legs.

Not trying to be morbid with the details, but it amazed me how much that dog was able to take without going down. After the shot I took, it continued towards another person (the one with the .22) and absorbed a number of hollowpoint rounds all to the head and neck region before one finally hit the right spot and dropped it.

If I was specifically looking for a non-firearm defense to use against dogs and such, I wouldn't settle for less than the bear pepper spray. FWIW we weren't out hunting dogs or anything, that particular dog had broken in to our chicken pen and had killed over 12 of them. When we went to investigate the noises, the dog charged from inside the pen. Examining the pen after the fact it looked like the dog had chewed through the wire fencing to get in.

When we contacted animal control they told us that they had been looking for that dog for several weeks because of similar incidents and that the dog had already been shot before. Dogs in general are awesome and I love them, but rabid dogs are a completely different animal.
You should know that "Muzzle" and "Halt" and the like are much weaker than OC sprays designed for use against humans. I personally prefer the stream sprays over the fogs just for reason of wind. You can always spray an area with it, and the range is better to deter a dog that stops just short on a charge.

Right now I use MSI 10% spray in a flip top canister. I keep it in my EMS gear ar work just for dogs.
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