Dog Attack

Just FYI:

Ammonia reacts with bleach and releases chlorine gas, which is colorless, odorless and seriously poisonous. This is not something you want to carry around in a plastic spray bottle.


The gun you surrender will be melted down to form the chains you will wear from then on.
Spadone : Re your dog question. My experience
with dangerous canines has largely been during my tenure as a cop, a few years ago.
My first line of defense, generally, was an
"Asp" baton across the nose or to the dogs'legs (even BIG dogs have a lot of exposed bone - works well. I never had to shoot a dog and I would reiterate what another person wrote not run from a pissed-off dog. Try to maintain a "face-to-face" encounter. Last suggestion, if you do not have some sort of baton-type weapon or do not feel comfortable punching a dog : if it's a male and you are so unlucky as to have an arm in its mouth, the ntry with all that is within you to grab his family jewels and have at it...he is sure to detract.
When I go walking I carry a 5 foot oak walking stick. Once when my dog was a puppy the neighbor's big German Shepherd came after him. So I took a 2 handed stance and tapped the Shepherd on the side of the head hard enough to turn him around in mid jump...I guess he weighted about 80-100 pounds and as hairy as he was his head was the optimum target. It left a big welp on the side of his head but except for a markedly improved attitude didn't permanently change him. He never tried to hurt the puppy again for sure. :D

"Facts are meaningless. You can use facts to prove anything that's even remotely true."
Homer Simpson... but attributed to Algore.

Just for the record, we humans have almost the same psi in our bite as do wolves and great white sharks. What makes the big difference is the shape of our teeth and how our jaws work. That's not to say that I'm going to stick my arm in a sharks jaws while I flip out the spyderco and gut him. :)

The best weapon for self defense is the one you have when the need arises!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Steel:
Spadone : Re your dog question. My experience
with dangerous canines has largely been during my tenure as a cop, a few years ago.
My first line of defense, generally, was an
"Asp" baton across the nose or to the dogs'legs (even BIG dogs have a lot of exposed bone - works well. I never had to shoot a dog and I would reiterate what another person wrote not run from a pissed-off dog. Try to maintain a "face-to-face" encounter. Last suggestion, if you do not have some sort of baton-type weapon or do not feel comfortable punching a dog : if it's a male and you are so unlucky as to have an arm in its mouth, the ntry with all that is within you to grab his family jewels and have at it...he is sure to detract.

um ... so what happens when the dog is a female?
Good point on the female dog issue. I am aligned with others in my opinion(in addition to the nose and leg weaknesses I mentioned previously)that the stomach is also a male/female dog that is sensitive. Cut, grab, etc., this soft tissue.
A shot into the ground helped me

Answering the question which I had asked myself before: I'd cut and stab the dogs throat until it stops moving. This is the only part in your reach in the situation described which is vital and not covered by ribs or skull.

Recently I walked in a park. 5 dogs (2 big, 3 medium sized) ran towards me. No owners in side, no lashes... I stopped. After the dogs were 30yds close, I pulled my 9mm and checked out where I could fire a safe warning-shot into. There was plain lawn beside my path. The dogs ran closer. As they were 5yds before me I fired. :)

I didn't even fire in the direction of the dogs, but right into the lawn at my side. The dogs virtually truned 180° in a split second and dashed away.

Take care.
lots of good advice here, first thing you have to realize is dogs are VERY tuff... we used to have english bull dogs.. these dogs were bred to kill bulls.. a dogs skull structure is much stronger than ours.. and as others have mentioned their upper torso area is very strong... ive seen one of our bulldogs get hit by a truck fly about 25 feet land and tumble another 20 feet.. and just get up and walk away and coughed to catch her breath.. most humans would have serious damage and possibly die from such a blow from a full sized truck.. all together their much stronger than a human... they have less weak spots than we do, and as i mentioned their skull is VERY strong... you can strike a dog in the skull with a blunt object hard enough to kill a human and have almost no effect on the dog.. your best bet is to think like a dog... dogs work on pack order and submit under certain conditions... if the dog is on your right arm.... grab its throat with your left arm and force it to the ground.... once your on top of him your showing that you are dominant and grabbing the throat is instinct for them as it should be for you against a dog... dogs kill by grabbing the throat of their prey... lay on top of the animal and choke him til hes about to die... then release him and see what happens.... he will most likely go away... youve proven to be the bigger stronger dominant dog... however the best way to end the attack is to shoot it before it gets to you... this is perfectly legal and is the fault of the owners... which you can sue them even if the dog never made it close enough to harm you... you can sue them for negligence... dogs have killed many people and your well within your rights to kill one thats ready to attack... i would have no second thoughts about putting a bullet in the head of a charging rott or any breed for that matter.... good luck and when faced by a dog think like a dog =)
Dog on weak arm.

Once the dog has my arm, I am shooting it.

My parents own a full-blooded German Shepard that likes to play rough. She is very fond of nipping at arms/hands.
I have found punching in the ribs/stomach firmly to be effective if dog is playful, so maybe punching full force would be effective for attack?

If a knife is all that is available, I would stab at the stomach/lower chest near the sternum. (I am feeling my Springer Spaniel's chest area as I type this). They seem to have a very soft area under the sternum that would give access to the heart/lungs if stabbed at an upward angle. THis seems to be a bit too complex to remember during an attack, but it is an option if you can keep your cool. If not, slashing the midsection would seem effective as other vitals are located there. Also, wife just pointed out that genitals may be an effective stopper, probably more for males than females.
Years ago I was attacked by a Labrador which was wearing a collar, I managed to grab the collar and litterally lift the dog while twisting the collar. The animal did lose consiousness (or at least close enough), and the owner came and yelled at me! So I guess my tactic would be to go for the collar if it has one, otherwise get a grip around the neck, and with the knife go for a throat cut. Dogs go for the throat, so I suppose I should also.
If you are attacked by a large dog and would rather fight it than run try and grab his jaw and top muzzle, he will thrash his head violently but I think that the average man is strong enough to hold it, now the thing is you better do something to put him out "like break his neck or suffocate him" because if you let go before hes out you got problems.

I discovered this wrestling with my dogs. I have a black lab and an Alaskan Malamute that weighs 140 lbs and hes not fat. Also if you jab your thumb as far back on the tongue as you can go "and I mean hard" it wiLL cause them to gag. also show the dog you are the boss, stare him down and act like you have the power to kill him and most of the time the dog will submit.
another 2 cents worth here......

If a dog would find me in his sights and I wasn't armed or felt that a firearm wasn't the answer for safety or other reasons here is my plan....

1. Stay in a position head on with the animal
2. If you can reach or have any object to help in the fight make it ready.
example,,, stick, rock, car keys, leather belt, jacket, lawn chair.......anything you can use to protect yourself.
3. If you can use your voice in hopes to get support to your fight...and maybe the owner will hear what is going on. The animal might understand your going to kick it's butt if it continues it's actions.
4. I was near a vehicle when I was charged so I jumped on the hood and maintained a height distance and advantage of the high ground. The dog wasn't able to reach me. At that point I raised all hell until the owner came out and pulled his dog back home.
5. If all above have failed and your now into it with the dog...... as with a lot of creatures it's nose is very good spot to put a hurting. As all are aware the sharp teeth are darn close to the nose so don't hang out in this area. Make the punch or jab with your closed fist fast and deliberate. The animals eyes are another spot of good target to slow or stop his attack.
6. Stay positive and stay eye to eye....dont turn your back, dont run away and if you slip and fall get up instantly and continue the fight. Don't forget your the human and your way smarter than an animal so think about what you are doing or will do.... DON'T CORNER THE ANIMAL OR YOU WILL TURN HIM INTO MORE OF A WOLVERINE THAN A DOG...... now he is what you were previous......and will fight a heck of a lot harder.
7. If you were the victim of his teeth get medical attention NOW....... as most know bites from humans, cats and dogs.....and any animal are able to kill you in a short time because of the bacteria in the siliva.
8. Your life is priceless.......the animal is a small dollar amount if any.... don't feel bad if you have to dispatch (KILL) it. Don't give it a second thought...... survive and if later your in court you have to deal with the dumb owner than that means you survived and that is the whole purpose........ GOOD LUCK
LMAO Frank...
can't let the girlfriend see that one...

If a dog has you by the arm, either strong or weak, take your other hand Put your thumb in one eye, and your middle finger in the other and pick the head up like a six pack. Warning you can get your fingers broke this way as the dog thrashes around, but it will make the dog release.

This also works good on two legged attackers....
I have been in this situation, and my advise is shoot it now, and shoot it until it stops moving. Now if you are a big burly young man in good health, you may be able to wrestle a dog around for awhile, but most people do not realize how horribly aggressive, and god-awful violent and strong a big dog, like a rottweiler can be. Kill it....kill it as fast as you can to minimize the damage to yourself....don't be alive....
I know this sounds disgusting, but I had a dog trainer tell me to jam your finger or thumb into the dogs anus. :barf: :barf: :barf: I have been attacked three times- one got a 115gr. silvertip, one got a 180gr. 10mm corbon, the other got a face full of halt dog spray.
I've been attacked a few times, here's what I came up with

As far as lifting the back legs, male dogs have a convient handle if you can get to it :eek:

If it is a frontal attack and you have no other choice.
Give the dog the arm which should be up anyway protecting your face and throat.
As he takes your arm lift the dog up off the ground by the back of the neck with your free hand along with the arm that's in the dog's mouth.
Drive forward and down to the ground with the dog landing flat on his back and your knee in it's chest and your bitten arm driving forward into the dog's mouth possibly dislocating his jaw.
If done with the proper amount of fear and adrenaline it will successfully thwart a wolf hybrid attack

The best possible way is to have something like a purse or length of hose or something similar that he can bite , hold onto and thrash around while you hold onto it
If his mouth is occupied you will satisfy his bite instinct while you back away to safety (hopefully)

Or use the hose to wrap around his neck lift him up and kick hell outta his nads and stomach. This method done properly has detered a determined large mutt attack
The suggestion to carry a bottle with ammonia & bleach is a deadly suggestion, . . . deadly for the carrier. The gas produced is phosgene, not chlorine, and one good lung full can produce permanent lung damage. More than one lung full can be fatal. Do not do this!!!!!

Many dog owners, trainers, and show persons do carry a small bottle of ammonia and water mixture. They douse a rag with it and throw it on the closest of two dogs fighting, . . . 99% of the time it stops the fight.

I used a balloon with water & ammonia once on a dog that chased my bicycle. It hit the blacktop and splashed on him just a little bit. He never chased me again.

May God bless,
ammonia & bleach when mixed prduce chlorine gas.
2(parts)NaOCl + 2NH3 --> 2NaONH3 + Cl2

Phosgene gas is a gas that was used in WWI. and is very damaging, it is encountered when plastics burn.